» Adventure » The Other Kids by Ashley SIlvernail (motivational books to read txt) 📕

Book online «The Other Kids by Ashley SIlvernail (motivational books to read txt) 📕». Author Ashley SIlvernail

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Chapter 1: The Spirit

I was alone on my bed. My parents had been arguing for hours. I’ve just been in here crawled in a ball when I heard the news. I heard a rattling under my bed, but I was to afraid to look. A small creature popped out it had small and pointy teeth and ears and long red hair it looked almost human but yet I could see right through it. As I peered at it i knew it was a male creature.


I asked the creature “who and what are you”? The creature replied “i'm a spirit, my name is Bael, i'm here to take you”. I asked Bael “why would you take me”? Bael replied with “your parents have given up on you and sold your soul to us for a bounty”. I said confused “why… but my parents would never do that”. Bael responded “they have, and now you need to come with me”.


I begin to get up and he stops me and says “no no, you don't need your mortal body anymore”. I say confused “then how do i go with you”?  Bael says annoyed “just get out of the damned​ body and hurry boss won't be happy with us if we take any longer”. I began to rise again but realizing I left my body this time and bael’s voice boomed “now now let's go”. Bael then grabs my arm and pushes me forward into a red looking demon portal. I end up somewhere in a long narrow hallway and I walk up to a tall door Bael opens it and gestures me to walk in.


I walk in and I see a big figure with horns in a giant seat in the middle of the room. The figure rises and says “I suppose you know who I am”? I whisper “I have a guess…..”. The figure rises and says “i'm the devil, the most prettiest angel there was in heaven, now i'm sent here to only fight until I win”. The little girl says angrily “win what”? He snickers and says “I know you are on his side, but your mine now, he can't save you now”.


She snares “I beg to differ”. He stands up and his voice booms “YOU WILL NOT MOCK ME CHILD YOU ARE MY SLAVE”. She glares at him and he says “I have a job for you you are to enter this 16-17 year olds body and make her mine, by making her suffer until she kills herself”. The little girl looks at her and says “I have a name”. The devil sneers and looks at her and says “and so do I but you shall address me by sir or master”. The little girl looks at him and says “my name is-”.  He stops her and says “it doesn't matter what your name is, your new name is spirit of lust, and your job will be to-” She stops him as well and says “yeah yeah take this person right…”. He smiles and says “yes my dear and sweet ol Bael will accompany you”.


She quickly turns to him and asks “why does he have to come”? He answers “you will make her confused in her sexual nature and he will make her feel the rest”. She asked confused “but how-”. He stopped her and said you will see, come here so I can give turn you into the spirit you are supposed​ to be”. She walks over slowly and not wanting to and he touches her shoulder which soon turned into a grasp, then to squeezing her very tightly and he looks in her eyes and he says “stare into my eyes until I tell you to stop”. She didn't want to but she looked at him then in his eyes as she could barely think after a while, soon her eyes turned a deep red-ish pink. He looks back at her then kisses her sealing the deal of the turning and she jumps back for a sec and she says “I feel different…..”. He smirks evilly and he says “he definitely can't save you now, I own you now, you submitted to me, YOU'RE MINE”. She looks down confused and sad and asked herself “why would my parents give up on me?.... Am I really that bad”? He says “now now stop thinking and go with Bael you have much to learn from him on your journey”. She turns to Bael​ and sees him smirking and looking at her with a new found lust in his eyes as he says “follow me lust”.


Then they walk off and Bael leads her to the human world portal and he tells her “even if you try to go back to your body one out of two things can happen. Either you will be too late and can't join in, or you can and will live a life of everyone wanting you and you could possibly get kidnapped and raped”. She looks down hearing every word but yet wishing she couldnt listen,she sat there​ thinking for a while… thinking about how she wanted to join her body back, but if she did her parents would give up on her anyways, there was no real place she would belong except that place that she has been put into now, she was restless and hoping for a way out… but all she could think of was the best option was to be saved or do as she was told… or get destroyed. She stood there motionless where he stopped her and he shook her for a few minutes till he got her attention and he said “this is the young lady we have to take down, she already has depression and a few kids who are bullying her all we need to do is take her down the rest and we will win.


Chapter 2: Adin


Adins POV

“Adin”? Her mother calls “I need help in the kitchen”. I quickly rushes from her bedroom into the kitchen where my mother was at. “Cominggg”. I yells back to my mom not seeing her yet “mom”? my mother calls out “in the pantry Honey can you keep an eye on the food”?

 "Sure thing mom!" I yell to my mother. Adin quickly gets to the food and begins watching it so that it doesnt get burnt "mooom!" I yell "I need to get ready for school!" my mother answers yelling back "okay honey i'll get out there go get ready sweetie!!". Adin goes through her clouthes searching through them asking herself "what should I wear what should I wear! maybe if I dress right hey will leave me alone". I dress up in a pastel purple top with long slightly torn jeans with my hair curled and no makeup on. "I dont believe in makeup" I told a girl once. I grab my light sky blue back pack and head out the door skipping breakfat "bye mom!" I yell as I walk out of the door.

As I walk out the bus pulls up. suddenly I feel all my confidence flush down the drain. I dreadfully aproach the bus and when I get on I automadically see her, Kacy is her name, The girl who always bullys me on the bus and makes my day dreadful, she walks through the walkway trying her best to not make eye contact but they saw her anyways and they stood up and Kacy said "where you going ugly sit here" she pulls me into the seat and I look away from her. she says "do you play video games?" she asks me and i look at her and look away. "Yes" I mumble then she yells "YA HEAR THAT GUYS SHES A PLAYAR". Adin looks at her and says "what the fuck is wrong with you that doesnt even make sense". Kacy says "thats because your to stupid to understand". adin smirks unconfident and says "i might be dumb but at least i dont have to bully others to make myself feel smart and pretty" I then get up while the bus was moving at sat with Jess we werent really friends but we enjoyed talking to eachother and making fun of kacy and we sat their talking away the rest of the ride. finally i arrive at school "not looking forward to this" I tell myself as I get off the bus and kacy hits me in the back of the head! "oww!" I say. and I whip around and my hand slaps her accross the face on accident and I stare for a second suprised and so does she and then I dart "I got to get out of here!" I say. I make it up to the school enterance and i walk in and hurry to my first class trying to stay out of Kacys sight. I sit in my class and I see Kacy, "thats it!" i say outloud "I need to get out of here!"

I rush out the classroom down the halls and out the school enterance and I walk to my secret hiding place and I caress my whole body and roll up. "how am I going to survive this" I say over and over.

Spirit of Lust (Rose) POV

 Bael and I walk up to Adin and see her curled up and I ask bael "may I just be called by a different name please" and BIael says "what do you have in mind little one" and I says "Rose, its my real name I want to go by it" Bael laughs evily and looks at me "are you ready?" he asks me "yes but how do I do it how do I enter" I ask, "its easy" he says snickering "you just climb inside, shes to weak to fight" I look at her mirsible face " I dont want to hurt her" I say he snickers and says "you wont, I will" I look at the ground for a few seconds lost in this chaos I then look up and say "im ready" he snickers again and he pushes me into her and I screamed because I wasnt use to being a spirit yet and I thought I was going to fall on her but instead.. I fell in her. it felt strange, it felt like I could feel her emotions, "this poor girl" I whispered sadly. Bael laughs with delight and he said "shes worse then I thought! this will be fun". 

Adins POV

I was crying I couldnt stop I felt so alone I was just crying and crying then suddenly I stopped I felt numb and I could no longer cry before I knew it a teenage boy walked up to me "oh no" I thought "I dont want anyone seeing me like this" I get up attempting to walk away before he makes it over but when I turned to walk away he was right there in my face. there were tears on my cheeks it was so embaressing! my cheeks were red with heat and I attempted to move around

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