» Adventure » The Warriors: The Wayward One by The Warriors (tohfa e dulha read online .txt) 📕

Book online «The Warriors: The Wayward One by The Warriors (tohfa e dulha read online .txt) 📕». Author The Warriors

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/> Verity, to her surprise, found herself leaning in too, she was so close, it’s gonna happen! Her heart rate sped up, her face reddened, Goosebumps covered her skin...
A dark shadow appeared by the window and verity gasped, leaning back.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
Verity stared at the window that led to the balcony, the shadow growing huge and skeletal.
Fear gripped Verity immediately as the shadow sank back from the window, and then burst through, sending shards of glass in all directions. Clint yelled at the sound of smashing glass and rubble and verity screamed before leaping for her bow and arrows.
“What’s this? Quivachi all along with no dragon body guard to protect her?” snarled a horribly familiar voice. Verity aimed an arrow at the Beatle who crouched at the jagged whole in the wall where the window should have been.
“What the fuck?” yelled Clint, frozen on the sofa.
“Go away, this is nor the time nor the place!” yelled Verity at The Beatle.
“What’s going on?” he yelled again.
“I...err...can I explain later?” Verity glanced at him apologetically. “There’s some things you don’t know about me!”
“Interrupting a moment was I, how terrible.” spat the Beatle, sarcastically.
Verity looked at the Beatle and noticed the whites of bandages over one of her eyes. Aiming for the good eye, Verity sent an arrow flying in the Beatle’s direction. The Beatle screamed and turned it’s head slightly, causing the arrow to lodge itself in its left temple.
The Beatle lunged forwards, claws outstretched. Verity leapt out of the way, gracefully landing on her feet crouched, ready to shoot another arrow at The Beatle.
“Clint, run!” Verity yelled as The Beatle got stuck on the lamp hanging from the ceiling. Verity took her chance and plunged an arrow into the fleshy part of The Beatle’s neck. The Beatle turned, still trying to untangle itself and Verity moved towards the balcony, stepping out onto the metal grate.
“Run, Clint!”
Verity glanced behind her down at the narrow street and the balcony inches opposite. The Beatle had almost untangled itself and was readying for another leap at Verity, when verity leapt up onto the metal railings of the balcony, aiming another arrow with her bow. The Beatle leapt forwards, but as it did, Verity stepped up, onto it’s head and flipped over the top, landing gracefully into it’s back. She then jumped into the air, shooting arrows down, into it’s scales and landed on the floor of the lounge. Looking round, Clint was nowhere to be seen.
The Beatle reached out with it’s claws and sank it’s talons into Verity’s ankle. She screamed in pain, twisting and shooting more arrows at it’s face, sinking them into the fleshy, vulnerable parts. This didn’t falter the Beatle, as it reached out with it’s other talon and plunged Verity into darkness...

“Verity? Verity? Wakey wakey!”
Verity stirred in the silence, her head ringing with pain.
“Morning, sleepy head.” cackled a cruel voice.
“Where am I?” Verity mumbled.
“You’re hanging from the ceiling of the Paracorp lobby.” Verity opened her eyes to see Lorna stood on a glass balcony. She glanced around, inspecting her surroundings, and the gasped in horror at the scene below. She was on the upper floor of a five-floor building, but where the balconies circled the main hall, Verity was hung, in the space in the middle, chained to an office chair! She could make out an empty front desk below, and sofas dotted in the lobby. She stared forwards, where Lorna stood, smirking. Verity struggled, but only succeeded in swinging herself across the space, unable to move her arms and her legs.
“You seem a bit helpless without this, don’t you?” Lorna winked, holding up a mahogany bow and a quiver of arrows.
“Bitch!” screamed Verity, fear rising in her, her yell echoing around the lobby.

“So here’s the plan.” started Daniel, glancing at Fury, Imperia, Electriss and Dovashiin gathered round the table. He spread out a large map of the complex on the table. “We’ll go into the lobby and Georgia will search thoughts for Lorna and once we locate her, we’ll go in, guns blazing, I’ll trap her in a mighty ball of earth and Electriss will electrocute her, killing her dead!” he finished, smiling.
“We really shouldn’t let him male plans.” mumbled Nicki.
“Fury, you’re the best and making plans here, what do you suggest?” asked Georgia.
“Err, you sure? The last one I made kinda went wrong.”
“That was a minor mishap, and everything goes wrong once in a while!” reassured Georgia. “Come on, hit us.”
“Ok, well, the Red Goddess will be in there somewhere and so will The Beatle. So we need to be subtle. I think Georgia should go in first, pretending to deliver something. Once inside, she goes this fire exit round the back,” Fury pointed at the map. “and lets Nicki, Daniel and Holly in. I don’t think we should split up, so you guys have to stay together. I’ll get in through the roof. Then, we rendezvous on the fifth floor. I’ll be several minutes late because I need to find our files, but once I’ve found them, I’ll get rid of them and meet you on the fifth floor.”
“Why do we need to get rid of them? I wanna know what mine says!” complained Nicki.
Georgia raised her eyebrows at Nicki.
“Fine. Ditch them!”
“OK,” Fury continued. “once we rendezvous, Georgia will amplify our thoughts and get Lorna to come to us.”
“What do we do then?” asked Daniel, worriedly.
“We fight her and the Beatle. Hopefully winning.” replied Fury.
“Oh, simple...” Daniel mumbled.
“OK, let’s suit up!”

Georgia pulled up in her blue mini and parked in the empty car park in front of the huge skyscraper. Looking around, she took a brown package from the passenger seat and made her way into the building. There was a blond woman at the reception desk.
“Excuse me, I have a delivery.” murmured Georgia, searching around for the others with her thoughts.
“OK, moment please.” The woman turned away and started to type at a computer.
Georgia! Oh my god, Georgia!
Verity’s voice came as a shock, Georgia looked around. Where was she?
Georgia you have to help me!
Where are you?
Up here! Look up!
Georgia looked up slowly and briefly. Shock filled her as she looked back down at the receptionist, who turned, smiled and gave Georgia clearance.
I’m gonna help you. We’re all here to help you!
Lorna’s here too. And so it The Beatle! Be careful!
Georgia hurried behind the reception desk and into the maze of hallways behind the lobby. The fire exit was down an unfurnished hallway, undecorated, unlike the rest of the hallways, which had lights hanging from brackets, fancy wall paper and fancy tiling on the floor. This hallway was cluttered with cleaning equipment and had a stone floor. The fire exit was padlocked, but Georgia put don her package and concentrated on the lock.
In an instant, the lock slicked open and the door opened, revealing Nicki, Daniel and Holly stood behind it. Nicki and Daniel were both clad in their armour and Holly was wearing her suit with her traditional red cloak. Georgia wore her suit, but beneath a leather coat, which she also disposed of.
“Right, to the fifth floor.” chirped Nicki.
“Err, guys, Verity’s here. She’s kinda hanging from the ceiling with a chain, curtsey of the Red Goddess.” explained Georgia.
”What!” gasped Nicki.
“Does my sister know no bounds?” sighed Holly.
“Apparently not, not let’s move!”

Fury aimed her gun and shot a bullet through the lock on the door on the roof. The lock cracked open and Fury pushed through the heavy metal door. It hadn’t taken much to gain enough momentum to run right up the side of the building. But now she knew she had to be careful. The death threat from the company had indicated they didn’t really want her back.
The archives were kept on the fifth floor and were heavily guarded on an ordinary day. But for some reason, there was no one around, no one guarding the entrance and no one at the desk in front of the archives. Fury relaxed and paused in front of the huge room filled with ceiling high shelves crammed with files. The files were sorted into time, year by year and within that, subjects were sorted into alphabetical order. Going to the shelves marked 2012, Fury went to the ‘W’ section and began to search.
After several moments of hurriedly rifling through files, Fury came to the horrible realization that they weren’t there! Of course! The Red Goddess wouldn’t have just left them here for the taking! Fury fled from the room and towards the fifth floor...
...and skidded to a halt when she spotted the Red Goddess stood with her back turned, facing Verity who was hanging from the ceiling chained to a chair!
She backed round a corner and sent a mental image to Georgia. Looking around, she spotted The Beatle stood across the landing and on the other side of the balcony, a mahogany bow and a quiver of arrows. Fury checked that her gun was loaded, a plan forming.
Georgia! Get Nicki to go to the lobby and turn into a dragon to be a distraction! I’ll shoot Verity down so that she’ll land on Nicki. We can then take out the Red Goddess!
Ok! replied Georgia. We’re over here, the other side of the landing!
Fury looked across the landing and saw Georgia, Daniel and Holly peering round a corner.
“You know, Verity,” Lorna spoke to Verity, who hadn’t spotted them. “I would have thought your friends would have come to get you by now. Especially as I sent them a little present.” Verity remained silent. “It’ll surprise me if they didn’t survive; Rancid was never the perfect soldier. It says so in her file! And oh, look what I have, files on all of your friends!” Lorna laughed a shrill, cruel laugh, waving a thick brown folder. “Who’s this I have here, oh look, Daniel Oakenbaum! ‘Display’s no real threat; however his powers’ limits are not clear’. Hhmmm, could he have survived? ‘Holly/ Electriss: Her Goddess heritage could make her extremely dangerous if not investigated’. Hhmmm, yet another super human with such weak powers! And can you believe that we are related! Let’s see now,’ Georgia Twitch/ Imperia: Telepath, may prove to be a powerful and dangerous power if not under strict control’.” Lorna paused to see if Verity was listening. Verity was looking down, her dark, silky hair hiding her face. “Now, ‘Nicola/ Dovashiin: an extremely dangerous power, may require a full investigation to see if it can be controlled or restrained.’ Looks like your friend needs to be caged. Wouldn’t that be weird if Paracorp got to her and left it to me to investigate her fiery side! Now, ‘Blur Fury: Her speed makes her fast and her skills make her extremely dangerous. She must be looked at’. Such a sorrowful bunch! Such weak and feeble powers that you can’t even control yourselves!” Lorna laughed. “But look, there’s one more! Verity Ward/ Quivachi: Her gifts in archery and martial arts make her less that a threat’. Ha! Looks like this won’t be so hard after all!”
Just as Lorna let out an evil laugh, a tower of flames burst up from the lobby below, hiding Verity from view. Fury took her chance and aimed her gun; the second the flames subsided, she put a bullet through the chain and sent Verity plummeting to the floor!
“Fuck!” yelled Lorna, dropping the folder and turning. Fury emerged from her hiding place along with Georgia, Daniel and
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