» Adventure » The Warriors: The Wayward One by The Warriors (tohfa e dulha read online .txt) 📕

Book online «The Warriors: The Wayward One by The Warriors (tohfa e dulha read online .txt) 📕». Author The Warriors

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Verity strode through the shopping centre, pushing her way through crowds of mindless, untalented, ordinary, everyday people. She didn’t even know why she was here. Twitch had told her to ‘go and see the sights beyond the flat and Daniel’s estate’. She’s rather have spent the day shooting arrows in Daniel’s estate, drinking Jack Daniels and planning her next assault on The Beatle, but no! She had to go out and be all sociable and normal!
She looked round, trying to locate the nearest bar when she saw it!
Across the centre, Verity’s eyes fixed on a shop window, her heart immediately speeding up and goose bumps covering her skin.
In a flash, she was pressing her palms against the window, gazing in at the pair of £200, 6 inch, red leather high heels.
“Beautiful!” she murmured.
“Yes you are!” sang a silky, male voice next to her. Verity automatically regained composure and turned to see an extremely attractive young man in his early twenties, wearing a sleeveless, denim jacket and a trilby hat.
Verity looked him up and down, her eyes pausing on his six pack and then resting on his perfect face.
“Th-thank you, err...”
“Clint.” He winked.
“Clint, hi. Verity.” She reached out her hand and he shook it, gently, clasping her hand.
“What a beautiful name. Perfectly suited to a beautiful woman.” He smiled, warmly. “Fancy a drink? I know a great place.”
“Absolutely!” gasped Verity.

Part 1: Resignation and Cherubs

Blur Fury sat in her office, staring at her computer.
She didn’t belong here. Not at all. She stared once again at the letter terminating her current assignment of tracking and restraining The Beatle, A.K.A. Alice. After the incident at the warehouses, she’d been told her work was done. She’s stopped the Red Goddess and The Beatle and now she was assigned to paranormal activity in London. A job only worthy of ants!
The feeling that she was desperately needed somewhere else was overwhelming. She’d felt a part of The Warriors. She’s felt a part of something! Fury took refuge in the fact that there was always a room for her in Daniel’s house.
But what scarred her more was the fact that Lorna and Alice were still out there. And no one was doing what must be done. No one knew where they were, or what their next plan is.
Fury leaned back in her chair.
This kind of life was far too slow.
After a moment of contemplation, she rose from her chair, took her files on the Red Goddess and her keys and left her office. Half way down the hall, she was stopped.
“Hey, Fuwy, have you finished thoshe ashignmentsh yet? They need to be archifed!”
Fury turned to see her boss; an obese young woman whose stomach hung out of the bottom of her floral shirt and her trouser barely contained her thighs. She had a hoarse voice and a lisp that was so severe, that whoever was subjected to her speech manor would be drenched within minutes. She had yellow teeth and her skin had a green tinge. People tended to try and avoid her if possible, but sometimes it was just unavoidable.
Times like this.
“I’m resigning.” Fury met her boss’s hard star.
“Fine. That’sh fine. Have you found shomewhere to live? You know you’ll lose your flat? And your gun. And you motorcycle.” She spat, phlegm flying from her mouth.
“Oh, I know.” replied Fury, turning and striding down the hall.
She saw no point in notifying anyone of her resignation, thanks to her boss it was probably half way around the company by now. Making her way to the garage, she mounted her motorcycle.
Fury checked her handgun was still loaded and, satisfied, secured her files on the Red Goddess.
“Hey, dismount the bike!” came a small voice form behind her. Ignoring it, Fury turned on the engine and made for the garage exit.
“Stop!” someone yelled from behind her and the garage door started to close.
Fury didn’t falter and sped up, the gap between the door and the floor getting smaller and smaller. The door got closer and closer, yells echoing behind her and, at the last minute, when the door was right on top of her, she turned and skidded through the gap, barely making it through!
Fury looked behind her and the world went into slow motion. A black shadow appeared the other side of the closing gap and a shiny silver object came flying in her direction. Reaching for her gun, Fury aimed and fired within milliseconds. Shiny silver shards went flying, the knife that the guards had thrown not even making it through the narrow gap.
The world went back to normal and Fury skidded to a halt, the bike on top of her. Standing up, she revved the bike and sped off, down the road and onto the motorway.

Verity gazed across the table at Clint, who sipped his larger.
“So, tell me, where do you come from?” asked Clint.
“Erm, I was born in England, but raised in China, and I returned to this country about a month ago.” She explained, sipping her cocktail.
“Nice! What’s China like?”
“Like China. Pretty boring really. Where are you from?”
Verity felt something brush her leg and immediately blushed.
“I’m from the wonderful wonderful land of London. It’s pretty boring really.” He winked across the table. “but I know how to have a good time.”
“Do you now, and what would that involve?”
“Oh, a party here, a cocktail bar there. I’m in a band, so obviously, fun is part of the job occupation.”
“A band?”
“We’re called Out-Take. We play little gigs here and there and the rest is all party! But enough about me, what do you do for fun?”
Verity blushed and paused. “Erm, well, I’m gifted at archery, but apart from that, I’m unemployed.”
“Mmmmmm, so you’re a cherub then?”
Verity paused, gazing past Clint and met a dark figure sat in the corner of the bar, looking straight at her.
“Erm, something like that.” She smiled, suddenly very cautious and worried.
“You ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” mumbled Verity, trying to identify the figure.
“You seem distracted.”
“I need to go to the bathroom.” smiled Verity, standing and marching past the table to the toilets. As she passed the table, she glanced sideways, getting a close up of The Beatle!
Fear ran through Verity’s veins, turning her blood cold as she entered the bathroom. She leaned against the sink for a moment, before splashing her face with water and figuring out what to do.
She had no arrows, no bow, no way of defending herself. All she had were her fighting techniques and her cunning. If she could only get to her flat without a confrontation.
Leaving the bathroom, she strode past the table, noting the Beatle was still sat there, happily drinking a martini in human form, and sat back down, opposite Clint.
“Look, I’m going to have to go, can I have your number?” she asked.
Clint smiled. “Sure you can, a woman as beautiful and as unique as you is worth seeing again.” He took her hand and whipped a pen from his pocket, scrawling his number in her palm.
Verity strode from the bar and out of the shopping centre. The street was thronging with people, but she moved through them with a sophisticated grace, towards a line of old buildings, several stories high with shop fronts on the bottom floors.
She moved up the street and glanced behind her.
There was no sign of The Beatle, until she spotted a blond-haired girl with sunglasses striding towards her. Alice.
Verity turned and carried on to a small side-road and carried on until she came to a set of stone steps with metal rails. Small trees lines and road below and as she climbed the steps, she went along a wooden balcony. Glancing behind her again, Verity saw a dark figure coming round the corner of the side-road. Verity jogged along the line of flats and came to number 3. Hurriedly unlocking it and leaping inside, locking the door behind her, she paused, breathing hard.
“Georgia!” Verity called,
“Verity? Hey, wha-” Georgia came round the corner form the lounge to see Verity’s worried face.
“Sshh, I think I’ve been followed by Alice, The Beatle.”
“What?” Georgia shared her worried glance. “Wait.” Georgia closed her eyes and put her fingers to her forehead, concentrating.
“Verity, there’s no one out there. The Beatle’s gone.”
Verity breathed out, relaxed.

“Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki, Nicki!” Daniel flailed his arms to get Nicki’s attention.
“What?” murmured Nicki, who was sprawled out on the sofa, smoking.
“Come, see my creation!”
“Come outside and look!”
Nicki got up from the sofa with a painful groan and followed Daniel outside.
“Behold!” shouted Daniel, proudly, raising his arms.
Nicki squinted up at a large, glass greenhouse.
“Is it another Cube?”
“It is indeed, but it is Cube Mrk. 3!”
“Another one? Haven’t you learned? The world obviously doesn’t want you to have a Cube.”
“No, Lorna and the beatles don’t want me to have a Cube. The rest of the world is irrelevant.”
“Well, I hope you have insurance.” murmured Nicki, turning back to the house.
“Yeah, I think I should invest in some.” responded Daniel, following. The two were halfway back to the house, when a blue mini pulled up on the gravel drive way.
Out of the car came Verity, wearing a pair of red, leather, 6 inch heels and a black mini skirt with a red tank top. Georgia got out of the driver’s side wearing a suit and Holly got out of the back, wearing skinny jeans and a Van Halen T-shirt.
“Hi guys.” mumbled Nicki.
“You look rough. What have I told you about drinking all night.” Georgia raised her eyebrows at Nicki.
“Hey, no mind mojo, my mind is fucked up enough, thank you.” She mumbled in return. “But yeah, drinking all night was a bad idea.”
“Hello.” chirped Holly.
“Van Halen?” Nicki frowned in surprise at her T-shirt.
“I have discovered the delights of what you call ‘music’.”
“Guys, we have a predicament.” interrupted Verity, impatiently.
She marched onwards to the house and, as everyone began to follow, Georgia mumbled to Daniel, “Nice Cube! Let’s hope it stays upright this time.”

Part 2: Ah, there’s the plot!

Fury sped up to the black, metal gates, dismounted and pushed one of them open. Remounting her bike she sped through the trees of Daniel’s estate over the over-grown, gravel road. She soon lost sight of the busy streets that circled the estate and found herself at the familiar, gravel drive way, beyond of which was Daniel’s wooden, 3 story house.
Dismounting, she marched up to the door and knocked.
“Hello?” Daniel answered the door, looking distracted, but when he saw her, he raised his eyebrows.
“Hello!” he cried in delight.
“Hey, err, can I come in?”
“Of course, make yourself at home!” he stepped aside and Fury stepped inside, gingerly.
“Oh, look who it is!” snarled an unfriendly voice.
“Verity. How delightful to see you again.” Fury murmured, looking at the floor.
“Come to put us in danger again? Or is it to gives an extremely dangerous artefact?”
“Verity! Shut up!” snarled Nicki, standing. “At least she doesn’t prance about pretending to be Peter Pan!”
“Zip it, lizard girl!”
“Guys!” snapped Georgia. “I am sick and tired of you fighting. Face it, you are stuck with one another, whether you like

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