» Computers » GNU/Linux AI & Alife HOWTO by John Eikenberry (red scrolls of magic .TXT) 📕

Book online «GNU/Linux AI & Alife HOWTO by John Eikenberry (red scrolls of magic .TXT) 📕». Author John Eikenberry

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developed by Ian Stephenson

(] with each cell; and


� local interactions only, since it is impossible to construct

automata that contain any global control or references to

global variables.




� Web site:


CLIG is an interactive, extendible grapher for visualizing

linguistic data structures like trees, feature structures,

Discourse Representation Structures (DRS), logical formulas etc.

All of these can be freely mixed and embedded into each other.

The grapher has been designed both to be stand-alone and to be

used as an add-on for linguistic applications which display

their output in a graphical manner.


Corewar VM


� Web site:


This is a virtual machine written in Java (so it is a virtual

machine for another virtual machine !) for a Corewar game.




� Web site:


Dunce is a simple chatterbot (conversational AI) and a language

for programming such chatterbots. It uses a basic regex pattern

matching and a semi-neural rule/response firing mechanism (with

excitement/decay cycles).


Dunce is listed about halfway down the page.




� Web site:


NOTE: the above web site has info on EcoSim but no code to



In EcoSim an ecosystem is described by all static and dynamic

properties of the individuals involved in the system as well as

time varying properties of the environment. Individuals change

their state over time or due to internal and external events.

The environment is also defined via dynamic objects which can

change. Supports on the fly analysis and animation of generated

data. It is a C++ class library designed to support individual-oriented modelling and simulation of ecological systems.




� Web site:


Evo is a software development framework that allows developers

to build complex alife simulations. Using Evo, researchers can

easily build systems of independent agents interacting with one

another and with their environment. Evo implements biological

operators such as genetic recombination and mutation to evolve

the behavior of agents so that they are more adapted to their




� Web site:


IDEAL is a test bed for work in influence diagrams and Bayesian

networks. It contains various inference algorithms for belief

networks and evaluation algorithms for influence diagrams. It

contains facilities for creating and editing influence diagrams

and belief networks.


IDEAL is written in pure Common Lisp and so it will run in

Common Lisp on any platform. The emphasis in writing IDEAL has

been on code clarity and providing high level programming

abstractions. It thus is very suitable for experimental

implementations which need or extend belief network technology.


At the highest level, IDEAL can be used as a subroutine library

which provides belief network inference and influence diagram

evaluation as a package. The code is documented in a detailed

manual and so it is also possible to work at a lower level on

extensions of belief network methods.


IDEAL comes with an optional graphic interface written in CLIM.

If your Common Lisp also has CLIM, you can run the graphic





� Web site:


Illuminator is a toolset for developing OCR and Image

Understanding applications. Illuminator has two major parts: a

library for representing, storing and retrieving OCR

information, heretofore called dafslib, and an X-Windows “DAFS”

file viewer, called illum. Illuminator and DAFS lib were

designed to supplant existing OCR formats and become a standard

in the industry. They particularly are extensible to handle more

than just English.


The features of this release:


� 5 magnification levels for images


� flagged characters and words


� unicode support — American, British, French, German, Greek,

Italian, MICR, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,



� reads DAFS, TIFF’s, PDA’s (image only)


� save to DAFS, ASCII/UTF or Unicode


� Entity Viewer - shows properties, character choices, bounding

boxes image fragment for a selected entity, change type,

change content, hierarchy mode


Symbolic Probabilistic Inference (SPI)


� FTP site:


� Paper (


Contains Common Lisp function libraries to implement SPI type

baysean nets. Documentation is very limited. Features:


� Probabilities, Local Expression Language Utilities,

Explanation, Dynamic Models, and a TCL/TK based GUI.




� Web site:


This program simulates primitive lifeforms, equipped with some

basic instincts and abilities, in a 2D environment consisting of

cells. By mutation new generations can prove their success, and

thus passing on “good family values”.


The brain of a TIN can be seen as a collection of processes,

each representing drives or impulses to behave a certain way,

depending on the state/perception of the environment ( e.g.

presence of food, walls, neighbors, scent traces) These behavior

process currently are : eating, moving, mating, relaxing,

tracing others, gathering food and killing. The process with the

highest impulse value takes control, or in other words: the tin

will act according to its most urgent need.




� Web site:


Ummon is an advanced Open Source chatterbot. The main principle

of the bot is that it has no initial knowledge of either words

or grammar; it learns everything “on the fly.” Numerous AI

techniques will be explored in the development of Ummon to

achieve realistic “human” communication with support for

different, customizable personalities.


8.2. Dead projects.


EMA-XPS - A Hybrid Graphic Expert System Shell


� Web site:


EMA-XPS is a hybrid graphic expert system shell based on the

ASCII-oriented shell Babylon 2.3 of the German National Research

Center for Computer Sciences (GMD). In addition to Babylon’s AI-power (object oriented data representation, forward and backward

chained rules - collectible into sets, horn clauses, and

constraint networks) a graphic interface based on the X11 Window

System and the OSF/Motif Widget Library has been provided.




� Web site:


� SourceForge site:


Public Domain Knowledge Bank (PDKB) is an Artificial

Intelligence Knowledge Bank of common sense rules and facts. It

is based on the Cyc Upper Ontology and the MELD language.




� Web site:


This project seems to have gone proprietary. The only trace I

can find via google is at .


QUANT/1 stands for type QUANTifier. It aims to be an alternative

to Prolog-like (Resulutional-like) systems. Main features

include a lack of necessity for eliminating Quantifiers,

scolemisation, ease of comprehension, large scale formulae

operation, acceptance of nonHorn formulaes, and Iterative

deeping. The actual library implemented in this project is

called ATPPCF (Automatic Theorem Prover in calculus of

Positively Constructed Formulae).


ATPPCF will be a library (inference engine) and an extension of

the Predicate Calculus Language as a new logical language. The

library will be incorporable in another software such as TCL,

Python, Perl. The engine’s primary inference method will be the

“search of inference in language of Positively Constructed

Formulas (PCFs)” (a subset of Predicate Calculus well translated

in both directions). The language will be used as scripting

language to the engine. But there will be possibility to replace

it with extensions languages of main software.




� Web site:


Merged together with original “” as of version 1.1.


Extension of Robocode, the battling bot AI programming game.

Like its parent, it is written in Java and meant as a learning





� Web site:


A framework called Sulawesi has been designed and implemented to

tackle what has been considered to be important challenges in a

wearable user interface. The ability to accept input from any

number of modalities, and perform if necessary a translation to

any number of modal outputs. It does this primarily through a

set of proactive agents to act on the input.




� Abstract:


� Direct Download:


This project seems to have been superseded by “”.


Libraries containing (Allegro) Common Lisp code for Belief

Functions (aka. Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning) as a

representation of uncertainty. Very little documentation. Has a

limited GUI.

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