» Computers » GNU/Linux AI & Alife HOWTO by John Eikenberry (red scrolls of magic .TXT) 📕

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those requirements”. You need a java enabled browser to

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Aglets Workbench


� Web site:


An aglet is a Java object that can move from one host on the

Internet to another. That is, an aglet that executes on one

host can suddenly halt execution, dispatch to a remote host, and

resume execution there. When the aglet moves, it takes along its

program code as well as its state (data). A builtin security

mechanism makes it safe for a computer to host untrusted aglets.

The Java Aglet API (J-AAPI) is a proposed public standard for

interfacing aglets and their environment. J-AAPI contains

methods for initializing an aglet, message handling, and

dispatching, retracting, deactivating/activating, cloning, and

disposing of the aglet. J-AAPI is simple, flexible, and stable.

Application developers can write platform-independent aglets and

expect them to run on any host that supports J-AAPI.




� Web site:


AJA (Adaptable Java Agents) consists of two programming

languages. HADL (Higher Agent Definition Language) is a higher-level language used for the description of the main agent parts.

Java+ is the lower-level language used for the programming of

the agent parts defined in HADL. It is actually Java enriched

with the constructs for accessing higher-level agent parts

defined in HADL.




� Web site:


The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence

Markup Language), a non-standard evolving markup language for

creating chat robots. The primary design feature of AIML is

minimalism. Compared with other chat robot languages, AIML is

perhaps the simplest. The pattern matching language is very

simple, for example permitting only one wild-card (‘*’) match

character per pattern. AIML is an XML language, implying that it

obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax

permits integration with other tools such as XML editors.

Another motivation for XML is its familiar look and feel,

especially to people with HTML experience.




� Web site: wwwagss.informatik.uni—


Ara is a platform for the portable and secure execution of

mobile agents in heterogeneous networks. Mobile agents in this

sense are programs with the ability to change their host machine

during execution while preserving their internal state. This

enables them to handle interactions locally which otherwise had

to be performed remotely. Ara’s specific aim in comparison to

similar platforms is to provide full mobile agent functionality

while retaining as much as possible of established programming

models and languages.




� Web site:


AI programming game where you design the bot by selecting

hardware and programming its CPU, then competing with other

bots. Competitions can have teams and special rules for a game.


The hardware for use in your bot includes weapons, engine,

scanners, CPU, etc. The programming lauguage is dependent on the

CPU type and is similar to an assembly language.




� Web site:


Beegent is a new type of development framework in that it is a

100% pure agent system. As opposed to other systems which make

only some use of agents, Beegent completely “Agentifies” the

communication that takes place between software applications.

The applications become agents, and all messages are carried by

agents. Thus, Beegent allows developers to build flexible open

distributed systems that make optimal use of existing





� Web site:


Yet another java agent system…


Bond is a Java based distributed object system and agent

framework. It implements a message based middleware and

associated services like directory, persistence, monitoring and

security. Bond allows to easily build multi agent, distributed

applications. Another application of Bond will be a Virtual

Laboratory supporting data annotation and metacomputing.




� Web site:


Cadaver is a simulated world of cyborgs and nature in realtime.

The battlefield consists of forests, grain, water, grass,

carcass (of course) and lots of other things. The game server

manages the game and the rules. You start a server and connect

some clients. The clients communicate with the server using a

very primitive protocol. They can order cyborgs to harvest

grain, attack enemies or cut forest. The game is not intended

to be played by humans! There is too much to control. Only for

die-hards: Just telnet to the server and you can enter commands

by hand. Instead the idea is that you write artificial

intelligence clients to beat the other artificial intelligences.

You can choose a language (and operating system) of your choice

to do that task. It is enough to write a program that

communicates on standard input and standard output channels.

Then you can use programs like “socket” to connect your clients

to the server. It is NOT needed to write TCP/IP code, although

i did so :) The battle shall not be boring, and so there is the

so called spyboss client that displays the action graphically on





� Web site:


Cougaar is java-based architecture for the construction of

large-scale distributed agent-based applications. It is the

product of a multi-year DARPA research project into large scale

agent systems and includes not only the core architecture but

also a variety of demonstration, visualization and management

components to simplify the development of complex, distributed

applications. [Yet another java based agent system — ed.]


D’Agent (was AGENT TCL)


� Web site:


� FTP site:


A transportable agent is a program that can migrate from machine

to machine in a heterogeneous network. The program chooses when

and where to migrate. It can suspend its execution at an

arbitrary point, transport to another machine and resume

execution on the new machine. For example, an agent carrying a

mail message migrates first to a router and then to the

recipient’s mailbox. The agent can perform arbitrarily complex

processing at each machine in order to ensure that the message

reaches the intended recipient.


DIET Agents


� Web site:


DIET Agents is a lightweight, scalable and robust multiagent

platform in Java. It is especially suitable for rapidly

developing P2P prototype applications and/or adaptive,

distributed applications that use bottom-up, nature-inspired





� Web site:


� Secondary Web site:


FIPA-OS is an open source implementation of the mandatory

elements contained within the FIPA specification for agent

interoperability. In addition to supporting the FIPA

interoperability concepts, FIPA-OS also provides a component

based architecture to enable the development of domain specific

agents which can utilise the services of the FIPA Platform

agents. It is implemented in Java.




� Web site:


FM - The FishMarket project conducted at the Artificial

Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC) attempts to

contribute in that direction by developing FM, an agent-mediated

electronic auction house which has been evolved into a test-bed

for electronic auction markets. The framework, conceived and

implemented as an extension of FM96.5 (a Java-based version of

the Fishmarket auction house), allows to define trading

scenarios based on fish market auctions (Dutch auctions). FM

provides the framework wherein agent designers can perform

controlled experimentation in such a way that a multitude of

experimental market scenarios—that we regard as tournament

scenarios due to the competitive nature of the domain— of

varying degrees of realism and complexity can be specified,

activated, and recorded; and trading (buyer and seller)

heterogeneous (human and software) agents compared, tuned and



GNU Robots


� Web site:


GNU Robots is a game/diversion where you construct a program for

a little robot, then watch him explore a world. The world is

filled with baddies that can hurt you, objects that you can bump

into, and food that you can eat. The goal of the game is to

collect as many prizes as possible before are killed by a baddie

or you run out of energy. Robots can be written in Guile scheme

or using a GUI.




� Web site:


Another Java agent system. Full featured and actively developed.

Commercial, but free. Historically targeted at embedded systems.




� Web site:


Hive is a Java software platform for creating distributed

applications. Using Hive, programmers can easily create systems

that connect and use data from all over the Internet. At its

heart, Hive is an environment for distributed agents to live,

communicating and moving to fulfill applications. We are trying

to make the Internet alive.




� Web site (bad link?):


� SourceForge site:


The InterAgent Communication Model (ICM) is a communication

mechanism that can be used for sending messages between agents

in an asynchronous fashion. Its intended application area is as

a transportation mechanism for agent communication languages

(ACLs), such as KQML and FIPA’s ACL.



� Web site:


� SourceForge site:


Jacomma is an agent development platform/framework for

developing distributed, mobile, and reactive information agents

with heterogeneous communication capabilities, in Java and



Jacomma provides a development framework and an execution

environment, which sits on top of the InterAgent Communication

Model infrastructure. The ICM defines a communication protocol,

a store and forward messaging architecture, and low level

communication infrastructure for message exchange.

Communication is truly asynchronous, based on TCP sockets.


ICM has an entry in this howto, or you can find it via a link

off the site.




� Web site:


JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) is a software framework

fully implemented in Java language. It simplifies the

implementation of multiagent systems through a middleware that

claims to comply with the FIPA specifications and through a set

of tools that supports the debugging and deployment phase. The

agent platform can be distributed across machines (which not

even need to share the same OS) and the configuration can be

controlled via a remote GUI. The configuration can be even

changed at runtime by moving agents from one machine to another

one, as and when required.


JAM Agent


� Web site:


JAM supports both top-down, goal-based reasoning and bottom-up

data-driven reasoning. JAM selects goals and plans based on

maximal priority if metalevel reasoning is not used, or user-developed metalevel reasoning plans if they exist. JAM’s

conceptualization of goals and goal achievement is more

classically defined (UMPRS is more behavioral performance-based

than truly goal-based) and makes the distinction between plans

to achieve goals and plans that simply encode behaviors. Goal-types implemented include achievement (attain a specified world

state), maintenance (re-attain a specified world state), and

performance. Execution of multiple simultaneous goals are

supported, with suspension and resumption capabilities for each

goal (i.e., intention) thread. JAM plans have explicit

precondition and runtime attributes that restrict their

applicability, a postcondition attribute, and a plan attributes

section for specifying plan/domain-specific plan features.

Available plan constructs include: sequencing, iteration,

subgoaling, atomic (i.e., non-interruptable) plan segments, n-branch deterministic and nondeterministic conditional

execution, parallel execution of multiple plan segments, goal-based or world state-based synchronization, an explicit failure-handling section, and Java primitive function definition through

building it into JAM as well as the invocation of predefined

(i.e., legacy) class members via Java’s reflection capabilities

without having to build it into JAM.




� Web site:


� Alt Web site:


JASA is a high performance auction simulator suitable for

conducting experiments in agent-based computational economics.

It implements various auction mechanisms, trading strategies and

experiments described in the computational economics literature,

and as the software matures we hope that it will become a

repository for reference implementations of commonly used

mechanisms, strategies and learning algorithms.




� Web site:


A Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak.

Unlike other BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) agent tools, Jason

implements the operational semantics of AgentSpeak, a BDI logic

programming language extensively discussed in the literature. It

is available as Open Source under GNU LGPL.




� Web site:


JATLite is providing a set of java

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