» Drama » The Gods and Goddesses Lover by Joanna (best reads of all time txt) 📕

Book online «The Gods and Goddesses Lover by Joanna (best reads of all time txt) 📕». Author Joanna

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Chapter 1
It All Began With a Dream
The desire. The rush. The intensity. You can’t escape from any of it. It will follow you until you accept it. You can’t deny it. It is your birth right. When the moon engulfs the earth and all is in hell, blood shall take place of the earth and fear will be our ruler.
My face felt hot. Like on a summer day when the air conditioning is broken and all you have is an old fashion fan to cool you down. I was standing on a black surface no one around. A woman appeared in front of me. She had long black-olive hair. She looked-from my distance- very pale and her features really stood out. Her eyes were as dark as night and yet, even in the surrounding darkness, her eyes somehow sparkled. The face didn’t even look like that of a human; it looked as if she was a marble statue. She had a long white dress that appeared to be torn into shreds at the bottom. The top had lacy designs around the neck-line all the way to back. It had long sleeves which were also in shreds. I saw her ruby red lips moving as if she was trying to tell me something. I was too far away that I couldn’t make out everything she said. All I could her were four simple words that sent a violent chill down my spine: “There will be blood.”
I asked her for her name and all did was smile her perfect shaped lips at me and suddenly vanished.”Karina?! Karina! Come on, Karina! Wake up! I’m so sick and tired of waking you up myself when your alarm clock is going off like crazy!” I didn’t recognize the voice that seemed so upset with me. All I knew was that it felt familiar and warm. It was nice.
“Get up already! If I’m late to work just because you’re having a good dream I will never forgive you! Do you hear me?!” I still didn’t understand why this person was so upset with me. I knew I was forgetting something and it would all come back to me if I just woke up, but part of me didn’t want to remember and just stay in sweet slumber. Suddenly, I felt a slight tugging on my leg. I escaped the first attack but the second attack was fiercer. I couldn’t move my legs no matter how hard I struggled.
"I am getting you out of this bed if it’s the last thing I do!" The familiar voice started becoming more rasp and cold. Almost like a growl. Then, finally, when I didn’t have the strength to fight it off, I let the strength take me away. My head started to throb and pound like a non-stop drum. When I opened my eyes there was this blinding light that shone brighter than anything I’ve ever seen. My eyes ached and it was killing my eye sight. Suddenly, there was a tug on my arm so strong that it lift me straight to my feet. “Ok look, how long do you intend on staying asleep, you start school today don’t you now hurry up and do as you’re told. Man, why are you so hard to deal with?!"
Then there was nothing and the harsh voice disappeared behind a large slam! I felt so dizzy and weak and searched for water to help me wake up. “GOD, I hate mornings. Why does big brother always have to be so reckless?" I started walking towards the bathroom down the hall and turned on the faucet. I filled my hands with water and splashed my face and raised my head to look at the mirror." Man, I look like hell that was destroyed by a tornado and trampled by a stampede of horses." I quickly took my shower and got dressed in my new uniform. I had to change schools because I changed towns. Before we moved, it was me, my brother, and my mother. My father died in a bank robbery it’s a pathetic way to die, getting stabbed in the back while trying to be the hero and I never really forgave him for that. He left us with very little and because of that mom had to work 2 jobs and barely had time to see us. It made me feel like both of my parents died and all I had was my brother. After awhile, I couldn’t take it anymore and I begged my brother if we could live somewhere else and not tell mom. At first he thought I was being overly dramatic but one night he heard me crying and telling God to please give me back our dad so he can fix mom and we can be a family again. Then the next morning we left while mom headed out for work." I think it’s been over 5-6 years since that day, and yet I still feel no guilt nor regret from leaving that house." I ran out the door with breakfast in my mouth trying not to spit out my toast. I finished my toast while I was only 5-6 minutes to the school so I decided to just walk the rest of the way. “Looks like my high school isn’t going to be an easy life, is it, Dad?" I said to myself. I looked at the watch and realized I only had a couple more minutes to get to school. Geez, I can be such an idiot sometimes.

I ran at top speed to get to my class and said hello and good morning to all the teachers I passed and I was just about to make it to class when I opened my class door I ran into something and I was bounced off and I hit the wall. “Holy crap, that hurt. Hey what the hell is your-" I was about to tell off whoever or whatever I ran into when I realized I ran into the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen. Even though he was lying on the ground I could tell that he was at least 4 or maybe even 5 inches taller than me. He had short black hair but I could have sworn I saw some blue in it. I was completely hypnotized by his deep blue eyes and his face was like marble. Hell, even his scent was amazing; it reminded me of old vintage clothing. It was like gazing at an angel or a god. His skin looked nearly flawless. He quickly stood up and walked over to me and helped me up. I thought it was strange. His hand it felt kind of cold or maybe warm. I thought he didn’t have a sense of touch at all. Like he was dead. “Hey. Are you ok? I didn’t mean to run into you." I totally lost consciousness once I heard his voice. “Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault. I wasn’t looking at where I was looking. Sorry."I tried not to faint at the sound of his voice. It sounded rugged yet peaceful and warm and, somewhere in there, was a sense of darkness. I wanted to keep holding his hand even though it had no feeling it just somehow felt so right to be with him somehow. I looked into his eyes and notice that there was something there, very deep in there; it told me that there was some sort of lose or discomfort. I wanted to ask him if anything was the matter when the school bell rang. Crap! “Well, I better get to class. It was nice meeting you. Whets your name?" he asked e so quickly
"K-Karina. Karina Petrolia. Whets your name?"
"Ryan. Ryan O’Dell. As a matter a fact I think we're in the same class together. Well, for home room I think." Alright! Thank you karma. I realized a little while later that he came out of my class room, and he was right he was in my home room class. The teacher wasn’t there so we had a sub (on the first day of school) and the sub didn’t know what to do so he gave us a self-study period. I decided to get up the courage and ask Ryan if we wanted to hang out with me after school. I know it’s stupid to ask a guy you just met today to hang out even though you hardly known each other for an hour, but, to be honest I just wanted to be with him. "Hey, um, Ryan." I stuttered. He was actually taking a cat-nap so I felt sort of guilty about waking him up, but I’m glad he did wake up." Oh, hey, Karina. What’s up? Need anything?" he asked while doing a very big yawn. I was about to ask him when I realized that his hair was a bit messy, so I made a little giggle. Ryan looked at me confused but I stopped laughing and asked him directly. "If you have time after school, would you mind hanging out with me after school?" I wanted to say it fast just to get the rejection over with, but I wasn’t rejected." Sure fine by me. I got loads of free time. Besides, you’re the only person here that I know and trying to make new friends randomly on the first day of school is a bit stupid. Wanna meet by the gate?" It happened again. His voice completely consumed me from the inside out.
"Cool! I'll see you then!" I said almost turning into a shriek of happiness. I had to control myself around him. Seeing an handsome guy like that happens once in a million years and just being able to see and talk to him every day is good enough for me.

Chapter 2
One World Too Many Coincidences
I was so relieved when the school bell rang I looked for Ryan and he was already at the door waiting for me." Are you ready to go? I can’t stay like this forever, ya know." he smirked. He acted so stuck up that it was cute
"Yea, yea I know I’m coming." I grabbed my stuff and went to the door and we walked together out of the school. We reached the gate, and then Ryan stopped for some reason. “Ryan, what’s the matter? Why did you stop?" I asked. He was silent for a second then out of nowhere he started hitting himself in the head and kept calling himself an idiot over and over again. I rushed over to him and begged him to stop and I asked what’s the matter. "I just remembered that we were supposed to meet by the gate and not at the door." he mumbled. I almost lost my balance. What’s the difference between meeting at the gate and meeting at the classroom door? There’s really no difference if you ask me. I patted him on the back" It doesn’t matter, does it? We're here now so let’s get started on the shopping. Ok?"
Ryan smiled and looked up at me with a face that said he totally agreed with me. I turned around and started walking (trying to hide the fact that I was completely blushing). Ryan ran up beside me and held my hand. My face felt so hot, but the funny thing was that his hand had a sense of touch. They were warm. The kind of warmth you need on a cold winters night. It made me feel happy. All of a sudden, Ryan started running-dragging me behind him- I almost fell because he caught me by surprise. "So what’s the first

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