» Fairy Tale » Magic Wings by Faith Raven (free children's online books txt) 📕

Book online «Magic Wings by Faith Raven (free children's online books txt) 📕». Author Faith Raven

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stopped you from anything, but you broke the one simple rule we had and that, that has really made me upset with you.” His eyes had softened.


“Oriel, make me a promise.” He instructed her.


 “Okay, what is it?” Oriel asked trying to act eager to hear what he has to say but really she wanted out of the conversation.


“Promise me you’ll never use magic without supervision.” Oriel wanted to argue but then her mother Bloom stood behind Merlin and put her hand on his shoulder and looked at Oriel with the same look in his eyes.


 “I promise.” Oriel answered, her feeling of defeat took over once again.  


I promise I won’t use magic… without supervision. I wonder how that’s going to work out?



**Chapter Two:** The Greatest Evils in the world!

“So what’s up with your mood?” Jacob asked closing his locker.


“What do you mean?” Oriel mumbled distractedly.


 Oriel was unconsciously, staring directly at Noah Jackson and Brigit Martins making-out against Noah’s locker.


“Earth to Oreo!” Jacob interrupted Oriel by stepping in front of her view.


 “Oh sorry what were you saying again?” She asked looking into Jacob’s big brown eyes.


Jacob let out a small sigh before putting his hand through his spikey hair.


“Look Oriel I want to be real with you, because I’m your best friend. I know he was your first crush but you have to let it go, he’s not worth it. You can do better.”


Instinctively Oriel jumped back and shot Jacob with a grimace. She was shocked Jacob would even think of something like that.


 “What, Jacob how could you even say that?” She overreacted.


 “Why are you so offended? I’m right though, am I not?” Jacob supplied, before straightening the strap of his bag.


“Noah wasn’t my first crush.” Oriel puffed out her cheeks in annoyance and glared at Jacob for a few seconds before walking a head of him.


“Wait, what? Then who was! Now you have to tell me!” Jacob called from behind Oriel as he trailed her to their class.


“No! And I’m never going to tell you!” Oriel snapped back.


 “See this is what I mean.” Jacob sighed from behind.


Jacob tried to catch up to her but the crowds of students pouring in every direction tackled him from doing so. Oriel kept herself together, holding tight onto her books she kept walking in the direction of her first class. The truth was Noah wasn’t her first crush but she would never spill the truth about who it really was. As much as she tried to avoid thinking about him, Noah managed to find his way back onto her mind. Feeling a little dejected and disheartened for leaving Jacob behind she looked over her shoulder only to be met by a big set of white teeth surrounded by a smirk.


 “I’m guessing Oreo felt lonely, uh?” Jacob teased as he began to walk beside her.


 “Sorry, Jay, I’m just so tired, you’re never going to guess what I did last night.” Oriel replied yawning, she hadn’t had enough sleep.


 “Oh, Shit! What did you do this time?” He asked his eyes still set on her waiting for an answer.


There was a pause between their conversations as Oriel pondered around in her mind thinking of a way to weed her way out of her situation.


 “I nearly burnt down the house,” She blankly responded then opened the door to their classroom.


She walked into the classroom without another word, while a gob-smacked Jacob trailed from behind her. The classroom already had a few lingering students sitting or chatting with each other. Jacob took his seat which was behind Oriel. Placing his bag on the ground and pulling out his chair he leaned forward and whispered.


“How were you planning on burning your house down?” His tone had changed from the playful to eager.


 “Shut up Jay!” Oriel snapped back at him in tease.


 “No but I’m serious, what did you think, oh I’ll get a lighter and use it on the cooker then, this can be my science project.” Jacob hissed then chuckled behind her as he pulled out his text books from his bag.


 Oriel also chuckled at his comment not progressing it quickly enough, when she realised what he had said she turned around swatted his head while he was looking down at his text book.


 “Hey.” Was all he could reply before everyone started to scurry to their places because the bell had rang signalling for lesson to start.


 Oriel opened her History text book to the page they had last stopped at which was “Greatest Powers in the Wold” and “Greatest Evils in the World” she read the first few sentences to jog her memory then began to jot down the date before the teacher arrived.


 The brunette that sat in front of Oriel continued her chatter with the girl opposite her. Oriel ignored the two; it was like an endless sprouting of words.


 “Megan can you please stop talking now the lesson has begun.” Mr Muar told the brunette who hadn’t even noticed the teacher had entered the room. 


 This is going to be a long and painful day. I can feel it already.


The Greatest Evils in the World…. My parents for sure…


 Oriel was in the library looking for a book that would help her with her History assignment which was to write five thousand words on The Greatest Evils in the World. Still grudging against her parents who had ruined her day with their same old same old practises she continued to blame them for her magic outburst.


 If only like normal parents they would just teach me how to use my powers then maybe I wouldn’t go around trying to use them on my own, like for sorceress’s sake. Would that be such a crime! 


 Still ranting in her head Oriel didn’t perceive that a blonde haired girl was watching her. A small smirk stitched onto her lips she made her way to Oriel before tapping her on the shoulder. 


“Hey…Brigit?” Oriel replied she looked more confused than she sounded.


 “Hi, Oriel Collins, right?” Brigit asked putting her finger to her lips like she had to think about it.


Oriel knew better, Brigit was one of those girls who acted mild minded but she controlled the whole school population. Her long blonde hair was curled leaving it to bounce above her shoulders, her light beige trousers matched perfectly with the light top. She wore a small cardigan with a few other accessories like some wrist bracelets and a clip in her hair. 


 “Yeah…” Oriel replied dumbly.


She looked around to see if it was some sort of prank where someone would pull a string and something was supposed to pounce out into her face. But nothing happened. It was only Oriel and Brigit stood in between the rows of bookcases.


 “I like your name, it’s very unique.” She continued, her smile growing with every word she spoke. “Your friends with Jacob, right?” She changed the subject.


 “Yeah…” Oriel answered once again still not wanting to give anything away.


She couldn’t help but have a bitter feeling towards Birgit.


What in the holy sorceress does she want?


 “Ah! Perfect. I was supposed to tell Jacob but seen as I can’t find him anywhere I’ll just tell you.” She supplied then leaned her back against one of the bookcases her eyes not once moving from Oriel.


“Lauren is having a party this Friday night and she wanted me to invite Jacob.”


 Oriel felt herself stiffen; she tried to stop herself from swallowing so hard. She didn’t want Brigit to see how intimidated she was by her.


 “Yeah I’ll let him know.” Oriel answered turning back to the shelf pulling out the first book she saw.


 “You should come, it’ll be fun.” Brigit mused.


 “Yeah, I’ll have to think about it.” She responded opening the book to a random page and reading the first few sentences.


 “See you around, Oriel.” Brigit prolonged before leaving. The small tapping noise left behind by her high heels against the hard floor.


 Oriel snapped the book close and stared at the cover for a few seconds before whacking it in her own face.


I’m so stupid! Forget about my parents being the Greatest Evils in the world, Brigit Martins was the number one Greatest Evil.


**Chapter Three:** Sinking further into emptiness


“What did you expect me to say?” Oriel protested as she walked alongside Jacob.


She had just finished telling him about her unusual encounter with Brigit Martins in the library.


 “If I’m going so are you.” Jacob replied with a confident grin on his face.


Oriel nudged him with her elbow and frowned at him. Jacob knew why Oriel didn’t want to attend the party. The party was going to be hosted by Lauren Nightingale, one of the highly ranked girls and also known as Brigit Martin’s best friend. If that was not bad enough, if Brigit was going to be there it was certain that her boyfriend Noah Jackson would also be there, which made Oriel unsettled. She would never admit it out a loud but if it was not for Noah, she would really like Brigit and Lauren. Oriel only ever saw them as the enemy because they had something she couldn’t have. She envied them.


 “I didn’t get an invite, remember.” Oriel hissed, and then hesitated for a moment remembering back to the conversation with Brigit.


She remembered Brigit had invited her. But it was the tone she had done it in. Did she really want Oriel to attend? And if so, why did she want her to come? It just didn’t settle right with Oriel, she understood why Lauren and Brigit would invite Jacob because he was friends with Noah and one of the best basketball players. Whereas what interest would they have with silly, little Oriel.


 “Why did you hesitate?” Jacob asked instantly, knocking Oriel off balance mentally.


 “What? I didn’t hesitate.” Oriel retaliated, trying to amend her mistake.


 “Stop bluffing, you so did. Even a dodo bird could tell you’re lying.” Jacob replied his right eyebrow lifted a little in suspicion.


 “I didn’t hesitate, I was thinking.” Oriel replied, and then mimicked Jacob’s tone “Even a dodo bird could tell you’re lying…”


“I don’t sound like that!” Jacob looked shocked and offended.


He raised his eyebrows and shook his head in disagreement.


“You should know so much about dodo birds, considering you come from the same species.” Oriel further insulted him and then burst out laughing when Jacob knitted his eyebrows together in a frown.


 “Well that was harsh. Miss Moody.” Jacob retaliated.


Putting his hands up in truce Oriel nodded agreeing to their truce. Suddenly, Jacob dropped the basketball he hand been bouncing around for the past few minutes and picked Oriel

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