» Fairy Tale » Magic Wings by Faith Raven (free children's online books txt) 📕

Book online «Magic Wings by Faith Raven (free children's online books txt) 📕». Author Faith Raven

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Authors Note:

I am currently working on this book only. I will be editing it as I go along. I hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing it.



Oriel stood in the pouring rain, her long black hair stuck to her face from the force of the raindrops. Her hazel brown eyes were narrowed, as she strained to see in the far off distance. She let out a sigh and puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.


 “Where is that idiot?” She asked herself, rubbing her hands together to bring life back into them.


She had been standing in the rain for over half an hour waiting for Jacob -her best friend- who was at basketball practise. He was the schools second best player, coming closely after Noah Jackson –the hottest boy at Richwood High school. The team had a major upcoming match that determined whether Richwood would be able to take part in the High school Championships, to make sure the players were ready for anything the coach had been keeping them afterschool for extra practise.  


Normally she would have walked to Alfred’s Café that was two blocks down from where she was at, but Jacob insisted she waited outside of the school building for him. Unable to stop herself from falling for his persistence she had agreed, that was before she was drenched to the bone. However standing in the showering rain she regretted every word. Deep down she knew he would have done this; it was completely like him to be late.


 She moved her wet strands of hair out of her eyes and squinted again in the direction Jacob would exit from; still there was no sign of him. She couldn’t take it any longer so she dug into her jeans pocket pulling out her phone and dialled Jacob’s number. After three rings Jacob finally picked up.


 “Hey, Oreo,” He greeted her in his cocky-joker voice only to get snapped at by Oriel.


 “Where the Hell, are you?” She asked finding it hard to keep the annoyance out of her voice.


 “Practise just finished, I’ll be out in five minutes.” His voice hadn’t changed from his overly confident tone.


 “Well you can walk to Alfred’s Café on your own, because I’m not waiting in this freaking rain,” She snapped back at him.


The weather had finally got to Oriel; before she could cut the call off Jacob stopped her by saying “Noah might join us.”


 Those four words had the entire colour drained from Oriel. Her mouth suddenly, became dry. A small tingle made its way down Oriel’s spine making her legs a little shaky.


 “Noah Jackson, as in super-ultra-hotty, Noah?” Oriel questioned into her phone, her breathing becoming a little heavier.


“Yeah, I don’t think I know any other.” Jacob mused, sounding pleased with himself.


“Noah Jackson is coming with us to Alfred’s,” She repeated again into the phone just so she could hear those words out loud again.


“Yeah already, stop getting all worked up and girlie okay. His brother Dean is over at our house playing video games with Alex, so I told him he could hang with us before collecting Dean.” Jacob’s voice suddenly sounded like it was a perfectly tuned melody as he explained the real reason.


A small smile crawled onto Oriel’s face as she thought about spending time with Noah.


 “Okay, fine he can join us but please hurry up I can’t wait in this rain anymore,” She reciprocated back to her best friend then before he could say anything else she added “and no I’m not coming inside with all you guys getting changed, no matter how much I want to see Noah Jackson naked.” With that she cut him off.


She’d made that mistake one time before and was never going to make the same mistake ever again, no matter how desperately she wanted to see Noah Jackson’s firm strong body.


 Minutes had flown by; the rain continued its beat against Oriel, who seemed like the only person outside. She hadn’t noticed the two boys approaching because she was too absent-mindedly jumping into small puddles and giggling at the splashes.


“You finished playing, little girl?” Asked Jacob amused as he got closer to her with Noah not so far behind.


 “Yeah…I mean I wasn’t playing…I was testing,” She spluttered out, flustered by their arrival.


Noah only chuckled from behind Jacob. Jacob gave her a small wink and smiled at her before turning to Noah to introduce them both.


 “This is the girl I told you about, Oriel,” Jacob said stepping back so then Noah could look straight at Oriel. She expected something more, even just a, hey but all Noah did was nod his head in her direction, as an acknowledgment of her existence.


Well that was nice…I guess? Oriel thought to herself still staring at Noah.


 Then stepping back in Jacob began having a conversation with Noah about last night’s game, something Oriel had no interest in. Within minutes both of the boys were oblivious to her, as she trailed them from behind.


 Is this the reason why he wanted me to wait for him? Idiot!


 Thought Oriel, she continued to rant at herself on how foolish her best friend really was. When suddenly, Jacob shot her a sinister smile as they became closer to Alfred’s Café, she took no notice of it till they reached inside.


 All three of them took a seat near the window, Oriel began to take off her woolly hat and matching beige coat, when Jacob dismissed them and disappeared into the men’s loo. Then it hit her, Jacob had planned it from the beginning, he wanted to leave them alone then she could spend some time with Noah Jackson.


 So that’s what his plan was.


 She smiled at her best friends intentions and drifted back to her main attraction, Noah. He was tall and lean. He had dark brown hair that hung just below his ears and curled a little on their ends. His eyes were the same chocolate colour as his hair.


 She smiled at him, he smiled back at her. That was their only exchange, when she opened her mouth to speak; someone else’s voice promulgated. She turned to her right to see a tall blonde haired girl stood beside her. Brigit Martins. Her pink plum lips curved into a fake smile her pale blue eyes narrowed on Oriel with her eyebrows crossed.


 “Hey baby,” She said to Noah before taking two glances at Oriel then completely ignoring her.


 “Hey Brig, sit we were just going to order, this is Jacob’s best friend... sorry I forgot your name,” Noah told Brigit then looked at Oriel expecting her to speak.


 “Oriel,” She replied bluntly.


His words had cut deeper than he had thought.


This is Jacob’s best friend…sorry I forgot your name. Like how could anyone forget a name like Oriel, it rhymes with Oreo. It’s so simple to remember! Oriel ranted in her head.


 “You know I can’t I’m on a diet and plus Lauren just texted me they want to meet up, please come with me,” She pouted; her lips pushed out and battered her eyelashes hard.


 “Fine, fine but can I get something to eat first?” He asked looking at her.


“You can eat whatever you want at Lauren’s.” She persisted; she began to tug at his arm lightly to get him on his feet.


 Before leaving, Noah turned around to look at Oriel who was sat alone now watching the couple leave, he gave her a small sympathetic smile, but even that couldn’t make her feel better. Seconds later, when Noah and Brigit where out of the door Jacob return a sour look on his face.


“Didn’t go so well?” He asked her then looked in the direction Noah and Brigit had left.


“Don’t even bother asking,” She replied to him, her mood dying down.


She should have known better to think she would actually get a minute with the hottest guy in the school. Jacob could tell that she wasn’t in the mood so he just rolled his eyes and picked at the menu. Oriel looked down at the table absent-mindedly when a waitress came and stood beside her.


 “Can I take your order?” She asked in her high girly voice.


 “I’ll take the usual coffee and Oriel…” Jacob replied then looked at her, she just gave him a small nod then he continued “she’ll have the same.”


 With that the waitress disappeared to get their orders.


 If only I could use my powers then I would have all the boys falling for me, not only Noah Jackson, but all of them.


 Oriel thought to herself ignoring the glances Jacob was throwing in her direction.


 “Earth to Oreo, hello?” Jacob waved his hand in her face getting her attention.


 “What?” She asked letting a small smile perch on her lips.


 “It’s your fault you know,” He began then the waitress came back with their steaming hot coffees, just as she had come she disappeared again.


“You should know better to crush on a guy who has a girlfriend.” He said picking his cup of coffee off the table.


 “I didn’t know they were going out, Okay! And besides you were the one egging me on, I know you set us up.” She threw back in his direction.


She laughed when he burnt his tongue from the piping hot coffee as he pulled the hot cup away from his mouth and waved his hand. Oriel smiled inwardly as Jacob stuck his tongue out like a little puppy and smiled at the same time.


 One day Noah Jackson will be mine…One day… oh shit now I sound like a psycho.



**Chapter One:** Don't do it Oriel!


Oriel lay on her bed watching the ceiling. Her room almost felt like it was covered with a black blanket blocking any single ray of light. Letting out a sigh she picked her back up and leaned it against the pillow, still staring out into the blackness that embraced her. Feeling hopeless Oriel flopped onto her side, half her body was on the bed while the rest including her head hung off the edge of the bed.  


 I hate life.


 Still unable to sleep, she waited. Feeling the rush of blood to her head she pulled herself back up onto the bed. Feeling infuriated she picked her alarm clock up for the tenth time that night. Why is this shit not working? She thought staring down at the numbers displayed on the screen which read two thirty. With more force than she had expected she slammed the

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