» Family & Relationships » When She's Broken. by Chalen D. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «When She's Broken. by Chalen D. (top 100 novels .TXT) 📕». Author Chalen D.

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I heard the yelling and banging on the door, as i stood by the window in the empty room.
no matter how loud the banging and yelling got i didn't open the door.
they screamed for me to open the door, and stop.
the other window slid open.
"Don't do this." my best friend said, climbing through it.
"why?" my voice sounded dead.
"this wont solve anything." he said.
"yes it will, you know it will."
i took the rock i hand in my hand and hit it on the window, making it break.
i grabbed a sliver and turned to my sanity.
"don't come to me." i said, holding the sliver of glass to my neck.
"whoa, calm down."
"you don't understand no one does."
"yes i do."
"lies. your lying to me."
"just put the glass down listen to my voice."
"why should i no one cares. it's so easy just one little slice."
"so you can bleed to death in pain?" Eli asked.
i looked at him annoyed.
"fine i'll just." i grabbed the rope i had.
"whoa where'd you get that?"
i put the noose on a hook, that was on the roof.
"drop it Eli, i'm doing this."
"what will it solve! i know you have problems we all do."
i got on the chair, and put my head through the loop, testing it.
i tossed the glass, and stood at the edge of the chair.
"Scarlett." Eli said, hand held out.
"i'm sorry i failed you, Eli." I whispered.
i closed my eyes and stepped off the chair.
One month earlier.

"hello family!" i said, coming into the kitchen.
i hugged my sister, kissed my mom's cheek and gave my dad a high five.
i love my family it's just awesome.
My foster brother came in. he just got here yesterday.
everyone stopped what they where doing.
"hey Ayden." i waved.
"Hey Scar." he said.
my family is careful around him cause he dresses different from us. if you think that way why take him into your home?
"so i'm gonna show you around at school today, unless you want to do it yourself."
"whatever." he shrugged, and took an apple.
"are you coming Kenna?" i asked putting my bag on my shoulder.
"uh, yeah." she said, running after us.
"you sit by Ayden." she said, as we came up on the limo.
"i know." i said, sliding in.
i showed him around.
"you have Drama with me, so come on."
he grabbed my wrist and i turned back to him.
"thanks for helping me Scar."
"sure, we all have our problems."
we went to class.
"so how was school?" mom asked, as we sat down for dinner.
"best first day ever!" Kenna said.
"it was good."
"Ayden?" mom asked.
"it's just school," he mumbled.
that night i passed by his room and he was sitting out on the roof.
"hey." i called, leaning on the window.
"hey." he said, not looking back.
i climbed out and sat next to him.
"i wanted to let you know i'm here if you need to talk."
"so, it's a little cold don't you think?" i asked, rubbing my arms.
he put some blanket around my shoulders.
"uh, thanks."
"whatever." he Shrugged.
"so do you have any family?"
"everyone has family."
"mines dead."
"look, i think it's cool, that your trying to include me but could we just be quite for awhile?"
"sure, quiet, i can do that."
"no you can't Scar."
"quiets boring, but if it will help you i'm willing to try."
"Whatever." i shrugged.
we sat there. when i started to shake Ayden scooted closer to me.
"body heat."
"Oh my goodness, get inside right now!" mom said.
we went back inside.
"what's a matter with you? you've never done nothing like that in your life, Scar. Ayden, no going on the roof.
"then where am i supposed to think?"
"you'll do it in your room, like the rest of the normal people."
she turned and went to her room.
"night." i said, leaving.
for the next week we hung out, on the roof.
Ayden told me bits and parts of his past.
"we can hang out anymore." Ayden said.
it was just us at home.
"why?" i asked, shaking my head, and going to him.
"uh, cause okay?"
"no not okay."
he took my face and kissed me.
"okay?" he asked.
"no not okay." i said, reaching up and pressing my lips to his.
he became stiff under my touch.
"fine, no friends."i said, leaving his room and slamming the door.
oh god what did i just do? i just kissed my brother. well, foster brother.
"go away." i said, as the door was knocked on.
"Open the Door." he said.
"go away!" i yelled.
the lock turned and the door swung open.
"no, you don't want to be my friend." i said, as he came to me.
i barely know him but i felt hurt that he didn't want to be my friend.
he shut the door, and took my face.
"Let me go."
"you don't really mean that." he said.
for the first time he smiled a true smile.
he pressed his lips to mine.
"this is wrong." i said, pulling back.
"Haven't you ever done something you thought was wrong?"
"have you."
"i fell in love with the wrong girl."
"that sucks."
he pressed his forehead to mine.
"just for tonight let me love you."
"i'm scared."
which was true.
"don't be."
he kissed me.
i combed my fingers through his hair and he took off his leather jacket.
he picked me up and put me on the bed.
his hand Squeezed my chest once, and then down my body, to my pants.
"what, are you a virgin?" he asked, with a smile.
i nodded.
"oh, shit sorry." he said, pulling away.
"no," i said, pulling him to me.
"just kissing." he said.
i nodded, and he went to my neck.
"we're home!"
"damn." he said.
he kissed my forehead and left, grabbing his coat.
the next night, mom and dad went to a movie and Kenna went to her friends.
i went to Ayden's room.
"What's that?"
he smiled and came to me.
"this is a bottle of vodka, and this is orange juice."
he poured the clear liquid into the orange juice glass.
"drink it." he said, handing it to me.
i took a drink that's good.
"drink it all Scar." he said.
"all of it?"
his hand went to the small of my back, and he pressed me against him.
"all of it." he said, tipping the glass.
"good girl." he smiled, taking the glass to his night stand.
"do you feel different?" he asked, pulling me to him.
"no." i said.
he pulled me to his bed, where he made more drinks.
he layed on the bed and i was sitting at his feet.
"i feel funny."
"don't worry, your just buzzed."
"No i'm hot." i said, i stood taking off my pants.
"Uh, Scar?"
i sat back on the bed.
"you okay?" he asked, sitting up.
i looked over at him.
i pushed him back on the pillows and layed on him.
i bit his neck, and then kissed it.
he sat up, making me sit up.
i grabbed the bottle and put it to his mouth.
"drink it all." i told him.
he pulled away, and coughed.
i took his face in my hands and kissed him.
he layed back, holding my legs.
i went to kissing his neck.
"just go with it,"
"we should stop."
i kissed him again. he flipped me over, and took off my shirt.
"tell me what i have to do."
"just keep your legs up i'll do the rest."
"i'll go slow."
but he was already pushing into me, kissing my neck.
i held onto his back and squeezed my eyes closed.
he didn't lie he went slow.
"k this parts going to hurt, i have to move."
"just do it." i said, patting his back.
he began to move and i screamed through my teeth.
"i know." he said, kissing me.
i tangled my hands through his hair.
soon he collapsed on top of me.
he looked down at me.
"that hurt."
"i know, i'm sorry."
he got off and held me to him.
he kissed my forehead, and stroked my hair.
"we can't tell mom." he said.
i nodded, kissing his chest.
"We're home."
i grabbed my stuff and ran to my room. i jumped into the shower and then went to bed.
the next day i stayed in bed.
"hey, you okay?" Ayden asked, sitting on my bed.
"i'm sore."
"i know. look that was just a one time thing okay?"
"i thought you loved me." i said.
"i do, that's why i'm not going to do that anymore." he kissed my forehead and he was gone.
i stayed on bed for an ten minuets and went to Ayden's room.
he was wearing nothing but a towel.
"so your telling me that you what nothing to do with me?"
"scar." he said, looking startled.
"so last night meant nothing to you?"
"it's not like that, shit."
"i want to know."
with a sly smile he took off his towel.
"whoa!" i said, turning around.
"look, i just don't-"
i lifted up my night gown.
"what are you doing?"
i took off my underwear, and dropped them in his hand.
"do you like me now? am i slutty enough for you?"
i shut the drawer and sat on his dresser.
"is that it you need a hoe?"
"No come on, you want a slut."
i yanked on his arm, pulling him to me.
i bit my lip through the pain, and he moaned.
"what are you doing?" he asked.
"being the girl of your dreams."
i grabbed his hips and pulled him further into me.
"you don't know what your doing."
he grabbed my legs.
"stop your hurting me."
he didn't stop.
"there, is that what you want?"
i grabbed my underwear and ran from the room.
the next day after school we where the only ones home.
"look i had to do that, so you wouldn't want me anymore. i liked you cause you weren't like other girls."
"i was just trying to show you that it's okay."
"okay to what? Make love to your sister. do you know how bad that sounds?"
i bit my lip.
"don't do that." he said.
"don't do what?" i asked, looking up at him from under my lashes.
he grabbed my forearms and pressed his forehead to mine.
"you have no idea what you do it me." he said.
he pulled back, and slowly took off my coat.
"i'll go slow this time i promise, but i need you right now."
i pulled him to me.
i know it's strange but, it felt right. maybe i'm just a freak. or maybe i love the wrong person.
he layed me on my bed, and slowly went in me.
"i love you Ayden."
he kissed me.
we made love to me slowly, and carefully.
"hey mom, don't bother picking me up tomorrow i'm staying after school."
"okay, bye kids."
after school, Ayden Pulled me aside.
"i got you something." he

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