» Fantasy » Twin deaths by Randomz101 (best business books of all time .txt) 📕

Book online «Twin deaths by Randomz101 (best business books of all time .txt) 📕». Author Randomz101

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A fairy tale with a bad ending

Remember the first time you speak and walk. The first smile you ever give someone. Your first hug or kiss or relationship. The first time you ever come home crying. Well my sister Alyssa has always been there for me and I've always been there for her. We always used to think that the only reason were twins is because we were developed with two hearts. In order for us both to live the hearts split and formed two bodies for themselves. That why we love and look like each other. We have the same heart and always will. Nothing can stop us.

One day back in August 1996 we were out in the garden doing everything a typical 2 year old would do. When we heard a scream. We walked towards the cottage and looked in to find nothing but red. We both run towards our 7 year old sister's room to find her hiding beneath the bed shaking and trembling and holding a knife and her breath. She pulled us both under and dialed a familiar number. Grandpa David. We both know at this stage he works and he does door to door business and we only call in emergencies. Our bigger sister Layla is scream/whispering down the phone and then cuts it off. She makes us go into the laundry basket and stay there until grandpa comes home. Before i shut the lid i see a scary monster with fangs and horn with eagle wings which spread widely across his back. I see him drag Layla from under the bed and rip her apart from limb to limb. I hide desperately hoping Alyssa won't make a noise or a single cry to indicate that were here. For some reason he already knows were here and he comes searching for us. I know what i have to do. I spring from the basket with the grace of a ballet dancer and grab the knife that was tossed out of Layla's hand and slash the monster/beast with all my might. He falls and turns into dust. I grab Alyssa and run out of the cottage towards Grandpa David's house where we find only a pair of boys lying wounded on the floor of their own rooms. The eldest is 4 and he has a massive gash in his leg and his baby brother looks awfully pale and distressed. We know that we have lost our whole families and only us and grandpa remains.

I know your probably wondering how can a pair of 2 year old's kill a random monster/beast and save a pair of neighboring boys?? Well quick explanation ( nan+grandad=mom nan=witch grandad=healer mom=healer/witch mom+dad=us dad=angle us=angle/witch/healer !! )


Me and Alyssa are 15 now and live with Grandpa David and his two boys Seth who is 13 and Kian who is 17. Kian has a blondish brown hair colour with bright blonde highlights which brings out his turquoise eyes. His younger brother takes after Dad who has Black curly hair which just stop at the tip of his ears and mossy green eyes. No one knows why Kian's eyes are turquoise compared to his deceased mother's who's eyes were brown and his fathers who's eyes are forest/mossy green. Grandpa David isn't actually our Grandpa. We just called him that because after his wife died before the attack he fancied our grandma Shelia. He was always around her making flirty little comments and a quick hint here or there but they never went out. Our mom ditched us to live with Grandma and set out to fore-fill her dream of being a fashion designer but instead she was found wasted dead on a corner. Our dad is just some washed up surfer who never looked at mom with a second glance when she was pregnant. He left straight after we were born. We have never had it easy when we started school. It was just because we weren't blonde and blue eyed. It's still like that in high school. All the boys want is someone who has blonde hair, boobs and a fit body. Compared to them we look like outcasts . Alyssa has black curly hair down to her ass and big brown/black eyes. I have light brown (obs dyed) down to my back (obs cut) and i have big hazel eyes. When we were little you could tell us apart because our eye colour but now it's everything. I feel like i'm losing her for a nasty stuck up bitch like all the woe's and sluts are at our school. Even the geeks as frigging woe's and tarts. The only people i know who aren't like that is me, Alyssa, Frankie and Gennie. Gennie has dark cherry red hair and green eyes which are warm and welcoming on the other hand Frankie has a short purple/pink bob. They're our best mates except for Kian, Damien, Seth, Jake and Erik. Damien is what you would call gay but he's proper friendly. Kian is your everyday boy who plays a bit of football now and then. Seth (not Kian's little bro) is an artist. Jake is a joker who flirts to much and sometimes gets himself in shit. Erik is a star basketball player and is totally the hottest guy in mine, Alyssa, Gennie, Frankie, Damien and Seth year. Jake and Kian are 17 so there in a different year to us but that doesn't mean we aren't mates.

"Heya babe how's the day going?" I hear a flirtatious voice say from behind me. Jake.
"Well shit, shit and shit wbu? " i ask smiling as he pulls a fake shocked face.
"Omg did Abbie just swear!! i must be hearing things " he says tapping his ears pretending to be shocked.
"Just leave her alone won't you" says Frankie coming from behind him. Her outlined eyes a tiny bit smudged making her look like a panda.
" Ahahaha it won't work i'll flirt with her till the day i die" Jake says fluttering his eye lashes at Frankie who bursts out laughing. Gennie appears from no where and starts laughing. Obs she heard our conversation because she dragging Seth with her too. Damien is already with us but ends up on the floor clutching his stomach.
"Where's Alyssa?" asks Seth.
" I-I-I don't know tbh" i say when i feel a bubble of worry fill up inside me.
"She's gonna be fine Abz it's not like she been zapped up to space right under our noses" says Frankie shaking her bob out her face.
Just then we see Alyssa being followed by the top football player Zack. She was pushing him away but he made her turn towards the bike sheds. She now was hitting him trying to hide her witch side but in the end she is hidden by the wall. Everyone in my group is staring that way. Seth begins to walk towards the alley but Frankie beats him to it. Then Kian from no where grabs me and tele-ports me to the corner before the bike sheds before anyone can get there. And i'm glad i got there before Seth because all i see is body and no clothes.


Zack is dragging me now right round the corner past my sister and my friends. All i wanted was to get to them with out being kissed, asked out or even begged for sex. I heard a deal between the football jocks. Who ever could get me to have sex with them got £40. seriously you must be insane to do such a pervy bet. So what if me, Abbie, Frankie and Gennie aye been in bed with a dude yet i'm keeping it that way till i'm 18 or maybe 17 but not 15.

I see confused looks over my sisters and my friends faces before i'm fully round by the bike sheds. I want to kick and scream but i tell myself not to because i'll end up getting myself raped or something else. I try to enjoy kissing him but he's hurting me and i can't do it with someone if i don't think he's the one. I like Seth because he's calm and loving and would protect me in anyway. But he can't stop Zack. I can feel the wolf inside of Zack and his wolf wants to do me till i'm sore. It's disgusting ikr !! :&

He's ripping of my blouse now and sticking his hand into my girl boxer's. That's when i see Kian and Abbie appear from no where to rescue me. I try to reach for my knifes but there tucked in my ankle. His fingers were everywhere but my hands. He was grappling everything he could in my pants and i know why the called him the scrapper. My sister is chanting something i can't hear but soon enough Zack is flung to the floor being held down by Kian. I grab my blouse and put it on. Then i look at Zack.
"I'm not going to kill you but you should be careful because me and my friends will rip you apart limb from limb you get me?" I ask kicking dirt into his face.
I run into Seth's arms feeling the warmth and safety of his embrace and then i run over to my sister and Kian and hug them in turn. If it wasn't for them i'd be losing my virginity at this very moment. We turn to walk back towards the cafeteria.

"What the hell did he want?" Abbie said with a concerned look in her hazel eyes.
"Oh i over heard a bet the jocks were doing their trying to make all our age virgins lose it " I say trying not to blush.
" I'll fucking knock his head off," said Seth steaming with anger and rage. I thought he was going to go on rampage. I hugged him and he began to breath more slowly.
" Oh god what bent pervs!!" Abbie shouts so everyone can hear. She smirks that sexy smirk I've never had. Sometimes i get jealous of Abbie because she

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