» Fantasy » New Life by Mackenzie Furniss (read e books online free .txt) 📕

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"So what you're saying grandfather, is that I must transfer yet again?"

My grandfather nods at me from the leather recliner stationed behind his polished oak-wood desk.

"And you're saying that the reason this time is to-and I quote-'not only make friends, but to also find a husband?'"

Again he nods. I sigh and stare him straight on, so unwilling to do this that I would break my parents first rule about never looking him in the eye. He stares back, unflinching.

"Grandfather, I understand your concern for my social life and the future of our family-really I do. But don't you think that friends and a-a husband are pretty low on my list of priorities?"

As I choke on the last part of my arguement, grandfather gets up to walk around his desk and stand in front of me. I know painfully well just how impossible his hope is. Sadness becomes etched into his face as he sees the tears that I am fighting to hold back.

"My dear Akemi, it is true that, for you, such worries have become nonexistent-by your own hand might I add-but the family worries for your future. Come now, don't make such a face. While yes, it's true that I worry the most, everyone is truly concerned."

As soon as he mentioned the rest of the family, my face twisted in disgust. My "family" is not something I care to discuss with anyone except for my one and only friend, Kasumi Wabati. Grandfather conitnues to talk.

"If you won't listen to them-utterly understandable, with the way they are-at least listen to me."

At that I step forward to bring myself closer, my eyes finally dry, but stop a foot away. Since birth I have been told to never touch, hug, or hold another person. Even though that rule never applies when around grandfather, it has been drilled into me since birth. Old habits die hard.

"Grandfather, you and I both know full well the family just wants to be rid of me. Just as well, no one in my generation, nor the next and previous will accept me for who I am. To them I am much too strange. Every time I transfer, I hide my powers and even my true personality-I become a shell-and when I feel I can finally trust someone; finally let go, they betray me."

As I speak grandfathers hand comes up to cup my cheek. He knows that it is the truth and that it pains me greatly to say it-but all my tears were shed long ago on the matter.

"I know Akemi, I know. *sigh* You're right, finding a husband is too much to ask of you-for now. But will you at least humor this old heart and go to First Magic High School? I am sure that you will find the friends that you need there."

His words sink in slowly as I realize what he's said.*sigh* So he won't give up on the husband thing huh? Oh well, so long as he's not trying to play matchmaker. But still I open my mouth to protest. Though I am unable to get a single word out before my he cuts me off.

"If I must, I shall get on my knees and beg."

The mental image of my strong grandfather begging someone for anything causes my mouth to shut with a snap. I mean, is he really that...desperate? I am so shocked that I blurt out my next words without pausing to think.

"No grandfather please. No begging. I will go to this First Magic High School, though I cannot guarantee my chances at friends-or my even trying very hard to find any for that matter. But try I will."

He smiles at me still staring unwaveringly into my eyes. Then, out of the blue, he kisses my forehead affectionately and pulls me into an embrace. This is a gesture that no one has ever given me except for him, but even that was many,many years ago. I soak it in while I can, knowing that it may never happen again.

"That's the best I can hope for, hm, Akemi?"

I can feeling him smiling with sad amusement into my hair.

"If it were anyone else, I wouldn't have budged even that much. Only for you grandfather."

New Girl

 One month later...


'So this is First Magic High School huh?'

I look up to see the main building looming in front of me. The first day of school wasn't until tomorrow, but I was here to explore the campus. There were other students scattered around waiting to go inside for the rehearsal ceremony that would officially make them students. Above my head, cherry trees tried to bloom early in greeting to me.

'Well this won't do,' I thought. 'The rest of the new students will need something to keep smiles on their faces tomorrow.'

With a heavy sigh I glance around, searching for anyone close enough to see or hear what I was about to do. When I was satisfied that the students had all seemed to have gone inside, I closed my eyes and focused on opening myself up to all of my magic. Slowly I held out my arms, and, with a deep breath, sang to the trees.

'The cherry blossoms bloom,

In the night of the moon.

The sky turns red like the fire,

As the dance of the wind begins.

The trees bow their branches,

Leaves singing in delight.

As the clock hands,

Turn back the time.

They know now they can rest,

Until their day has come.'

As the last note fades away, I close myself off from all but my most basic of magic energy, and open my eyes. Looking up to be sure that the cherry trees had listened, I smile gently at their obedience. Not wishing to be seen by anyone that might be coming out of the building, I hurry on my way down the path towards the schools exit. Pausing at the gate I look back to see a boy and girl looking in my direction. Grateful for the distance between us, I turn back and walk towards what would now be considered my new "home."

My grandfather had been worried at first because I would be living by myself in a new city, in a new house. It's a two story house with a big family room for any entertaining I may do, a decently-sized kitchen for all cooking purposes, big rooms for anything else that I may have in mind, and a hidden basement large enough for all my...other work. The first thing I would do for now would be to take in all the boxes of supplies, clothes, and other materials that grandfather had sent to the house. When I went to the pile sitting just outside my door, I found a note taped to the top. Carefully removing the tape I opened the note.




    Sorry if the delivery took so long. We were only recently

informed of your move to the city in which HQ stands. This

is a joyous occasion as, now, you need not wait long for

packages. We look forward to seeing you at the earliest

convenience, and those of us who know you most personally

wish to welcome you to your new house upon your settling in.


                                        Kasumi Wabati

                                        Design Science Department Head

P.S. Girl you need to get in touch with me ASAP! What has



   I groan mentally as I go to unlock my door, but am unable to keep a small smile off my face. A noise next-door draws my attention. I look over in time to see a young woman around the same age as me arriving with what appears to be her brother. They are both wearing uniforms of First Magic High, but the woman wore an emblem where as the man did not. According to my own uniform and the pamphlet I had been given, she was a Course 1 student, and he a Course 2 like me.

Shrugging slightly, I proceed to unlock the door to my house, but once the door is open, I pause. 'Something is not right,' I thought. Slowly backing to the boxes, I open the first one, already knowing what is inside. Slowly and carefully I take out a modernized weapon I had designed for my own purposes long ago. To most others, it would look like a pen, however, it was actually a long-sword that could be split into two pistols. My CAD was originally meant to only be a long-sword that would withstand my powers, however, upon the insistance of my grandfather I had it modified to long-range as well.

Assuming that my new neighbors had already entered their own house, I carefully and slowly entered my own. Sending out my mind using magic, I sensed the presence of two unwanted visitors. The confusing part was though, they were not here for me. It seemed they were occupied with the neighbors whereabouts and doings, but even so, I will not allow any uninvited guests into my new home without my permission, and I most certainly will not allow them to draw any unwanted attention towards me.



 Creeping up the stairs to where they were hiding, I used my magic to unsheathe my long-sword as well as make it so that the blade would not only kill them if necessary, but would make all cuts cauterize so as to avoid any messes. Hopefully, they were just there to watch my neighbors and could be talked into leaving the house quietly. When I was almost upon them, I gently cleared my throat, startling them away from the window where they were situated. Looking behind them I could see a sniper rifle set up and aimed towards the house next to mine. Once their shock dissipated, the sniper looked me over, and, noticing that there was no emblem on my uniform, turned back to the window.

To his companion he said, ' She'll be easy enough to handle, she is only a weed. Our targets are in the next house over. Take care of her quickly, and let's get on with our assignment.' As he turned back to the window, his companion started towards me, knife in hand. Suddenly, the sniper rifle at the window fell to pieces. 'Wha-' Neither one had time to question what had happened before I darted forward-my physical strength and taijutsu training having given me impressive speed-  and silenced them both.

After making sure that they were both dead, I walked to the window, keeping to the shadows in the room. As I peered at the house,

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