» Fantasy » Out of the Darkness 3 by Rose1699.books (good novels to read .TXT) 📕

Book online «Out of the Darkness 3 by Rose1699.books (good novels to read .TXT) 📕». Author Rose1699.books

Chapter 5 Attack

I was laying on Mamoru's chest with his arms still around, and he looked so peaceful. So I got up and tried not to wake him up so I can go check up on Jade. So I put my clothes on and walked down the stairs and I heard singing and a piano. I was the most beautiful singing and playing I ever heard. So I sat on the stairs and listened to the singing.

"How can this be
My last qustion for you
How can this be without you here?
My last qustion for you...Is...
How can we survive this?
How can we get away from this?
My last words to you is...
I love you.
My last wish is for me and you
To be forever.
Oh my last qustion is...
Dod you love me."

As the singing stop I saw Jade just looking out the window and playing the piano and tears going down her face. I just watched her because she was just so pretty and her singing was wonderful and so sweet it made me like her more. She Countied singing:

"Oh my last qustion is...
Do you love me?
I see your red eyes
As they speck to me
I can feel you breathing
One last time. Oh my love
For you will never die
Oh this last qustion is...
Am I too late to save you love?
Oh I wish I could of been there
For you.
Oh this last qustion is?
Will you ever forget me?"

She finally stopped singing and she was crying and I got up and walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my head on hers. Her breathing was a little faster but calm and she smelt good. I undid my arms and sat beside her and we started to talk as I wrap the tears off her face.

I said smiling," Jade that was beautiful and wonderful singing you have. It's so wonderful. But Why are you crying? I never thought you would cry. But did you write that song? And are you alright?"

She wrappedher arms around me and cried into my chest and I held her tightly and she was crying hard and I wish I could help her more then just hold her to make her better. I laid her on the couch because she fell asleep crying and I told her I'll keep an eye out for her until she wakes up from her sleep.


I was watching out for Damon when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as they put their hand over my mouth and I tried to get free but I couldn't and they dragged me to an ally and made me get on my knees and they had my arms behind my back and they made me look stright ahead and tears were going down my face and I didn't know what to do and I tried my best to escape but I can't because who ever has me was stronger then me and they were hurting my arms and I tried to scream because of the pain but they covered my mouth and I couldn't scream. Then I saw the guy in my dream was there and with a sowrd and I started to cry more. They let their hand from my mouth and I screamed. And I ran but they were faster then me and I started to run faster. I was going down a street and I kept running but they were still behind me and then I ran into a guy and he grabbed me and I struggled to get free but he had me tighter.

I yelled, "What do you want from me!!!!please let me go!!!!What do you want with me!!!!I never hurt anyone!!!!please let me go!!!!Please!!!"

I started to cry harder but he wouldn't let me go and he made me get back on my knees and this guy was maybe 6'2, black-red eyes, and pale skin and and dark brown ear lenght hair.He made me look at the tall man in black, that had burning red eyes and he was very angry, he had ear length black hair, tall about 6'7 skinny and was muscular that was in my dream that almost killed me and his eyes were buring red with anger and he slapped me across my face and my head turned sideways as I screamed at the pain. I got free again and I just snapped and started fighting. But I knew I would get beat, so I fought anyways.

I punched the the 6'2 man in the face and he fell backwards and then another one was coming at me and I punched him in his private area and fell to the ground in pain and then the guy I punched grabbed me and punched me in my side and I fell out of breath and he started to kick me and then they picked me up and put me on my knees again and the started to stretch my arms out and I couldn't move and they started to kick and punched me in my sides, chest and stumache and I felt something warm go down my face and I knew the side of my head was bleeding and eveything started to get blurry and the slamed me into the ground and i just stayed there and my eyes started to close and I mouthed the words, "I love you Mamoru." And I close my eyes and passed out.

Chapter 5 Attack prt. 2

I woke up and I didn't know where I was and I looked around and I looked up and saw my wrists were chained and bleeding and so was my anckles, I tried to get free but everytime I tried to escape I was just hurting myself more. I was standing up and chained and my body was fully naked and I could still feel the blood going down my head, so I wasn't out cold that long and I saw on the floor how much blood I lost from my head. I want to be in Mamoru's arms and how his warm body was on mine and how his kisses made me feel safe and warm with him and his sister Jade. I miss them so much. I need them here and I just want out of here. I'm alone nobody around me. I need to find Mamoru and Jade.I was crying harder and then someone came into my cell and it was him the tall 6'5 guy. I didn't know where I was, I don't even think I'll survive this. I was so scared and confused I just wanted to die.

Then he came towards me and he stop a few feet away from me and I saw a round long thing on his side and then he took it out and unwrapped what it then he swung it and I heard a "WOSH" and I figured it out and I just started to cry and shake he had a whip. I found my arms above my head chained together and I started to shake more. Then I felt a sharp pain across my chest and I screamed in pain, cried in pain. He started whipping me. He hit me again and I cried bloody muder and I screamed out Mamoru's name. Everytime he hit me I saw blood on the whip every time it hit me. I heard him laughing and I just kept screaming and crying. He has hit me alredy a hundred times and I cried.

He said laughing, "Keep screaming you bitch!!'He laughed harder he whipped me again,'Oh I love how a girl screams because of my whip' He was enjoying himself,'Oh still more to come my lady.'WOSH he hit me again laughing, 'Hahahahahaha'WOSH he hit me again and it burned,'You are mine now bitch!"

I cried harder and louder and then he stopped and came behind me and he started to whip my back and I cried louder and I said stop but he wouldn't. I can't take this pain anymore, I screamed at the top of my lungs but he kept going.


He stopped and I cried harder,and he hit me hundred times as well on my back. I was breathing heavily and he unchained me and threw me on the ground and I hit my head on the wall and i cried harder, I saw what he wanted and I knew he wanted it bad.

He said getting on top of me,"Anything I want huh?'I shook my weakly, as he touched my cheek,'Let me have u whenever I want and I can get u pregnant and you'll be free to do after the baby is born.'I didn't want to do it, but I nodded my head yes,'Then let me do it to you tonight and I'll leave u alone for the rest of the night night. Deal?' I nodded my my head yes again and he grabbed my boobs,"Good, lets start tonight"

He grabbed my boobs and started to feel them and he just kissed me hard and I tried to get him off of me, because I had to trick him to stop beating and whipping me, but he just pinned me down and started to rub it against my area and I slapped him hard and I got up and ran but he I kept running until I felt his whip on my back again and I fell


Publication Date: 11-15-2011

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