» Fantasy » Life by Patricia Silva (e books for reading TXT) 📕

Book online «Life by Patricia Silva (e books for reading TXT) 📕». Author Patricia Silva

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Today, the rain finally stopped. It hasn't stopped since October. It is now the middle of June and it has rained every single day since the begining of October. I found it odd that the day the queen called me and asked for me to visit her was the day the rain finally stopped.

She said there was something she had recently discovered, and she wished to discuss it with me. Something... wierd must be going on, something very unusual. However, in a way, I'm kind of looking forward to it, whatever it is. My life has been quite boring these past few months. In fact, these past few years have been rather boring, insignificant, the same thing every day. Nothing different, everyday is almost utterly exact.

Except for the non-stop storm that has been going on for the past nine months, though it did not really affect me directly. Other than that, the only event that has seemed of any importance to me is that of my co-worker, Mrs. Hunt, becoming pregnant. Any new sense of life seems to make me happy nowadays, but only to a certain extent because, again, it does not affect me directly.


I was driving down the winding roads when I finally pulled into the parking lot of Main Castle. A castle worker escorted me to one of the castle's libraries, where Queen Isabelle awaited me.

"Tomas," she said, standing up from one of the desks, "It's nice to see you again."

"It has been a while hasn't it, Queen?" I said, with a smile. I would bow to the queen, except I've known her ever since high school and bowing has never really seemed quite right. She led me to the desk where she had about five different books open, scattered across the table.

"So, what exactly is it that you've been... studying?" I continued, examining the books in front of me.

"It's not much studying, mostly just connecting facts," she replied.

"What kind of facts?"

"Well, let's see," she said, looking up at me," you are aware that one of the secrataries at your work, Mrs. Hunt, is pregnant?"

She waited for me to respond. I paused. Of course I was aware, but how was she aware? I nodded so that she would continue, though I was still looking at the books.

"Well, she gave birth early this morning, to a girl..."

Again, how would she know that? I pushed that thought away and looked up.

"Now, she obviously hasn't gotten her gift checked yet, however, if my calculations are correct, she could be..."

I understood where she was going. It was the one thing she had always been trying to find.

"Isabelle," I said," you should really stop with this..."

"But, Tomas, this time I know it is right."

"That's what you said last time..." I mumbled.

"I know... but this time I just know it's correct."

"Isabelle," I sighed, "you can do all the research you want, but you can not figure out when it is going to happen... or if it even willhappen. For all we know...they could be... gone."

"But It's not just research." She obviously wasn't going to give up. "She gave me a vision, Tomas," she said, looking away.

"Who gave you a vision?"

She looked at me with her bright blue eyes, "Siena."

She had to be joking."The baby gave you a vision?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, I know, I know it sounds crazy but..." she swallowed, "This is it. She's... the one. Tomas, I know it..."

"Isabelle..." I had no idea how to respond.

"You don't believe me." She looked me in the eyes.

"No, it's not that. I mean, it's just... how can you be so sure?"

"Tomas..." she looked away again, "If only you saw what I did," she whispered.

"What did you see?" I still did not believe a barely-born baby could send anyone a vision.

"It's hard to explain..." she said, her eyes glowing.

"How did it prove to you that she has the gift of life?"

"Well..." The look on her face showed that she was searching for words, any words.

"Did she just straight out tell you or did she show you something?"

"Well, I guess it was just... sort of... it..."

"It's really that hard to explain?" I asked.

"Yes. It was probably the shortest, most vague vision I've ever had, yet it was the most... amazing," she stated, her eyes still glowing bright.

"How do you know it was her sending the vision to you?" So many questions sat on the tip of my tongue.

"Because! I just do... Tomas, you had to have seen it..."

We were both silent for a moment. Then, all of a sudden, my vision fuzzed away, my sense of reality and conciousness gone. For a second I thought that someone had hit me on the head, knocking me out. Then it really hit me, a feeling in between dreaming and being lost deep in thought. It was a vision. Not my own, someone was sending it to me.

It was not like any other vision I have ever had. I could not see anything, or hear anything, or feel anything. Pretty soon, I had no thoughts, no knowledge. I didn't know where I was, everything just looked white. Then, I did not know what I looked like, how old I was, or who I was. I didn't know anything at all.

Then, there was a mirror. No, it wasn't a mirror. I wasn't looking at myself, I didn't know who I was, I didn't know anything. Yet, I knew that the man I was looking at was Tomas Carter. He's a wizard, he's three-hundred and eleven years old. I do not know how to count. He has the gift of nature. I do not know about gifts. He works in a government office. I don't know what that is. I am not Tomas Carter. I have just been born, and he has just found that out.

Then, I show him.

I don't know how I show him, I don't know how I do it. I do not know where the dead body came from, I do not know how I brought it to life again. Then it walked away, but I don't know where it went. I don't know anything.

He looked so suprised, as if he'd never seen this before. I haven't either, though for me it just seemed so natural. I didn't know how I did it, but it seemed natural. I could do it again. I did.

Another dead body appeared somehow. I didn't know what it was. Then I brought it to life. I don't know how I did it, but I did. Then it left, just like the first one. Tomas looked at me strangely, like I'm something different. I do not know what I am.



I blinked. I looked around and I was in the library again, the queen of Tyren sitting in front of me.

What the hell? What the hell was that? I just had a vision, but... it was so... wierd.

"You had a vision?" asked Isabelle.

I nodded. I was confused. It couldn't have been...

"What was it?" she asked.

"It...I think..." I did not know how to describe it.

"It was her, wasn't it?"

"I... I think so..."

"I told you," she muttered.

About an hour passed of us discussing what we had seen and what it meant. Then it went silent again.

 "So... you just wanted to tell me this. That you finally found... her?" I asked.

"That's not the only reason," she said with a smirk.

"What else is there?"

"Well, I duscussed things with Mrs. Hunt last night, after I had the vision and-"

"Last night? I thought you had it this morning," I said.

"No, it was yesterday evening," she corrected.

"But Siena was born this morning..."


"She gave you a vision before she was even born?" I whispered.



She nodded. "We also discussed who Siena's mentor should be..."


"Well you don't have an apprentice right now," Isabelle said, looking at me.

"Me? You want me to be her mentor?"

"Yes," she said with a grin.

"But... I've never had an apprentice before," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"You will soon, if you accept."

I pondered it for a moment. "Okay, I accept."



"Good," Isabelle smiled, "I'll call Mrs. Hunt this evening."

"Sounds good," I said with a smile.

"I'm sure Mrs. Hunt will be happy to have a friend mentoring her daughter."

Friend? I thought for a minute. I never really considered Mrs. Hunt a friend.

"I'm not sure how good of a teacher I am, though," I commented.

"Well, you better start preparing, ten years can go by fast."

"I'm sure it can."

And it did.


The Day Has Just Begun


I woke up with a start, another nightmare. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, 5:23 pm. I had a while before I had to get up so I laid back down to rest my head on my pillow, but I did not go back to sleep. If I did, I would just wake with a start again. So I lay sleepily in my bed until the alarm went off.

I reluctantly got up and put on my school uniform, then made my bed. I combed out my dark hair, then grabbed my backpack and went into the kitchen for breakfast.


"Good morning, Siena," my mom said.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"You're going to Tomas' house after school right?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I'm staying there for the week... why?" I replied.

"Could you pick up Sophia from school and drop her off at Lisa's house on your way there?"

"Sure. But aren't you going to be here next week?"

"Yeah, but im going somewhere tonight," she said, "I'll pick her up in the morning."


As if she spent enough time with us. Then again, did I want her to?

"She should start staying at Lisa's house longer, to train and stuff," I told her.

"She's only 9, Siena," she replied.


"So, she's not supposed to start that until she's older."


Right, because nine is old enough to be left home alone, yet not old enough to learn magic.

"I started 3 years ago, when I was 10," I stated.

"Yeah, well, she can wait alittle longer," she said.

"Okay. Hey, Tomas wanted me to ask you if you were going to work late today. Thats wierd, it's Friday, why wouldn't you?"

"Actually," she sighed, "I'm not"

"Why not?" I asked.


"Is it because you're going out tonight? Where are you going?"

"To take care of some business..."

"What kind of business? Like black market business?"

"No. Other business. Just tell Tomas that I'm not going to be there and that I'll talk to him on Monday."

"Okay..." Other business, I didn't think I wanted to know what that meant.

We finished breakfast in silence, which was probably good because I didn't really know what to say to my mother, I never do. And when I think I do, it's usually the wrong thing to say.

After a few minutes Sophia came out of her room and sat at the table, lightening the mood a bit. After she ate, we said bye to our mom and I led Sophia out of the apartmants and down the street.


After a couple of minutes, Sophia asked, "What are we doing after school today?"

"Not much..." I replied.

"But it's Friday, we always do something fun on friday until mom gets home from work," she said, looking up at me.

"Well it's up to Lisa, I guess. You're going to her house after school."

"Oh. Why? Where are you going?" she asked.

"Just 'cause, and

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