» Fantasy » Living Hell: 'Daughters of the Night' (On-Hold) by Chloe Knox & TayTay2000 & Bookaholic25 (classic books for 13 year olds .txt) 📕

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Preface: Deep Thoughts With Naomi

When I was a little girl and heard the word Hell, tons of horrific things took over my mind. I would think of fire, demons, and darkness. I would imagine tons and thousands of dead bodies tossed on a pile next to a crack in dried up land, lava circling inside. I could practically hear all the screams and pleas of mercy, torture, and pain…never did I think that I’d actually get a chance to see if all my theories and wonders about the underworld where true, let alone live in a castle with Lucifer, the devil himself.

And that was just because to me, a fire burning pit of pain underground was the stereo-typical Hell. I never even really believed in Hell and the Devil or even God and Heaven when I was younger.

But now…?

It’s kind of hard to stay in denial about Hell really existing, when I’ve been stuck down here for a little over six years now. I can’t not believe when demons are walking by me in the halls, smiling because they know I’m helpless. They could jump me, suck me dry of life, and walk away without so much as a second glance from any witness. They probably would too, if it wasn’t for Lucifer.

Everyone here calls him so many different names; ‘My Lord’, ‘My Creator’, ‘Your Majesty’, ‘Your Highness’, all those fancy ones as if being ruler of the dead, mad, and even the undead was such an honor. Everyone here acted as if he were just as important as ‘the REAL Creator’, God.

Me and my one friend here, Agatha Salvati? We know who Lucifer really is!

Lucifer is a fallen angel, and lacks power besides fierceness and the ability to intimidate!

All of Lucifer’s “power” lives within, one thing…one person. And that’s his wife, Lilith—who was the first Eve. Long story short, Adam didn’t respect Lilith and so she went crazy; began fornicating with men and even women while they slept. She was banished to Hell with Lucifer and all his followers, after Lucifer massacred a huge handful of humans.

Lilith wasn’t only the first Eve, she was the first succubine.

But not only is she a seductive succubine that could easily lure in and kill a man with her looks, oh no! She has power! And a lot of it! She had made a bargain with a witch, when she first started to go mad. She traded her whole life as a servant to the witch, in exchange for…well…many different things.

She’s mostly known for her ability to send people to ‘the In-between’, which is what people down here call Earth, since it’s in between Heaven and Hell. She’s the one that sends Lucifer’s army of demons and creatures up to Earth, to do his bidding.

She’s also very talented in the ‘mind-control’ field. All she has to do is look you straight in the eye, and with a simple thought she can control you; she can plant and create thoughts and memories into your mind. She can take away thoughts and memories, as well...(hence, the reason I have barely any memory of my childhood)

All Lucifer’s capable of is giving you a brooding stare and yelling. He threatens, but never have I ever seen him actually hurt someone. He always has his guards and demons do all his dirty work.

So not only is Lucifer a lazy, powerless, fallen angel…he’s a pig! A horny, disgusting, selfish pig!

And how can I say this with 100% certainty?

It’s not just because I’ve seen him tackle Lilith to the ground, literally, tearing her clothes off in front of everyone, and it’s not because I’ve seen him dig into his dinner with both hands, ignoring the silverware next to his plate. It’s because Agatha Salvati and I are members of what Lucifer likes to call his ‘Daughters’ of the Night’.

We ‘the Daughters’ of the Night’ are pretty much a group of women of all ages, as young as ten to as old as forty, that do whatever we can to please the “lord”.

The older women, Jennifer, Hailey, and Monique, help the slaves and servants around the palace. All day they cook, clean, and pretty much anything Lucifer or Lilith asks of them.

The younger girls, Kelly, Lily, and Renee, have it the easiest here in the palace. They don’t have to do anything. All three of them aren’t even teenagers yet, so there isn’t really much they can do around here anyway.

The teenage and young adult girls, Whitney, Farah, Minnie, Agatha, and me, all please the lord in a different way.

The five of us are Lucifer’s Mistresses. It’s the worst for Agatha and Whitney, though. They’re both blonde, beyond beautiful, and young. They’re the kindest and most innocent girls I’ve ever known in my life…but they’re the ones that Lucifer targeted. Minnie, Farah, and I, we usually just watch the younger girls and sometimes help Jennifer, Hailey, and Monique around the castle.

I was lucky.

I owe a lot to Agatha. In a way, she’s unconsciously saved me…I don’t know how she does it. I know if I were her, I’d hate myself; even the thought of giving up something so special, my virginity, to Lucifer? A lying and conniving Devil? It makes me sick! It makes me want to cry non-stop…and that is what happened the first night…

I remember lying in my room, feeling so scared and anxious for Agatha. I remember how I feeling alone and helpless. My best friend was being tortured, harassed, and there was nothing I could do for her…I felt horrible...I can’t even imagine how she felt that night.

She was only sixteen.

The door creaked open slowly.

I watched in the shadows of mine and Agatha’s dark room as a short, yet curvy, figure slid through the door and into our room…I immediately knew it was her, Agatha.

She quickly tiptoed over to her bed, as if trying not to wake me, unaware that I had stayed up the whole night waiting for her, “Aggie!”I whispered to her, just as she began opening the covers to her bed.

She froze; the sound of her quite whimpers slowly getting louder as she hiccuped. She was holding her cries in.

“Aggie, come here.”

Agatha quickly turned and jumped on my bed next to me, sliding under the covers. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into an embrace that I hoped would comfort her.

I remember how badly she shook under me. Her skin was burning hot and she was sweating so much, her skin was sticky. She was out of breath and was sobbing into my neck; I could even feel her heart against my arm pounding very rough and fast.

“It’s okay to cry, Aggie. Let it all out.” I encouraged her as I rubbed her back, doing my best not to worsen her condition, but to help her…when honestly, I had no clue what to do or say. So I stayed quite as she sobbed louder and harder for a good hour or two till her pain overwhelmed her weak body. Her eyes closed and she faded into a deep sleep.

…today is my sixteenth birthday…

Sweet Sixteen

“Help! Help!” The little girl screamed as she ran through the forest.

Her dress kept catching on sharp twigs and bushes. It was like no one wanted to help her, and everything wanted her gone. Every stump she saw, she tripped over. Every person she yelled to, her parents, her sister, even Nick, ignored her yells.

She was heaving, debating whether to run, hide, or scream. So many things she could do, but which one would help? Which one would save her?

Screaming clearly wasn’t working, so she did her best to keep the cries for mercy and help inside…but she didn’t stop running. If she stopped they’d find her, snatch her up like the defenseless little girl she was. Whoever they were…

She hadn’t seen their faces, but she knew whoever they were, they weren’t pretty. They stuck to the shadows, stalking her as she walked through the park.

Stupid Nick had said he’d meet her here…so why isn’t he here? Is he playing a joke on her?

A creature with wrinkly peach skin jumped out in front of her, just as she was turning around a tree. She opened her mouth to scream, but the wind was knocked out of her when she jumped back, tripping over her own feet and falling on her butt.

“Please! Please! No!” The girl screamed as the wrinkly creature advanced on her, walking on all four of his skin ‘n’ bone arms and legs, like an ape. Its huge black eyes, blinked wildly, reminding her of the clichéd alien. But its mouth…its mouth was small; when it opened, you could see three different rows of small and sharp teeth. Its nasty breath overwhelmedher. It was so revolting, smelling of raw and decaying flesh, was enough all on its own to make her pass out. But she held on…she didn’t want to die…she’s only ten for Christ’s sake!

“Please! Please, don’t hurt me!” she screamed, heart racing, raping her chest the closer the eerie creature got to her.

She tried to stand up, or at least get onto her knees to crawl, but whenever she moved a sharp pain would erupt in her left ankle. It had hurt so bad,

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