» Fantasy » Only in fairy tales and anime by Brandi B. (bearly read books .TXT) 📕

Book online «Only in fairy tales and anime by Brandi B. (bearly read books .TXT) 📕». Author Brandi B.

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Summary of me

Let me tell you about me. I am really rich, although I hide it and hate to brag, so please don't think I'm a spoiled rich brat. I already graduated from college several time, but go to high school anyway because my parents force me to thinking its good social skills. I don't. My entire life has been hell. I've been fun of all of it after all. I believe I have the right. Right now my parents have me in 10th grade, since i'm 15, I started in 10th at 14. I have a September birthday. Right now is Christmas break for me. I used to be really loud to hide my pain, but I think, finally, I should just shut up. It's no use anymore. I'm everyone white noise anyway. Anyway, here are some things. I'm '5"9, have blue eyes, black hair, that's quite long. I refuse to cut it. In a pony tail it goes a little past my hips. I like it that way. People have told me I have a perfect body. I don't believe them. I have a small waist, a size zero, with abs. I'm kind of a work out freak like that. I've always had big boobs, curse my mother for those, and my legs are most of my height, my mother calls me a giraffe. I'm what they call emo, and am extremely into the mad hatter. Also I like to watch rainy days, it's soothing to know that the sky cries for me when I can't. All my life I've been unable to produce tears and the doctors said it was something wrong with my tear ducts. They've never been able to fix it. Today It was raining, so of course I was in my room on my sill watching it. I placed my head on the cold glass. It was cold, but not cold enough to be snow. I had to go back. Back to hell tomorrow. You know, I think the real hell would be a lot better than this place, but hey that's school for you right? I ripped my eyes away from the window and slowly walked downstairs. My parents live in different houses since their divorced, and I have my own house so I'm all alone. I picked up the phone and dialed both their numbers. "Hey Raven!" "Hey Rave!" "Hey guys." My voice was quiet. "Do you mind if I stay home tomorrow? I don't feel well." "Nonsense! It's just nervousness!" "I'll have to agree with your father on that one." I sighed deeply. "Alright. Well I got to go start dinner. I love you guys." "By." "By." Well that was expected they never say 'I love you.' No one does. I slowly walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I love cooking, but today I wasn't in the mood, so I closed the door to the fridge and just took some chips. I made my way back to my room and sat on my sill again. I placed the chips beside me, but didn't touch them after that. I wasn't hungry. Eventually, because of my sadness, the soft sound of the sky crying and my tiredness, I was fast asleep.

Ah, school. So fun.

I then woke up the next morning to my alarm clock shouting at me. It was still raining. Good. I dragged myself up and walked over to the bathroom, starting the shower. As I stepped in the warm water reminded me of rain. It was so nice. The calm before the storm of hell known as school. Yeah I really hate this place ok. As soon as I was done I walked to my closet and picked out an outfit. Usual undergarments of course. Then there was black skinny jeans, a black tee, black boots and my mad hatter hat that I loved to death. After getting dressed, I put my hair in a pony tail and then put on my mad hatter hat. Since I technically graduated I never have homework or tests so I don't need a bag if your wondering. Nobody knows of course. Not like they pay attention anyway. I then walked downstairs, made coffee, grabbed an apple and left. I then got in my car, it was a simple 4 door. I don't remember it's name. I thought about disobeying my parents, but since I was half-way there said screw it. I slowly pulled in the parking lot and waited for a bit before getting out. I walked straight to my classroom, I had waited so that I wouldn't have to go to the damned lunch room where they make us wait until school starts. I didn't want to talk to anyone especially my fake friends. Whom before break I had heard them all talking together. "She's really annoying." "I know I hate her." "Raven is such a pest isn't she?" "Yeah I wish she'd die." And it went on like that for half and hour before I silently ran. The next period they acted like the nicest people in the world to me. Like nothing was wrong. Right as I sat down in my normal seat in the back with an empty seat beside me like always The bell rang and everyone came filing in. I had my head looking down at the desk as to not see their faces. "Attention everyone." I slowly looked up, a death stare in my eyes and if looks could kill they'd all be dead. The teacher went pale. I was never like this and now they were scared. They should be. She coughed once. "We have a new student. His name is Gabriel Angel." I began to hear the whispers. He was the richest of the rich known, but he was second behind me. Which I hated being rich. Everyone just wants you for your money.

New kid. how fun. Not. -.-

He would be popular in a snap. Just watch. He was attractive, but I wasn't going to admit that. Not even to myself. He had black hair like me, but his blue eyes were far lighter. He was taller too. Probably '6"0 or something. He was somewhat muscular, not a lot, just the right amount. Usually I would have acted interested, but today I just looked out the window at the rain, not caring. "Gabriel why don't you have a seat by Raven." I gave the teacher the death stare. That seat had always been open. She went pale again, so I just continued looking out the window. Damned people. "Alright." I heard him walk over and sit down. The teacher began class. "I'm Gabriel." "I heard." I said this without looking away from the window. "Your Raven right?" "That's what she said." I then put my ear buds in looking out the window. My 'friends' seemed surprised by my change. Usually I would be warm and friendly, now I was colder than the coldest place on earth. I heard him try to speak again, but then shut up and look at the door. Once the bell rang, I was out before anyone could catch me. Once I thought I was far enough away I slowed down and took my time. "Raven! Hey Raven!" I sighed. Great. "Is something wrong? Your not like your self." This was my group of traitor friends. I played the recording of what they said and walked away with their faces horrified. That was only some of it. I had more. I saw the Gabriel boy mortified by what he had heard. I smirked. "Welcome to the real world." I walked away from him too. I don't need friends. They only stab you in the back again and again. I had finally made it to my second class. "Class we have a new student." Fuck. He was in here to. Knowing my luck he has all my classes. "You can sit by Raven." You have got to be fucken kidding me. I sighed in annoyance and was about to put my ear buds in when. "You dropped this." It was my schedule."Looks like we have all the same classes!" I put my other ear bud in and continued to look out the window. When the bell rang again, I bolted. Eventually it was lunch and I grabbed mine and headed to the library. Thankfully that Gabriel kid was no where in sight. I ate my lunch in silence, and when done headed on my way to my next class. I ignored him like usual the rest of the day and when it was over raced to my car. Once I got in I sped home faster than a bullet. As I got home I went to my room and collapsed. "I hate people." And then I was asleep.

more torment are you trying to kill me?

A few days later (meaning Friday)(Finally. -.-)

The alarm buzzed and the same routine as all week, except today I had on a butler outfit that was all black. It had one of those long tails too, and of course my mad hatter hat to top it off with my pony tail. As I parked the car I sighed before getting out. I hated this place. Thank god it was Friday. As I walked to my first class I was glad no one was there. I put in my ear buds and watched out the window at all the people talking. Sadly it wasn't raining. It hadn't since Monday. Then it began to snow and ever one's

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