» Fantasy » Deadly Secrets by Emma Smith (novels to read txt) 📕

Book online «Deadly Secrets by Emma Smith (novels to read txt) 📕». Author Emma Smith

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What makes a supernatural book so great is that we can read it and not worry about being attacked by a vampire. When someone tells you a horror story you assume that its just a made up story. You assume that there is no such thing as werewolves, vampires , and witches. What if I were to tell you that every fair tale you heard growing up was real? Would you believe me or thin I was crazy? Well they are real. every last one of them. And if they weren't true... then I wouldn't exist. I should now my mom was a witch.
My name is Savanna Dubrovskiy. I am 16 years old and live it the dreary city of Nome, Alaska. My parents and I moved here from Russia when I was ten-years old, but they were murderer right in front of me two years later. I was taken in by a family friend named Nona (or Nanna as I call her ), who was an elderly tribal woman. I am beyond grateful to Nona who has helped me except my supernatural side. I attended Nome-beltz High. where the total student population is 303, with 77 students enrolled in my grade. 16% of the student population is white, making me one of the only white girls in my class. One of the other white students is Nate Armstrong. I never talked to him because he liked to keep him self. It wasn't until that one night in early January that I understood why.

* * *
"Savanna, could you please start dinner?" Nanna called from the living room.
"sure. How's pasta sound?" I hollered back to her.
"Is that the only thing you can make?"
"Pretty much, yeah." I told her. She laughed at my lack of cooking skills and nodded her head.
I pulled the angel hair pasta out of the cabinet and placed it into the large pot. I ran water and placed the iron pot underneath the running water till it filled up 3/4. I placed It on the hot stove causing it to sizzle when the water droplets evaporated. I search the cabinet for the salt several times before giving up.
"Nona? Where's the salt?" I asked her. She looked up at me from behind her news paper and said,
"Oh, did I not tell you? We ran out last week." I groaned and turned of the stove.
"Then should I go get some?" I asked. She reached into her pocket and handed me a list of groceries. I take that as a yes. I went up stairs to my room and changed into a long sleeved shirt and quickly braided my long hair. I grabbed my knitted cap and and slipped my brown snow boots on. I laced then up and folded the faux fur cuff down. I ran down the stairs and kissed Nona on the check before heading to the front door. I slipped my gray parka on and adjusted the fur trimmed hood. I then wrapped my crimson red knitted scarf around me neck before heading out the door.
Although it was only five o'clock it was already pitch black out side. I was treading threw the snow and finally made it into town when I could make out my surrounding thanks to the dimly light lanterns. Unfortunately for me no matter how dim the street lanterns were, I would still have seen what I saw.
I looked up at the sky gazed at the stars. As I passed an alley I noticed two dark figures standing there. I turned my head to see a small and girlish figure standing in the arms in a talk and muscular figure. The tall figure bent down and began kissing her neck. At first I felt disgusted with my self for even watching this obviously intimate scene ,but that feeling of disgust was replaced with fear when the tall figure continued to kiss her neck and she stretched her neck and exposed her copper toned skin. The tall figure stopped suddenly and grind. My eyes widened hen he reviled to sharp, long, and white fangs. He opened his mouthed and clamped down on her neck. The girl gasped as a trial of a crimson liquid trickled down her neck and stained her clothing. small drops fell onto the snow covered ground and turned a deep haunting red. I covered my mouth to hold back a scream. when a car drove by, its head lights shined onto the two figures and I instantly recognized him. It was Nate Armstrong .The head lights caused me to cast a shadow. Nate slowly turned his head towards me. He removed his hands from the girls body and she fell to the ground. Nate started to walk towards me and as he did so I slowly backed up. I looked into his eyes that were were blood red.
"I-I" was all that I said before taking off running. I looked back and did not see him but I kept running. If you have ever ran in the snow with heavy boots on then you know how hard it is. I turned my head and looked stare ahead. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Nate standing at the end of the block. I ran down another street and was revealed to see he wasn't there , but when I turned to corner Nate was right in front of me. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and covered my mouth with the other. He told me to hush, but when I looked into the same eyes I saw four years ago I began to silently cry. When I did so his red eyes relaxed and turned bake to his normal blue and green pansy eyes. I instantly stopped crying and lifted my free hand to his for head and imagined him in pain. I pictured him on the ground in agony clutching his hands around his head. I looked in to his eyes and glared at him. One of the vains on his forehead turned purple and he loosened his grip on me. His facial expression changed and he moved his hand away from my mouth pushed his finger tips onto the poisoned vain. he then released my wrist and did the same thing he then fell to the ground screaming in pain. I had 30 minuets to get home before the spell wore off.
I burst through the front door and locked all four locks on the door.
"Savanna? what's wrong hon?" Nona asked me from the top of the stairs. I stood there for several seconds before doubling over in fear. Nona Rushed down the stairs to my side. She knelt down beside me and placed her hand on my back.
"Savanna, what happened? Are you okay?" She asked frantically. I tried to control my tears but the more I wiped them away the more they flowed out.
"I saw one." I stammered
"You saw what?" she asked me.
"A vampire."
"Are you sure?" She asked me i filled with in disbelief. I looked up at her with teary eyes.
"It was those same eyes I saw four years ago." I said. Her eyes widened and she sighed.
"You go up to bed and just don't worry about dinner." she helped me up from the ground and ushered me upstairs.
She closed the door behind, leaving me alone in my empty room. I looked at my self in the mirror and barley recognized my self. My platinum blond hair was coming undone , my rosy checks were flushed and almost white, and my baby blue eyes were red and swollen from crying.
I hung my parka up on a peg on the wall and undid my boots. I traded my turtle-neck for a gray sweat shirt that read "its a Nome-beltz thing" on the front. I slipped on a pair of pj bottoms and crawled under my fluffy sheets. As I laid there I glanced at my window and remembered what had happened not to long ago. I shuddered at the thought and got out of my bed and made my way over to my desk. I opened the drawer and found a glass gar filled with silver dust. I walked over towards my window and sprinkled a trail of silver on the window sill. I Nate wanted to kill me in the middle of the night, then he's going to have a hard time.


I woke up the next morning dreading school. I didn't want to face Nate. what if he had told someone about me? would I have to leave Nanna behind and leave Alaska? However if anyone did find out then I wouldn't move away from Nona.... I think I'm just over reacting.
Just then I heard a soft knock on my door followed by Nona peeking her head into my room.
"Hey, sweety. Do you think you can go to school?" she asked me.
"Yeah, Nanna I'm going to go to school." I said rubbing my eyes.
"Okay then I'll fix you up something to eat." she said. I nodded my head and watched as she exited my. After she left I got out of my bed and headed over to my closet and pulled

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