» Fantasy » Samudra by Roshika Madushani (philippa perry book .TXT) 📕

Book online «Samudra by Roshika Madushani (philippa perry book .TXT) 📕». Author Roshika Madushani

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The rain

" Kids it's closer to midnight!"

 It may be 50th time that mom saying same thing. With widely open eyes two girls stared at each other.

 " since at 10 pm she saying that!"

 Giggles turns in to laughs. Jina placed her fore finger on her lips.

 " sssshhh! don't laugh"

 Jina and Lisa were same 17 years old friends.Lisa came to visit Jina's home for go to a trip next day. They have arranged a trip. Jinas dad,mom, her younger brother, Lisa and other two friends. Because of Jina's dad's car is not enough for all of them, that two other friends agreed to bring a van. They will come tomorrow.

  When Jina and Lisa ready to go to sleep, there started a rain. It was nice to sleep while raining. 

" I like rain" Lisa murmered.

"Me too" Jina replied.

They heard the wind blowing, it made rain drop hit hard on windows glasses. It was nice to here the sound of rain.

"So cold" Lisa said.

"Let's cuddle" 

Jina put her arm over Lisa. It made them warm and comfortable. The rain and comfortable cuddling made them fall asleep soon.

Suddnly Jina had a strange feeling, she felt to go outside and get wet under the rain! oh... it must be amazing!.

Slowly opening the room door, Jina started to climbed down stairs to first floor. Walking across living room she reached to the front door. Slowly turn over the key and she opned it. The wind made rain drops touch her night dress. Shudered, Jina stepped outside. There was a dim fale blue color light in compound. Continiously the rain kissed her beautiful body, making her night dress wet. Shifting her face upwards with spreading hands she started to twist around herself.

What a bliss! how amazing this moment! Jina's hair was wet, her night dress too wet and sticked to her beautiful young body.
Suddnly, she felt a touch on her right hand, then an arm going around her waist!. Throughout rain drops on her eye lashes, she saw a blur image of a young strong bare chest of a young boy. Aaahh.. she shudered. but it doesn't made any fear in her mind. She lifted her eyes to see his face. It was heavenly beautiful even in this blur vision. She shudered again when she saw his eyes, those were sharp and strange!. He, whoever was amazingly handsome, slowly he pulled her to him. Jinas pointed breasts touched his broad chest. Aaahh....a strange feeling ran down her spine, as like an electrical shock.

  Then... those lips was moving closer to her beautiful rosy lips. Aah... his lips too beautiful, more red in color as she saw. When his lips touched her lips, she closed her eyes. The feeling was divine. She let him to kiss her, wishing a more tight cuddle.

  But.... in next second, he was not there!. Jina looked around to see where he was, but, except falling rain there was nothing to see.

"Where are you?"

Her lips moved slightly, it was just a whisper. Suddnly, a bright flash light fall on her wet body. She was astonished, scared too.

"My god Jina!"

Jina heard heard her mom's voice. During this whole time under the rain she didn't feel the coldness. But now she started to feel the coldness and she started to feel rain drops hitting on her body. She looked down her body in the bright flash light. With wet night dress which sticked in to her body, she seemed almost naked. Jina's mom dad and lisa too came runing towards her.

"Gosh! what you doing here hunny?"

Her mom screamed.

"Come on Jina, let's go inside."

Dads warm arm covered Jina around her shoulder.

"oh jeez! I even didn't noticed that you went off!"

Lisa caught Jina's hand tightly.

"What happened to you? why you went outside?"

While walking inside home Lisa asked.

"Talk hunny why you went outside in this rainy night?"

Mom too asked.

"I...I... I don't know..." 

Jina whispered.

She was really had no idea what was happened. It was hard to understand. It was a dream. Ah was it? In that dream she walked outside in real! And met an stranger too. She shudered agian. But she intentionally avoid to say anything about the stranger with others.
Though all were puzzeled about what was happened it was over midnight and because they having a trip at morning they had to go to sleep. After change clothes and having a cofee Jina and Lisa too went back to their bed. Lisa kept her arm over Jina. they kept room light on. Though it was over midnight and have to sleep, Lisa wanted to get know more about what was happened.
   "Jina.." Lisa murmered.


Jina was still seems in a dream.

"Are you keeping something hidden?"

Lisa asked in a serious voice.

"Ah...why you asking so?"

"Look Jina, I'm your friend, right?"


"So tell me please, I feel that you keeping something hidden.."

Lisa was Jina's best friend. No wonder that she feels so. Until now there was no secrect between them. Both were so sincere to each others. Making Lisa impatient, Jina took long few seconds to respond to the question. At the top end of Lisa's impatience, Jina murmered.
   "Someone was there..."

Lisa took a sudden deep breath. Her eyes gone wide open.


It was a whispering scream.

"Who...who was that?" Lisa hold Jina more tightly.

"I don't know.." Jina murmured.

Lisa sat on bed and hold Jina's shoulders. She looked straight in to Jina's eyes.

"Look Jina, I'm not believing that you have an affair with a boy without knowing me..."

"Yes... I don't have.."

"Then what was that? who were with you?"

" A boy... I didn't see him clearly.."


Lisa took a deep breath.

"was it a dream..?" She asked with a puzzeled mind.

"How come? there was heavy rain Lisa.."

It was really a puzzle. Not only Lisa, even Jina was failed to understand what was happened. If it was a dream, oh no! nobody can sleep under a heavy rain like that!. Then what was it? Who is that boy? Why his eyes were shown so sharp? Jina shudered again.

"He kissed me too.." Jina murmered.

 "Gosh!.. then what happened?"

"He disappeared.."

Again Lisa's eye gone wide. She hold her friend tight to her.

"Jina please for christ's sake don't make me insane!" Lisa whispered. But it was really a scream.

"What I'm saying is all truth. I saw him.. his eyes were strange and sharp.."

While saying that 'truth' Jina shudered again. Lisa felt it clearly. So she doesn't have any doubt. Jina saying truth.

"Not only too going loose my mind Lisa..."

Lisa hold her friend more tight to her. This is really a strange thing. But now she has to make her friend relax.

"It's ok darling..come on let's try to sleep now.."

It was after midnight. The rain also gone. Both girls layed on bed started to think. Was it a dream? Who was that boy? A ghost? huh? ghosts can't touch. They can't kiss too. The night was extreamly silent. As like it keeping hide something so strange.





"Hey dream girl"
It was Lisa's pretty voice which made Jina awaken. She turn aside and slowly open her eyes. Lisa was sit beside her on the bed.
"Is it late?" Jina murmered.
"Not much darling.. I just wanted you wake up."
"I thought it is late"
Jina too sat beside her friend. Suddenly, for a scond, she shudered. Lisa felt it clearly because her hand on Jina's shoulder.
"Jina why darling? you ok?"
Lisa peeped to Jina's face.
"Aah.. I don't know..."
"What's wrong Jina? please tell me."
Lisa cuddled her friend. She was scared to get know something bad about her best friend.
"Nothing darling... I'm fine..."
Jina held her friends hand. She didn't wanted to mess up Lisa's mind.
"Please Jina... don't hide anything from me.." Her voice gone low and sad.
"No darling I'll never hide anything from you.. promise..."
"Then tell me please..why you shudered?"
"I saw those eyes..."
Though Jina tried to say it as a simple thing, she failed. She felt something as like an electric shock ran down her spine. But it didn't made her
scared. It was some other feeling.
"Gosh!" Lisa took Jina's arm tightly.
"It's ok Lisa, I'm fine darling, nothing to worry ok.."
This time Jina's voice was normal. Lisa felt it. She can identify every little change of her friend.
"You too don't worry darling, everything will be fine.."
When Lisa taking Jina's both hand, a knock came on room door.
"Girls....! It's time to wake up!..."
It was Jina's mom.


An exciting day will be ahead. Today is a trip day. All started to get ready for the trio Packing things, choosing clothes, making food, morning was
much busy. Even before they finished packing things a van stopped in front of the house. One middle aged man and three boys got out from the van.
boys are friends of Lisa's and Jina's. The man is the owner of the van, dad of a one boy, and slso a friend of Lisa's dad. When the time is 6.30 am, all
were ready to get off. Jina Lisa and her mom sat on the rear seat of the van.

" Ladies last" a boy said in a loud voice.
     " noooo we get in first" it was lisa's loud voice.

The van started to moving on. The road was still misty. Jina kept looking outside through shutter. When the van speeding up, whole scene started to mixing up. The mist mixed with trees, trees mixed with the sky. She heared loud voices of boys inside the van. Also Lisa's funny talkings. But she wasn't understand what they were keep talking about. She feels sleepy. Even without knowing her, her eyes gone closed, not closed, she still sawing the outside mixied scene. But she was in between of sleep and awaken. At once she got a shock! aahhh! what it is? It was just a one or two second of a visualization. But ahhh! It was much clear and seems true! Though Lisa was in a funny talk with boys, she felt it. She felt that Jina shuddered! 

" Jina,.." Lisa took Jina's arm. Her voice was not loud, but sharp, sharp with a kind of a fear or something like that.

 "mmm" Jina awaken.

"what's that?" Lisa asked with the same voice.


"for christ's sake what's that?" this time Lisa's voice was a bit higher.

"Eyes....." Jina murmered. Lisa heard that well, and she knew what Jina means to say, but she doesn't wanted to hear that again. 

"Eyes? whih.. which eyes??" Lisa's words gone stammered.

"It was him Lisa..." Jina said in a very low voice.

"My God Jina, now this is too much!" Lisa squeezed Jina's hand. Jina pinched Lisa's hand and hinted that her mom looking at them.

Eh! moms are a kind of detectives. They always in alert of what we are doing. Jina didn't wanted to let her mom knows this as a problem. Things happened last night should be just a sleep walk. Really Jina loved her mom very much. She never wanted to make her sad.

"What's up girls?" It was mom, Jina caught moms hand. 

"Nothing mom, I was dozing"

"mmm.. take a nap darling"

"Yes mom" Jina kept her head on mom's shoulder. mom I love you so much... she didn't say that, but , those words came from her heart.

"It's not wise Jina.." Lisa muttered to herself. If again Jina has a dream it couldn't hide from her mom this time.

Everywhere was silent and calm. Birds chripping on branches.Jina was walking forward. Though huge trees covered the sky with their branches, it failed to completely blocked the sun rays. When sun beams comes through branches it glittered. With slight misty air sun rays seems as white yelowish beams. It was so beautiful!. Jina took a deep breath. She kept walking ahead, slowly. Fallen dried leaves was a carpet to her feet. With the slow wind Jinas hair coggled across her face. She closed her eyes to feel the wind. But in next few seconds she heard

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