» Fantasy » Midnight Sun by Heather Reed (highly recommended books TXT) 📕

Book online «Midnight Sun by Heather Reed (highly recommended books TXT) 📕». Author Heather Reed

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My family, our friends, and I were hoping and wishing that the war with The Volturi would just get over with and let our life go back to well not normal but back to the way it was before they came. Be happy with my new husband, Edward, our daughter, Renesmee aka Nessie,(She got that name from my best friend ever, Jacob BLack which he imprinted on her so now she is his girlfriend), my father was safe, my old friends were safe, and now my new family and new friend are enjoying life how it was before they came to kill my daughter.

I was having a good time with my husband, our daughter, and my BFF, Jacob Black. When i became a Vampire and found out that Jacob imprinted on her, I was a little upset about it but until i found out that she liked him and he loved her and that he would keep her safe from what ever happens was ok with me. Jacob didn't care that I was a vampire or not he thought I was still me.

I just never knew what life would be until I had my little girl. She's my reason for living and she is my life, well mine and Edward's life. Oh, I don't want to forget Jacob's life too. The rest of the Cullen's fell in love with her too. Mostly Alice and Rosalie. They always played dressed up with her adn she did look cute when they did that too her. I will tell you this Rosalie and I came closer then ever when I had her. But she still don't like Jacob that much but she has to live thru it since Jacob and Renesmee is together.

I know that Alice and Jacob became closer. Alice calls him 'hers pain killer'. When i found about that I laugh my ass off on that. I'm just happy that I'm with Edward still after that war was over with the Volturi. I just hope that they will not come back forever but that will not happen. But I can wish can I.

Bella's P.O.V

After the battle was over we went back to the house and we had a little party from us winning and glad that Alice and Jasper was back home with us.

Everyone left but Jacob, Huilen, and Nahuel. They stayed with us for a little bit. Nessie was asleep in my arms. I looked up from Nessie and then I seen Nahuel looking at me or he was looking at Nessie.

I didn't like it when he was looking at her like she was his sister or something. I wonder if Jacob saw. I looked at Edward and I wonder if he is thinking what I was, about taking her home and put her in her own bed.

“Should we take her-” I said.

“Yea, we should. She hasn't had enough sleep last night because of someone snoring.” Edward laughed.

“Yea, well I think I should go back home to my bed. My dad would be so glad that I'm back.” Jacob said.

“Thank you.” I said.

“Anytime, Bella. But you already knew that Bella.”

I got up with her in my arms real slowly so I would not wake her up. She had a lot on her little shoulder.

Jacob kissed her on the forehead and then kissed me on my forehead, then punched Edward in the arm and left. I was just Bella to him. I wasn't a vampire, I was just like myself, no one else to him.

After he left, we left. We were hugged and kissed by our family. We took our time to get to our place. When we did get there we put her into her bed. I took off my necklace that Aro gave me and threw it in the corner. She can play with it if she wants. She likes pretty things.

Edward and I walk to our room holding hands. He looked at me and said. “A night for celebrations.” he murmured, and he put his hand under my chin to lift my lips to his.

“Wait,” I hesitated, pulling away.

He looked at me in confusion. As a general rule, I didn't pull away. Okay, it was more than a general rule. This was a first.

“I want to try something,” I informed him, smiling slightly at his bewildered expression.

I put my hands on both sides of his face and closed my eyes in concentration.

I hadn't done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but I knew my shield better now.

It stills wasn't anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with myself. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from; it took all of my focus.

“Bella!” Edward whispered in shock.

I knew it was working then, so I concentrated even harder. Some of the memories were not clear – dim human memories seen through weak eye and heard through weak ears: the first time I'd seen his face... the way it felt when he'd held me in the meadow... the sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he'd saved me from James... his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me... every precious moment from the island... his cold hands touching out baby through my skin...

And the sharp memories, perfectly recalled: his face when I'd opened my eyes to my new life, to the endless dawn of immortality... that first kiss... that first night...

His lips, suddenly fierce against mine, broke my concentration.

With a gasp, I lost my grip on the struggling weight I was holding away from myself. It snapped back like stressed elastic, protecting my thought once again.

“Oops, lost it!” I sighed.

“I heard you,” he breathed. “How? How did you do that?”

“Zafrina's idea. We practiced with it a few times.”

He was dazed. He blinked twice and shook his head.

“Now you know,” I said lightly, and shrugged. “No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”

“You're almost right.” he smiled, his eyes still a little wider than usual. “I know of just one exception.”


He started to kiss me again, but then stopped abruptly.

“Can you do it again?” he wondered.

I grimaced. “It's very difficult.”

He waited, his expression eager.

“I can't keep it up if I'm even that slightest bit distracted,” I warned him.

“I'll be good,” he promised.

I pursed my lips, my eyes narrowing. Then I smiled. I pressed my hands to his face again, hefted the shield right out of my mind, and with the crystal – clear memory of the first night of my new lift... lingering on the details.

I laughed breathlessly when urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again.

“Damnit,” he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw.

“We have plenty of time to work on it,” I reminded him.

“Forever and forever and forever.” he murmured.

“That sounds exactly right to me.”

And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect place of ours forever.

I have my old family and friends, and now my new family and friends. What else could go wrong, well Alice is here now to let us know.

Edward and I were on the bed holding each other, just kissing when the sun was just coming up. It was about 7 or 8 A.M. I was thinking.

I was about to get up and get dressed, when I heard Nessie scream. I grabbed my blanket and ran into her room with Edward right behind me.

“Honey, what's wrong?” I asked.

“Mommy! Oh mommy.” Nessie said. Tears coming down her face.

“Oh baby, it was just dream. Don't worry I'm here.” I said to her.

“But it felt so real.”

“What was it about?” Edward asked her.

“It was like you two, grandma, grandpa, Aunty Rose and Alice, uncle Emmett and Jasper, and all out friends were dead. Even the werewolves were dead. I was the only one alive. Aro wanted me to join him.” she was crying harder.

“Don't worry hun, they are done forever, they will never hurt us again. Let's get to the house.” Edward and I said to her.

He was already dressed. I put on a baby blue dress on. It was one of Edward's favorites on me. Put some heels on too. But when we ran to go to the house I was barefoot.

When we got to the back door I put my heels on. Edward carried Nessie in and got her some food. When I walked in Alice came in the kitchen.

“Hey Nessie, hows my baby girl?”

Nessie ran to Alice crying to her. That's when Rosalie and everyone came in the kitchen.

“What's wrong with her?” Rosalie asked.

“She had a nightmare.” I said.

“Of what?” Emmett and Carlisle said at the same time.

“About what happen at the clearing.” Edward said. Then I added. “She thought we were all dead and Aro wanted her to join them.”

“That will never happen,” Rosalie hissed. “Over my damn body.” Rosalie walked to Alice and Nessie. “Come here baby. Don't worry, he will never get you. And if her does I will kill him before he gets you.”

“Damn right, Rosalie.” Emmett said.

“Thanks, guy. I love y'all so much.” Nessie said and whipped her tears away.

“We love you, too baby.” Esme said.

Rosalie put her down so she can eat.

“Mommy, you look very pretty.”

“Thank you.” I kissed her on her forehead.

Then my phone went off. It was my dad Charlie.

“Good, morning Charlie.”

“Hi Bella, Ummm... are you busy?”

“No, I am not. What's wrong dad?”

Edward looked at me when I said that.

“Can you come over I need to tell you, well show you something in person.”

“Okay, Charlie. I'll be there in about 10 minutes.”

“Okay bye.” then he hung up.

“What's wrong?” Edward said.

“I don't know. Alice did you see anything that happen with my dad?”

“No, I have not.”

“Hmm... well I'll be back he wants me to come over.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“Well he said he wanted to tell well shoe me something in person so, no honey.”

“Okay love you.” he said then kissed me good-bye.

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