» Fantasy » Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Jessica Dalton (book series for 10 year olds txt) 📕

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and my arm and then over my chest - just like the last time we exchanged blood. I couldn’t repress the shiver that went through me as he got a hold of my and then his lips trailed a line of kisses over the skin on my neck before his fangs sank into my flesh.

It was Dimitri’s turn to moan as he started to drink form me. The sensations running through me from Dimitri feeding from me as I fed from him, caused me to moan again and then my toes were curling and I was arching my back, my spine curving, pushing my chest further into the hold Dimitri had on me.

My free hand found Dimitri’s thigh and I dug my nails in, I happily heard Dimitri’s answering moan as we began to drink more deeply from one another.

This time I didn’t even notice all of Dimitri’s memories flashing into my mind. I was too overwhelmed by the feel of his mouth on my neck, the pull on my blood as it flowed out of me and into him, and of his blood running over my tongue and down my throat.

I lasted longer this time, maybe within time I would be able to stay conscious for the whole blood exchange, but soon I found myself fighting to stay awake.

Sleep Ashes. I will look after you.

Dimitri’s mental voice drifted through my mind.

I relaxed in his embrace and soon I was drifting off……….


Vote and comment please JJJ

© jamessica stories; 2010.
All rights Reserved.
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Chapter 6

I woke up that night to the sound of metal sliding on metal. My hand immediately reached for my gun that was hanging from its holster from my bedpost.

I snapped my eyes open only to see that it was the metal shutter’s over the windows opening up for the night. Letting out a slow breath I relaxed the grip I had on my Wesson and lowered it.

“were you really going to shoot my window for waking you up Ashes?” an amused Dimitri asked.

My head whipped around until my eyes landed on the dark figure sitting on the beautiful chaise lounge in the corner of my room.

“did you sit there all night?” I asked him incredulously.

“it was quite comfortable, I assure you.” Dimitri politely replied.

I was comforted by the thought of Dimitri watching over me while I slept, but I squashed that feeling as soon as I had it. I didn’t need to be babysat while I slept. I was a grown women with a whole lot of power and a hell of a lot to prove to every single vampire out there in the big bad world.

“are you quite finished berating yourself for being human Ashes? Or would you like another minute or two? I would be quite happy to sit here and watch you all night.”

An involuntary shiver spread through me as though his words were a caress.

Knowing that he could read my thoughts, I didn’t bother with the pretence that he didn’t affect me. I met Dimitri’s stare with a bravery that I didn‘t actually feel.

I was slightly distracted from starring into his eyes by a very slight humming sound coming through our mind connection. It was only when I concentrated on the humming that I realised I still couldn’t read his mind.

“it didn‘t work.” were the horrified words that slipped past my lips.

“Oh I can assure you Ashes, the blood exchange did indeed re-establish our mental connection - ”

I felt all my blood rush to my face as he implied that he could read every thought I had including the thoughts I was having of how beautiful and safe he was to me. My bravery disappeared, for some reason my crazed brain had decided that it was okay for Dimitri to read my mind because I was able to read his. Tit for Tat and all that.

“ - however,” he continued, politely ignoring my train of thought, ah, always the gentleman. “I spent the night building my mental wall. It took some time but I managed it, I had to study every part of your mind and entwine it completely with my own so that our minds will recognise each other as twins on a metaphysical level. This way it will be a whole lot easier for you to build your mental wall. Right now you should be able to sense my mind but you won‘t be able to access it.”

Ah, so that was what the humming sound was.

I nodded, pointlessly. He could read my mind and therefore he already knew that I could sense his mind - it was almost like a black hole niggling at my own mind.

Needing something to do, I turned on my bedside light and then I jumped out of bed and stretched.

“Argh, that feels good.” a lazy smile settling on my lips. Once again I felt re-energised and strong.

I could feel Dimitri’s eyes on me as I checked the time, it was half 5, which would mean that it would be half 10 at night in Ireland.

I flipped open my mobile as I flopped back down on the bed and faced Dimitri as I sped dialled home. I hadn’t spoken to mum in a while and she would be worried if my old landlord or boss had told her that they hadn’t seen me in days.

“well if it isn‘t the wee sister.” answered a lazy voice.

“heya Declan, whats the craic?”

“nothing much Nixy, I‘ve been working for Jim Mc Callion for the past few weeks on his construction site, it’s only up the road from here so I‘ve been coming to your mams for my tea every night after work. But you know your mam, she isn‘t happy until I‘m bursting at the seams from all the food I‘ve eaten.”

I laughed, that was an understatement. Mam fed all my brothers and Declan as though in fear that the famine was going to come back to Ireland, so just in case she made sure the boys never went hungry.

“Is mammy there at all Dec?”

“Aye, but your Kevin is bouncing around behind me making weird hand motions, I think there might be something wrong with him Nixy. Give me a sec, I think he might be having a fit,” there was a shuffle and then I could hear Declan again. “Are you alright Kev, did you want something, only I‘m trying to a having a conversation here and your mighty distracting with all that jumping around you‘re doing.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me as I imagined what was happening on the other side of the line. I gave a chuckle when I heard a thud then a huff as Dec and Kev were undoubtedly fighting over the phone.

Finally someone won because the phone was picked up again.

“Ashes.” Kev said my name as a sigh of pure happiness. “I‘ve missed you so much. I’ve had to put up with this ejjit all by myself since you left. When are you going to wise up and come home.”

I met Dimitri’s eyes from across the room, with the light now on I noticed that he had showered and changed sometime during the night while I slept. As I held his stare I realised that this was my home now, I would never be moving home to Ireland again. I was only slightly saddened at the thought that I would never be able to live near my family again, but I almost chocked on the grief I felt when I realised that I had unwittingly left Kevin and Declan when I took my first drop of Dimitri’s blood.

Dimitri gave me a sad smile and came and sat next to me on my bed. He pulled me into his embrace and I felt better immediately.

Thanks. I said in my head. In response Dimitri stroked my back while I tried to think of what I was going to say to Kevin.

I had to clear my throat twice before I could speak, “I‘ve actually become quite attached to Toronto Kev,” I swallowed hard before I continued. “I‘ve met a lot of really good people,” I smiled up at Dimitri as I said this, “and I have a good job.”

I’d had to quit my job at the shooting range since I was now a night person, I would have to dip into my trust fund, which I hadn’t had to do before.

“yeah I know, at the shooting range.” I could here the silent ‘duh’ he was holding back but I laughed as I imagined him rolling his eyes.

“stop rolling your eyes Kev, I can practically here them all the way over here.” we both laughed.

“Dec says he got a job with Mc Callion construction,” I said to try and keep the heat off myself, “how did he manage that, I thought old Jim swore blind that he would never employ Dec after he broke his sweet innocent daughters heart?” I didn’t even try to disguise the sarcasm in my voice as Kev laughed.

“hey I did not break her heart Nixy! That wee girl has no heart!” I heard Dec raise his voice so I could hear him. They had obviously put me on loud speaker.

“what about all the other hearts that you left in your wake, Declan O’Reily” I jokingly scolded.

“hey at least I left you and Jaz alone! So you can‘t really complain!” was Dec thoughtless reply. But not thoughtless because he mentioned Jaz but because of what came next.

There was a loud curse as Kev punched Dec, “you wouldn‘t have lived long enough if you had gone near the girls. Dickhead!”

I could hear Dec’s laughter come down the line. “I know, Nixy and Jaz would have killed me!”

I smiled as there was only silence on the other side. And then Kev’s laughter rang through the room- with my sensitive hearing I had to hold the phone away from my ear as I grinned up at Dimitri.

He smiled at me, trying to swallow his own laughter.

You would get on really well with Kev and Dec you know. I told him.

Dimitri nodded his head in agreement and I waited for the guys to stop laughing.

“hey Kev, is mammy still awake?” I asked as I looked at the clock, it would be nearing eleven now in Ireland.

“aye, she‘s in the living room, with Theresa Donnelly, apparently there‘s some scandal about one of the lady‘s from chapel having an affair with a younger man. I‘m surprised you can‘t hear their squealing all the way over there in Canada. Ma tells me it’s the ’in thing’ to do now, having a toyboy. Da thinks the whole thing is hilarious! Can you believe it Ashes - the whole house has gone crazy since you left. Please come home!”

“John still lives at home Kev. He‘s completely sane.” I reasoned hoping Kev didn’t bring up me coming home again.

“Exactly, he‘s
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