» Fantasy » Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Jessica Dalton (book series for 10 year olds txt) 📕

Book online «Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by Jessica Dalton (book series for 10 year olds txt) 📕». Author Jessica Dalton

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boring Ashes, he keeps looking at me as though he wants to straighten my tie - and I don’t even wear a tie!”

“hey! John is loads of fun, he was always easy going with me!”

“yes Ashes,” Kev says patiently. “but you are his baby sister, I‘m just his wee brother who plays with computers all day!”

“now come on Kev, your job is really important, and I know its really hard because I‘ve seen you at work. I wouldn‘t know where to start, yet you‘re a whiz at what you do. Besides, John knows you‘re a genius and he‘s probably just jealous that he had to work really hard in school and he‘s still not nearly as clever as you are.”

“oh, that’s where my ego booster went. Canada. I might have to come over there and drag it home soon at this rate.”

“Ah, feck off and get yourself a women,” I laughed. “then you can have a wee ego booster on stand-by twenty-four/seven.”

“pog mo thoin wee sister, pog mo thoin!”

“kiss your own ass, big brother!” I laughed.

“love you too!”

“love you too.” I told him back.

“here‘s mammy now. Hey mammy! Ashes is on the phone.”

There was a slight rustle as Kev passed the phone over to my mum.

“Phoenix! How are you, are you eating enough? Are you looking after yourself, did you buy that pepper spray I told you to get? I was reading an article in one of those magazines the other day and it says that every women should have a rape whistle. A rape whistle! Can you believe it! There are some great inventions these days aren’t there. Have you made any new friends yet pet? You know you can’t live in fear of getting too close to people because of what happened to Jaz. You still have to have fun you…..”

I put the phone on loud speaker and sat it on my bedside table, I held up a finger to Dimitri, but he already knew what I was going to do. I could tell by the amusement dancing in his eyes.

I got up, leaving him on my bed and went into my bathroom, I quickly stripped and jumped into the shower. A quick wash and I was out again. I wrapped a towel around myself and brushed my teeth. I headed straight for my wardrobe. I was dressed in my training clothes and I was sitting back next to Dimitri minutes later. I had to admit it, I loved my new strength and speed.

“…..registered with a GP yet? You really need to do that Phoenix, oh and I suppose those Americans all need health insurance so you‘ll need that…”

“Canadians Mammy, I‘m in Canada.” I told her patiently.

“yes of course you are pet, now where was I Phoenix… ” there was only silence coming down the line for a few seconds.

“oh yes, health insurance, now pet, if you need any money you just call daddy and he‘ll sort everything out for you. We can’t have you living over there with nothing but that small wage you‘re getting. I mean, really Phoenix, I really think there has been enough of this malarkey, Kevin really misses you and so do I… ” her voice trailed off, but I could tell that she was trying to hold back a sob.

“Now ma, you know emotional blackmail only works on John and Michael. Thankfully Kev and I inherited da’s immunity gene.”

“well aren‘t you the joker today wee cudie.”

(N/A - cudie is an Irish term of endearment used in Donegal where Ashes is from, its like saying - wee girl - wee boy- wee one - wee child - it’s mostly used on someone you’re close to like a daughter/son, a relation, friend etc.)

“ah i try me best ya‘ know.” I can’t help the huge smile that spreads through me to hear my mam teasing me again.

“Are you happy pet?”

“you now what mammy, right now I‘m happier than I have been in a long time.”

“I‘m really glad to hear that darlin‘, I really am.”

“hey ma, I‘d better letter you go, its way past your bedtime, ”

“hush your mouth child and respect your elders.” she jokes

“love you ma, I‘ll talk to you soon, god bless.”

“love you too and god bless me wee darlin. I‘ll talk to you on Tuesday.”

I closed the phone and looked up at Dimitri.

“wow you look really happy.”

“that’s because I am. I didn‘t realise it until Dec answered the phone, but I’ve been really nervous about talking to the family since everything has changed. I don‘t know, I think I must have thought they would be able to sense that I was different now by just listening to my voice.”

“I‘m glad you consider my home your home now Ashes.” Dimitri said, obviously remembering my thoughts while I was on the phone. “we will be your family from now on, and family‘s take care of each other, so even when you have our backs, my guards and I will back you up.”

“woow, slow down there buddy, but I think having you as my back up would be far too distracting.”

“oh really?” Dimitri asked, his voice full of amusement and innuendo.

“yes really!” I said as I elbow him in the side, “having the king to protect as well as fighting rogues would be mighty distracting!”

“oh but my dear, I really do not need protection. Tonight will be your first time out in the field, and I will be coming with you, in fact I will be coming with you until I feel you can handle it all on your own.”

I gulped and tried to swallow my nervousness. But of course I could never hide anything from Dimitri.

He grabbed the tops of my arms and forced me to face him.

“look at me.” he demanded in his king voice. My eyes immediately snapped to his.

“I would not let you out the front door if I had any doubt that you could do this job, but the fact that I am never wrong about an enforcer makes that unnecessary any way. I will be with you, besides I want to prove to you that your dream was just that, a dream and dreams aren‘t real!”

Nodding my head I straightened my back and felt Dimitri’s confidence leak into me.

“come on lets get some breakfast and then we can train.” I told him as we left my bedroom.

“you know,” Dimitri said as we made our way down the long hallway, “myself and Mircea have business in Ireland as well you know, the next time we go, we can always drop in on your family for a couple of days……”


PLEASE READ!!! ::: I’m going to start putting ***these stars around Dimitri and Nixy’s mental convo’s ok**** cus’ watt pad doesn’t show the italics kay’?
You know what I mean.. anyway enjoy my lovely fans!! Love you all and I really love all your comments JJJJJ

Vote and comment please JJJ

© jamessica stories; 2010.
All rights Reserved.
Reproduction of this story or taking of ideas in any way is prohibited; and illegal


Chapter 7

“yo! Nixy, wait up!”

I had been on my way to Dimitri’s study when Quinn called out to me.

“heya Quinn what‘s the craic?”

“nothing much, just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your mad fighting skills today at training. You whooped Dimitri‘s ass.” Quinn laughed.

“I‘m a fast learner.” I said with a shrug.

“listen Nixy I was wondering if you would like to team up tonight for your first night out on the streets.”

I stopped and looked at Quinn, he seemed awfully nervous about asking me to team up with him. With a sinking feeling I realised that that was because he was asking me more that just to team up for the night. It was as though he was asking me out on a date.

Fuck! The first guy to take an interest in me and it had to be someone I only saw as a friend. I had hoped we could be good friends, but this could really screw everything up.

For the first time all day the slight humming in my head stopped and I had instant access to Dimitri’s head.

***So you heard?*** I asked him.

***Yep. Tell him the truth, that you just want to be friends… oh and remind him I am taking you out on parole tonight.***

***Okay… wait a minute, he already knew that I was going out tonight with you? Why is he asking me to go with him then?***

***Because my dear, he is, as the Irish would say, trying his luck.***

***Yeah well he must think he is real lucky if he thinks I’m going to go with him on my first night and not you.***

***I’m flattered.***

Dimitri’s chuckle rang through my head.

***Yeah yeah, you know what I mean, I trust you with my life, I know you and bedside’s you are the one who has been training me.***

***Tell Quinn that then.***

I plastered a pleasant smile on my face and focused on Quinn.

“sorry Quinn, but I‘m teaming up with Dimitri tonight and every night for the next week or two.”

***You won’t need me for that long.*** Dimitri interrupted,


“oh well then if you need anything just let me know.” Quinn said as his eyes searched my face.

“yeah, I will thanks, you‘re a great friend Quinn.” I told him as I gave him a friendly punch to his shoulder and then spun around and headed into Dimitri’s study, leaving Quinn standing where I had left him.

***That was well played Ashes.*** Dimitri said impressed.

“yeah well it’s a complication I could do with out, you know how much everything has changed in my life in a short amount of time. It seems as though everything started with Jaz’s death.” I said, switching to speaking out loud as I walked into Dimitri’s study.

“not necessarily, you were coming to Canada anyway whether or not Jaz died remember. Fate is fate, and if you try to dodge it, it will always catch up with you in the end.”

Dimitri was right, I just needed to be distracted and more than anything I wanted to learn how to block him from my mind.

Dimitri chuckled at my sense of urgency to get him out of my head.

“Sit.” he said.

I sat and focused on our mind connection.

“can you feel what I‘m doing?” Dimitri asked.

I concentrated harder I couldn’t feel anything….. There is was. It was like I was losing Dimitri in the fog, his mind was slowly fading away. I panicked but then common sense took over my brain and I relaxed.

“now try and copy what I am doing Ashes.”

I watched the fog of Dimitri’s mind and imagined fog in my own mind, surrounding it and protecting it. I pulled all of my thoughts
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