» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕». Author Jessley

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so worked up Jacob?” he asked again this time in a softer tone and that just did it for me. I sunk onto the sofa and cried. Billy wheeled himself over to me. “Speak to me son” he said and just sat there, waiting for me to gather myself, because he knew I would tell him. “It’s Kayla, I…” I started. “What Jacob, has something happened to Kayla, is something wrong?” he questioned. “No dad, it’s just that she is too good for me dad, she has money and wants to give me things and here I give her a hand me down ring and she loves it. She gives me a bank card which is a joint card to her bank account, so if I need money there is, from her account. I feel so useless because I have nothing to give her in return” I said.

“And you know what else dad, she is willing to buy me a mechanical shop for me so I don’t have to commit myself to a job, but rather be available for the pack when needed” I said venting as Billy sat there and listened. “I don’t deserve her and then she still says that it’s not her money!” I ended my venting and sounded exhausted.

“Jake, you and Kayla are soul mates, its forever, but you need to do if you feel so strongly about this, is compromise with Kayla. I think it would be a brilliant idea if you had your own mechanical shop and you will have free time on your hands for Kayla and for the pack” he said. “Son, you could always tell her that you will pay her back every penny she had spent on the business if you feel that will make up, or make you feel better about it" he said.

"You could always put it in a separate account for rainy days or for something else later” he added. “But dad” I started. “No Jacob, I understand how you feel, but you also need to put yourself into Kayla’s shoes and her heart, she is doing this because she loves you and it will benefit you both at the end of the day. If it were the other way round, you would be doing this for her” he added.

“But I am the man, I must take care of her” I responded. “You can be the man for her now, by loving her and supporting her, and then be the man who can take care of his wife when your business takes off” he said. “And I can understand why she is so willing because like she says it’s not her money, meaning she didn’t work for the money she got it because her mother and her husband passed away and this is probably the only way she feels good about using it, otherwise it could be wasted” he said.

We sat down and spoke some ore, I realised my actions were immature and that I should probably call Kayla and apologise.

I tried phoning Kayla, but Nana said she wasn’t there, she had gone into town. I also asked Nana if she could pass a message onto Kayla, which she agreed to do. “Um, Nana, was Kayla alright after I left?” I asked. “No Jake she wasn't” responded Nana in a harsh tone. “I’m sorry Nana, if you can please pass Kayla the message” I said. “Bye Jacob” she ended the call.

I had to make it up to Kayla for being such an idiot, and for the stupid outburst, but what? I decided I was going to drive into town as well, if I saw her I was going to grovel at her feet there and then. If I didn’t I would have to find something, I pulled my wallet out my jeans I had changed into and saw the bank card was there. “Dad, see you later, I got to make things right” I said leaving the house and drove into town, first to the mall.

The town wasn’t very big but after walking around it I didn't find Kayla anywhere, so I went back to the mall and entered a florist and ordered a huge bunch of flowers and a slightly smaller one and then went off to the perfume shop and bought Kayla a bottle of her favourite perfume. I made my way back to the florist to collect the bouquets and then made my way back to Kayla’s house. Her car was parked in the driveway, I started feeling a bit anxious about how my reception would be, as both ladies were fiery, so I braced myself and went over and knocked on the door.

Chapter 42

I waited for someone to answer; this was strange for me, because we were so used knocking and just entering. I thought I would do this the right way, just then Nana opened the door. “Jacob, why didn’t you just come in boy?” Nana said ushering me inside. “Hi Nana, is Kayla here?” I ask. “She’s in the kitchen” she pointed and then I followed her into the kitchen.

The sight before me made my heart sink, her eyes were red and swollen, and her ring was not on her finger. Was I too late, had I gone too far this time I thought, this had sprung tears in my eyes "Kayla” I said as those green eyes saw mine. She saw the flowers and smiled, but there were still some tears, why, I was getting scared. She didn’t love me anymore, but I can’t live without her I continued to think.

“Hey there Jake” she said smiling at me, but it was a sad smile; she walked over to me and hugged me. I put the flowers and gift down. “Oh Kayla, I am so sorry, I was a jerk” I said into her hair and then cupped my hands around her face and looked into her eyes. “I am so sorry, I was a jerk, an idiot, please don’t end it, we can work it out, compromise, anything, just please don’t!” I pleaded.

“End it?” she questioned me as she moved away from me to get a better look. “Who said anything about ending anything?” she asked again.

Now I was the one looking confused. “Your ring, it’s off, your eyes, you look…” I said as I saw a big smile appear on her face. “Oh no Jake” she laughed wiping her tears. “I was washing the dishes, I always take my ring off when doing dishes and I just finished helping Nana cut onions, they make my eyes tears” she said smiling at my confused expression.

“Oh” was all I could say, now feeling really stupid with myself. “Is that for me?” asked Kayla pointing to the smaller bouquet of the two. “No, this one is for Nana, sorry for this morning Nana” I said turning to her and giving her the flowers. “But these are for you” I said handing Kayla the larger bouquet and the gift bag. “Awe, its beautiful” she said taking them, Nana left the kitchen during this time to give us some make up time together and the opportunity to speak.

Chapter 43

Kayla’s POV:

“Jake I am really sorry about this morning, I shouldn't have, I wasn’t trying to…” I said as Jake interrupted me. “No it’s fine Kayla, I now know and understand what you had been trying to do, but we need to compromise if we want this to work and for future situations” he said. “I will accept your offer only if I can pay you back when the business starts to make money” he requested.

“That is absolutely fine with me” I replied with the biggest smile on my face. Jake kissed me and Nana walked in smiling and happy to see we have sorted things out.

I opened up my gift as Nana put our flowers into vases. “Aah, thank you, my favourite, just what I needed, I was running low” I said kissing Jacob. “Glad you like it” he responded kissing me back.

We helped Nana make dinner; Jake went to fetch his dad as Nana had invited him over for dinner. As the usual there was so much to talk about, when Billy suddenly piped up and said. “So when are you two going to get your own place?” he asked. “Dad, we only just got engaged, one thing at a time” Jake pleaded. “Jacob, this will be your home too when I move out” added Nana. “Nana, what are you saying?” I asked. “Well construction is already on the way with my new house and will be completed in about two or three month’s time. So what I am saying Jacob is that you can move in here at anytime, this is your home now too” she said.

“And you will only be a phone call away should we need anything” added Billy looking at Nana. “Geesh, dad, you would swear you’re trying to get rid of me already” Jake said and then looked at me. “No son, think about it, you sleep over here every night, most of your clothes are here” said Billy. “You practically live here already” added Nana.

“Thank you for the offer Nana, Kayla and I will talk about it” advised Jacob. We had a great evening and it was rather late when Jake too Billy home and by the time he got back Nana was in bed and I was waiting up for him.

He jumped into a shower and then into bed and we just laid there for a while, quiet, we had so much going on at present. “Loads of things to think about Jake?” I said as he was playing with my engagement ring. “Mmm, yeah, so when did you want to show me the shop you had in mind?” he asked. “Well, I would have to phone them first to try and get an appointment for us, hopefully its not taken already” I answered. “Okay, can we phone in the morning?” he asked. “Sure” I replied.

“So when does your photography course start?” he asked. “Next Monday, I can’t wait actually” I said. “Nana said her new place will be ready in about three months time, how about I officially moved in then, that’s if you want me to?” he suggested. “I think that would be fantastic” I replied kissing him and then he turned to hold me and we fell asleep.

Morning arrived quite quickly, and once again we were woken up by the smell of pancakes, voices and laughter coming from down stairs. “It’s some of the pack” Jake murmured into my hair. “So I hear” I responded rubbing my eyes. We got up and got dressed and followed the smell and voices downstairs. “Finally, you guys are up” grinned Seth. “Well yeah, you made enough noise” said Jake in response. “Morning everyone” I called as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. “Morning sunshine” they replied in unison. There sitting at Nana’s kitchen table were Seth, Quil and Embry.

“Where’s the others?” asked Jake. “Doing some shifts” stated Quil as he shoved and entire pancake into his mouth. “Shifts?” questioned Jake. “Yeah, Sam and Edward picked up that scent again, happened the day after you guys returned from your trip, so we have been doing some patrolling and keeping it at bay” advised Seth.

“I’m just going to call Sam quickly” Jake said kissing me on my head and heading over to the living room to phone Sam. They didn’t talk for long when Jake entered the kitchen again and sat down beside me and plucked up a pancake from
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