» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕». Author Jessley

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I can believe it, you haven’t slept well since you know when” she said. “It seems Jacob’s presence manages to keep those bad dreams at bay” she said. “It seems so” I answered. “Kayla, you going to have to tell Jake, you can’t keep secrets from him” she whispered. “What secret are you keeping from me Kayla?” Jake asked as he rounded the corner of the kitchen.

I gave Nana a look of “you did this on purpose” look. Jake looked at me, then at Nana, he had a concerned look on his face. Nana then excused herself as Jake came to sit next to me. “It’s nothing Jake, really” I said. “It’s not anything if your Nana is telling you that you should not keep it from me, tell me please, Kayla” he said sounding almost pleading. “Jake, I…” I dove into the story of my nightmares I had been having and that I was not able to sleep.

I continued to explain to him that last night was the first time I had actually had a peaceful nights sleep, with no bad dreams. Jacob held me as I felt something wet on my shoulder. “Jake, are you crying?” I asked. “It’s my fault you went through this, I should’ve been honest with you from the start, and otherwise you wouldn’t have left here that night which resulted in…”he couldn’t finish it. “No Jacob, never think any of this was your fault, it was all mine” I said as he stroked my face and my hair, “promise me you will never keep anything from me again,not matter how silly it is?” he asked and I promised.

Nana entered the kitchen smiling, she dished up lunch and we spent the day putting our photos in our memory album Edward and Bella gave me. Jake left later with a dish of some dinner for Billy. “I’ll see you later” he said kissing me good bye and saying bye to Nana. Jake left for the evening, Nana and I cleaned the kitchen.

Chapter 33

Weeks flew by, Jake would spend the nights sleeping over but would leave early morning to go home and get ready for school. Then he would come over and we would drive to school. Before we knew it our schooling was coming to an end and graduation was upon us as was the last of our school summer holidays.

As Jake and I got ready for graduation day, I drove Nana and Jake took his dad to the school. The only discussion that was in the air was what college or what one was going to be doing once we graduated school. Jake was very unsure about his future because of his pack responsibilities it was going to be difficult for him to commit to full time employment, but he enjoyed working on cars and motorbikes. As for myself, I decided to do a course on photography, as this was something I come to enjoy since doing our memories book and the camera the Cullen’s got me started on.

We decided we were going to take our last summer break before we started on our futures, but I had an idea for Jacob, but would have to wait to speak to him over the holidays. Not too sure if he would agree to it but would have to give it a try.

Nana thought the summer time would be the perfect time to go house hunting. I took Nana round to Estate Agents but found nothing she was interested in. When we got home she pulled out a file and opened it on the kitchen table and pulled out papers from it. “Well I guess I will need this now” she said to herself. “What’s that Nana?” I asked as I sat opposite her putting a glass of juice down for each of us. “This was a house your grandpa was going to build for us when we retired” she answered. As I looked at it, it was building plans for a cosy looking two bedroom house, it had a large open plan kitchen with dining area, lounge, bathroom, two double bedrooms. It looked very cosy.

“Nana, why do you need to be in a hurry to find another place?” I asked sipping my juice. “Because, you have just turned eighteen and Jake is going to be nineteen, soon enough you will want to be on your own and I want to be prepared for when that time comes” she answered. “One never knows what surprises will be in store for us over the coming year” she added smiling.

“Huh?” I said. “Never mind my baby” she responded. Later the afternoon she phoned around for the agents in charge of plots on the reservation. Finally she got in touch with someone who advised they had just been advised of a plot of land they could sell, but could only take her there next week once they had received all the necessary paperwork for the plot. During the summer holidays, Nana and I spent a lot of time together along with Jacob.

Sometimes Jake and I camped out with the pack at the beach when days were hot. I loved to sit and listen to the legends and when they went to war with the vampires etc. They told me how Jake was badly injured, when the Volturi came thinking that Bella and Edwards baby was a threat. I was a little down with the idea of how Jacob at that time was wiling to die for Bella, but I knew Jacob loved me now.

Later that evening after the bonfire and food at the beach, I headed off to our tent on the edge of the forest. I said goodnight to everyone, Jake who wasn’t really tired at the time was willing to come with me, but I told him he could stay with the pack and that I would be fine. I slipped out of my clothes and put some shorts and top on to sleep in, and slipped in underneath the light blanket we brought with. We both forgot about my nightmares and I fell into an uneasy sleep.

Chapter 34

The dream was different, the start was different, I found myself in the forest, I heard screaming and growling so I followed the sounds. I came into a clearing, it was beautiful, circular clearing and there in the clearing was Jacob fighting as Bella watched him. I knew Jacob loved me, but he fought to get to Bella. I watched as he made his way to her and took her, he held her turning her that he now faced me. He looked up at me and then bent down to kiss Bella, passionately, he slowly started removing her clothes and laid her down and laid with her, all this while watching me… "Jacob, don't, please...Bella?" I called softly....

I was shaken awake “Kayla, Kayla, what’s wrong?” I heard Jacob’s voice. I sat up so quickly pulling myself away from Jake. “What?” I asked still in the moment of confusion. “Kayla, you were crying and calling my name, what happened?” he asked. “Stupid dream” I responded wiping my eyes. “I don’t think so, you were begging me not to do it, you said Bella’s name, look at you, and you’re shaking Kayla” he said as he pulled me towards him wiping my face and then into his warm arms, I couldn’t believe how this dream actually affected me.

“I’m fine Jake, now that you are here” I replied hugging him back. “Kayla you know I love you” he said looking deep into my eyes, fearing what my dream must have been after the talk around the bonfire, every bad thought I had disappeared. Jake pulled me into one of those electrifying kisses, but it didn’t stop there. “Jake, Jake, no not like this” I whispered as we kissed passionately, and in the heat of the moment. “Sorry, sorry, I think we got a little carried away” he whispered and I could feel we got carried away. He pulled me close to him and held me until we both fell asleep.

We were woken up to the noise of the guys outside, some were taking down their tents, and others were getting breakfast started. Jake and I got up and pulled some track bottoms and tops over our clothes. “Morning” Jake and I called as we stepped out of our tent. “Morning love birds” called Quil. “Morning” the rest called out. “Mm, what’s for breakfast?” I asked. “Well let’s see what we have left over” chuckled Embry. “There’s bacon, mushrooms, egg and bread, sandwiches everyone?” he asked. “Yeah” called everyone.

Kim and I got stuck into making the bacon and mushrooms, Jake got egg duty and everyone sorted their own bread out. We piled the bacon on one plate and mushrooms on another whey they were done. One by one everyone made their sandwiches, once everyone had eaten; we cleaned up and headed back for home.

Things had been much quieter in La Push these days. Jake dropped me off at home and would see me later; he was going to drop the camping gear off at home, take a shower and would be back afterwards. Jacob kissed me goodbye.

I walked in the front door to find Nana busy in the kitchen. “Morning Nana” I greeted. “Morning baby, did you have a good time with the pack?” she asked. “Yeah it was fun hanging around the pack, Kim is a lovely girl” I replied as I noted post on the table. “Oh, here’s post for us” said Nana as she peeled potatoes, a lot of potatoes. I picked up an envelope addressed both to Nana and myself, it was a wedding invite.

Chapter 35

Sam and Emily have finally set a date; I was so excited for them. Their wedding date was set for 1 October, which was perfect as Jake’s nineteenth birthday was 25 August and we had planned a huge party for him. As arranged with Billy, we planned for his party to fall on the weekend before his actual birthday as I had a surprise gift for him. Billy asked if we could hold Jake’s party at our place as his place was far too small. Nana said it would be perfect and we finalised the necessary arrangements for Jacob’s party.

Jake had an idea that we were going to throw him a party, but had no idea that it was going to be a huge one. I sent out all the necessary invites. I invited all of the Cullen’s, the entire wolf pack and partners, Mrs Clearwater and a few other friends. I arranged the foods and drinks, all was planned to down on the 20 August.

Jake’s party rounded the corner and I was finalising all the last minute details. The day arrived and all the guests were arriving, the pack helped me clear Nana’s living room so that there was enough room for everyone. Jake was having so much fun at his party and everyone was having a great time. The time had arrived for the gifts to be handed out; Jake received a lot of lovely gifts from everyone. It was very late when guests started leaving, and Jake was getting tired, he was staying the night as I had planned as it was part of my gift.

We finally saw all the guests off and said goodnight to Nana, Jake seemed a bit off when we went off to the room. I thought I would try and lighten the mood at bit. “Jake, how do you feel about flying?” I asked. “Don’t know, never flown before, why?” he asked. “Just curious” I smirked. “Curious, why Kayla?” he insisted. “Well,
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