» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕

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the bracelet I made her with the wolf attached. This made my heart swell even more. Quil and Embry joined us shortly afterwards. I noted Kayla’s slight coldness towards Quil and Embry; the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. “Can I come over and visit some time?” I asked. “Since when have you ever asked to come visit, you then used to climb through my bedroom window when I was punished to visit me” she replied smiling.

"See you later" she said as she stood up and I watched her walk away, even though she was going to class, it pained my heart to watch her walk away. I watched how her curls bounced as she walked. "I have imprinted on Kayla" I said softly, that only Embry and Quil could hear.

Chapter 23

Kayla’s POV:

It was great seeing Jake again. I felt this connection with him straight away. It's like we reconnected, I know it sounded weird but we always had this connection between us for as long as I could remember. By the end of school and the bell rang for home, I made my way to my car to find Alex leaning against it. I smiled the biggest smile, and then suddenly Jake appeared in front of me. “Kayla stay here, let me deal with him!” he said and turned towards Alex. “What…er…excuse me, Jacob?” I said as I ran after him, but his long legs got to Alex before I could do anything.

“You’re not welcome here!” he said looking down on Alex. “Kayla wants me here; here is where I will stay!” Alex hissed back at Jacob. “Guys stop it!” I shouted. “Jacob, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” I shouted at Jacob. “He’s dangerous, don’t you see?” he said pointing to Alex. “No I don’t, I think it’s you that’s dangerous!” I shouted. “Alex get in” I said walking around Jake and got into my car with Alex. "Don't you come near me, you hear me Jacob Black!" I raised my voice at him and then I drove way, tyres screeching.

I drove home with Alex watching me, we pulled up outside of Nana’s place, and Alex turned to me. “I think its best that I see you later” he kissed me on my forehead and got out the car and disappeared into the forest, before giving me a chance to say anything.

I entered the house and Nana was pacing through the entrance way. “Nana are you okay?” I asked concerned as I walked briskly towards her. “Oh baby, you’re home, you’re fine” she said so happily. “Of course I am fine, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked suspiciously. “Billy phoned to say you and Jake got into an argument and you sped off with your new friend, so I was just concerned” she replied. “Nana, Alex is great, I don’t know why you are all carrying on about him, I really like, I mean really like and you will all just have to deal with it!” I retorted.

“Oh no, Kayla you can’t, there are just some things in this world you don’t understand, that is beyond your imagination, there is good and there is evil and Alex is evil Kayla, evil!” she insisted. “No Nana, the only thing I think is evil right now is all of you, you, Jacob, everyone, trying to keep me from someone I really like and maybe even love, that is what’s evil Nana” I shouted. “Kayla, you need to listen to me, there are things such as werewolves or shapeshifters, vampires in this world….”she said calmly.

“Nana, just stop it, stop it with all these secrets and lies, I have had enough!” I shouted and dropped my back pack and ran out of the house. I ran and ran; I couldn’t see where I was going as the tears were blinding me. I found myself at the rock pool and there I crumpled to the ground, my body shook as I cried.

Why was my Nana lying to me, I am supposed to believe in a world that had mythical creatures in it. I burst out laughing as the tears ran down my face, then it felt like my world came crashing down on me at once. I started crying for my dead father, my dead mother, my Nana who didn’t trust me, the love I had held for Jacob, I cried for Alex.

I felt a warm embrace, someone stroking my hair as I cried, they just cradled me, and it felt so right in these arms. He just held me, the warmth of his chest, the steady heart beat allowed me to cry that I couldn’t cry anymore. He picked me up, my face in his neck, a familiar wood scent pricked my nose, but my eyes were so thick and heavy I didn’t bother looking up. I held onto him like my life depended on it, my eyes fluttered open a bit to find myself on my bed.

Over the next few weeks Alex didn’t come back, I didn’t hear from him and Jake was hanging around a lot. I was worried about Alex, concerned that something had happened to him. I became distant with everyone, because I didn’t trust anyone anymore. As the weeks moved on, I noticed the guys always had excuses to be around me, at school, at home, even when I went out shopping.

One afternoon, the guys were all busy, so I took the opportunity to go and be by myself at the rock pools, just to sit there and think as it was too cold to go for a swim. Nana didn’t know I left as she and Sam were chatting in the living room when I decided to go out.

I took a slow walk to the rock pool and sat down near the waters edge. My mind started running away with me, Jake had been hanging around a lot lately and for some reason my feelings for him were getting stronger and here I thought I only had a little girls crush on him when I left. I tried very hard to suppress these feelings because he was one of those people whom I couldn’t trust. Nobody told me anything; Nana never mentioned the mythical conversation we had before nothing.

“Surprised to find you here?” a voice startled me; I looked up to see his angelic face. “Alex!” I said as I jumped up to hug him. “I am so happy to see you” he replied as he hugged me in return. “Where have you been these past few weeks?” I asked as he sat me down and joined me. “I have been doing some more research and I believe I might have a brother, still trying to get the facts, I am sorry I had your worried and that I have been away for so long” he said as his finger traced my cheek bone and down to my neck. I hugged him again. “But I must be going, but I will see you this evening” he said kissing me, my eyes closed, I saw Jacob in my mind, when I opened my eyes Alex was gone.

I made my way back home happier than when I left.

Chapter 24

Alice Cullen was at home, when she stopped talking to Bella in mid sentence. Edward immediately picked up on her thoughts. He flipped open his mobile phone and dialled Jakes number who was then at Sam’s place. Jake answered the phone on the second ring. “Edward” he answered.

“Jake, he’s back and it doesn’t look good, it seems he has a plan, he’s putting the final details together and put his action into plan” Edward said. “He can’t be, he hasn’t been around for weeks!” Jacob insisted. “That’s because he’s been planning Jake” Edward answered. “Planning what?” asked Jacob sounding irritated. “He’s planning on taking Kayla away and…” Edward tried to continue. “What Edward!” shouted Jake? “He’s going to change her, to make her his mate” Edward replied knowing that Jake had imprinted on Kayla, in fact everyone who knew their secret knew Jake had imprinted on Kayla except for Kayla.

“No, no, he can’t” Jacob said in a whisper and hung up the phone. He was determined now more than ever to tell Kayla the truth. The truth that he Jacob Black came from a long of wolves and that he was a werewolf, a shapeshifter, not only him, but the rest of the pack. But before Billy could say anything, Jake took off, not before saying Kayla’s name. Once Jacob was in his wolf form, the others could read his mind and knew what was happening.

Jacob changed back into his form just before reaching Nana’s porch. He knocked on the door and entered Nana’s house. There they were sitting in the kitchen Nana and Kayla. “Kayla are you okay?” Jacob asked. “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked. Jake looked at me then at Nana. “Nana, he’s back, Kayla’s is Alex back?” he looked at me again asking. “Kayla, this can’t be?” asked Nana standing up from her chair. “Why, why can’t it be, he’s my friend!” I said standing up from my chair as well.

“Kayla’s he’s bad for you, please understand, he’s not good for you, I don’t want to see you get hurt, I love you Kayla, please” he said softly. “You love me, if any of you truly loved me, you wouldn’t lie to me, keep secrets from me, and I am so tired of this!” I shouted at Jacob and just looked at Nana as the tears starting escaping down my face again. “Please let me explain Kayla” begged Jacob. “No Jacob, you had enough chances to tell me, I am through, I am leaving!” I screamed and stormed off not before Jacob managed to catch my arm and turning me to face him with Nana right behind.

“Kayla, Alex is a vampire, he sucks out human’s blood, he kills people!” he said. The shock on my face must have said it all. “The lengths you people will go to, no wonder my mother wanted out of this place” I said looking from Jacob to my Nana and back again. I yanked my arm out of from Jacobs grip. “Don’t you ever come near me again!” I said through my gritted teeth, I left slamming the door behind me. Jake tried to take off after me, but Nana stopped him. “Leave her a while, let her go” she said sounding defeated. “Please tell me what is going on, why is Alex back?” asked Nana as he pulled him into he living room. “He’s been working on a plan, slowing figuring it out” Jacob said between soft sobs. “He plans to change Kayla and make her his mate and we know how they do that don’t we” he said sounding a bit hysterical. “How do you know this?” she asked. “Alice Cullen saw it happening” he said sitting down and explained a bit to Nana what was said when he phone rang and it flashed Edward Cullen on the screen.

Kayla's POV:

I walked blindly through the forest, crying hysterically. Why Jacob made me feel like this, I thought. Cool arms caught my wrist. “Kayla are you alright?” he asked smoothly. “No, no I am not, I am sick of lies, and I think I might love you, I don’t know, I love Jacob too!” I shouted pulling my arm away. “Who’s lying, what lies?” he asked. “They kept on telling me you’re dangerous and that you are a vampire” I scoffed behind my tears. “Yes and that you think you’re in love with me?” Alex questioned. “I feel so confused right
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