» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕». Author Jessley

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now” I said as he wrapped his arms around me and we started walking and I found us at the rock pools. Alex held me until I fell asleep in his arms.

Jake answered his phone. “It’s happening tonight!” Edward said. “We are on our way” he said. Jake standing there shocked. “It’s happening tonight” he said in a whisper. “What!” screamed Nana, bringing Jacob around. “No, Jake you must find my baby, Jake you must!” screamed Nana.

Chapter 25

I woke up in a soft bed, which I knew wasn’t mine. I opened my eyes, the curtains had been drawn. I got up wondering where I was. “Hello beautiful, I see you’re awake” he said as he moved closer. His eyes scared me a bit, they looked wild, and he took my hand and sniffed my arm all the way up to my neck. “I must not, I must feed, I can’t kill you, and I must save you” he muttered as if speaking to himself. “Alex are you okay?” I asked. “Yes, but you smell so good” he said licking his lips as if he never heard me and this frightened me.

“Alex, Alex, let my arm go!” I shouted at him which he then composed himself. “I want to go home please” I asked. “Home, this is home, this is our home” he said laughing as I moved around the room to get closer to the door, but he moved so fast he was in front of me. “Going somewhere?” he asked as I tried to make a run for it. “Please Alex, let me go” I begged him. “Please…” but I was stopped short when I heard banging coming from the closet and some muffled noises.

“That my dear will be lunch!” he sneered as he closed the door behind him and locking it. He shoved me with so much force that I flew against the wall knocking my head, the pain was intense but before I blacked out, I heard a woman scream and then it all went black.

Jacob and the pack were working with the Cullen’s; they were trying to trace either Alex or my scent, but kept getting crossed tracks. Alex knew what he was doing to get us confused. Jacob was working non stop to try and find Kayla, the others thought he was starting to go made because nothing was happening. Kayla had already been missing two days. Alice was trying very hard to see what she could see, but only saw glimpses of images. She knew Kayla was still alive and all this was driving Jake insane as he didn’t know where to go or start.

I was unsure how long I had been held captive by Alex. But he seemed to be growing weak, he would disappear for a few hours and then come back looking handsome again. Later he came back with an unconscious woman and threw her on the floor in front of me. He looked insane, like a madman when he looked up at me. “You know those myths your dear old Nana was trying to tell you about, well I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you the truth, but it’s true Kayla” he said as the woman started stirring.

“This is what I am, this is what you will become my love” he said as the woman woke up and looked around frightened. He pulled her up by her hair and pulled her head back awkwardly and bit into her neck, she screamed and screamed until her voice grew faint. Her blood was being drained from her and she died a slow death, her eyes were staring at mine. I cried and begged Alex to stop, once she was dead and drained of all her blood, he threw her body aside and wiped his mouth.

“Be with me my love, live forever as my love?” he asked sweetly.

“Logan Farm, Lake Missouri” Alice shouted one evening. “He’s got her there, hurry, the decision has been made, he's going to change her tonight!” she said shouting at Jake, Jake didn’t need to be told twice, and he ran for it as did the pack and some of the Cullen’s.

Alex approached me, “Please Alex, if you love me you wouldn’t hurt me” I begged. “I am doing this because I love you, I will give you immortality, and this is my love for you, we will be together forever” he said as he pinned me down. I screamed, kicked and begged, but it was fruitless. “No one can hear you, it won’t hurt for long, then it will be over, I must just try and not overdo it with you, I want you to live” he said trying to sound convincing. He held me down, ripped my top and just above my breast he bit into me, I felt his teeth sink in, I screamed and begged again and tried to get him off.

All I could think of now was Jacob. I screamed one last time “Jacob!” as the pain overcame me and I passed out.

I was burning, my body was on fire, it felt like it was racing through me, and it was unbearable, I screamed and twisted my body to rid the fire, but it didn’t work. It felt like it was taking forever, I just wanted to die.

Chapter 26

Jacob could hear my screams and so could the others, because Alex was so engrossed and pained by the pain I was going through, he didn’t hear nor smell the others approaching.

A crash of the window startled him, he flew out of the room, but Emmett got a grip on him and pulled him into another part of the house. Jacob entered the room to find me on the bed, there was no more sounds coming from me, as I shook around on the bed as if I was having a seizure. Jacob saw my torn top and the blood from my chest.

Jacob picked Kayla up and ran with everything he had. Emmett and the pack finished Alex off. Edward caught up with Jacob. “Take her to Carlisle, he will do whatever he can for her” he said. Jacob followed Edwards to the Cullen’s house. They arrived and Esme was waiting for them. “She’s been bitten, get Carlisle” called Edward as we approached the house. When we got in, Carlisle took her from Jacob.

I felt a cold touch on my arm, but I couldn’t see anything as the tears were blinding me. “Jacob, Carlisle will do all he can for her” Esme said trying to be supportive. I entered the kitchen where Carlisle was examining her bite wound and smelling her. “She’s been bitten and it hasn’t been a full day, the venom is spreading fast, I must get it out of her” he said as he moved opening his mouth over her wound. “What, no!” I screamed, as I watched him put his mouth above her breast, Emmett and Edward pushed and wrestled me out of the kitchen, and then I was being grabbed from behind and pulled out of the house forcefully.

There was nothing I could do; I hear her screams and cries. “Kayla!” I screamed, but they kept me restrained, even some of the pack was there. Then there was silence, Edward appears at the door and nods, they let me go. I ran into the house, seeing her laying there her chest bandaged. “Jacob, I’ve managed to get the venom out, but its spread quite far, I am not sure of the outcome, I am sorry” Carlisle apologised as I walk over to her, she was pale, her breathing was shallow. I cradled her as I cried my body shook. “No, no, no!” I cried. It might be too late, I thought.

I picked up her lifeless body and walked out of the Cullen’s home with her. I took her back to her Nana’s, unsure of whether she would survive, die or whether she would be a vampire, she needed to be with her Nana. Nana opened the door and cried when I brought a lifeless Kayla in and went to lay her down in her bed. I told Nana what had happened and what Carlisle tried to do for her. We wouldn’t know the outcome until she either woke up or her heart stopped beating.

Carlisle came to check up on her the next morning and set up some machines to monitor her. He was happy to say that she sounded slightly stronger than the day before but whether that was good news or not, we had to wait. Her breathing wasn’t so shallow and her colour was starting to come back, Kayla had been unconscious for three days.

Chapter 27

I was unsure how long I had been asleep for. I could hear people around me all the time, but there were two voices who kept me going that were Nana’s voice and Jacobs. Jake would sit for hours at my bedside telling me stories of when we were young.

“Kayla I always knew I loved you, but the day I laid eyes on you in the cafeteria, I knew it for sure, that day I imprinted on you” said Jacob as he held my hand and explained what imprinting was all about. “You imprinted on my baby?” asked Nana suddenly, bringing Jake out of his trance. “Er…yes Nana, I did” he replied crying thinking of the fact that the love of his life might not survive. Nana moved over to the window chair opposite. “Jake, I am glad it’s you, I couldn’t ask for anyone else to take care of my baby” she said crying. “You know her better than anyone else” she added.

Jacob wiped his eyes. “Will she ever get to know that I love her?” questioned Jake. “I pray you are able to tell her soon Jacob” responded Nana, she got up and left the room as there was a knock on the front door.

“Hello Dr Cullen, Carlisle” she said. “Still no change” she added as they walked into the room. “Hello Jacob, have you been home at all, you don’t look good” said Carlisle. “I’m fine, I need to be here, just in case…just in case” he started. “That is fine, but you need to get some rest” Carlisle insisted. “He does Dr Cullen, I always find him asleep beside her bed that I felt sorry for him, now he lays beside her” Nana grinned. Carlisle did a check over on Kayla, her breathing was fine, heart beat steady and the bite was healing well as he changed the dressing. “Carlisle, do you…?” started Jacob. “I don’t know, we will have to wait and see, I can’t tell you if the venom went far enough to change her or if its going to kill her or if she is going to come out of it, sorry Jacob” Carlisle said putting his hand on Jacob’s shoulder answering Jacobs question.

Nana walked out with Carlisle as they chatted some more.

I took hold of Kayla’s hand once more. “Kayla, I wish you could hear me, I wish you could hear me when I say I love you, you are my soul mate, my air and my being. I am a werewolf and you are my imprint. I can’t live if you leave me, I can’t survive and won’t survive without you” I said crying, well actually sobbing. “Please you must come back to me, please my Kayla” I sobbed.

That night brought Carlisle out again. Kayla’s temperature suddenly took a turn for the worst and she was having fevers. Jacob held her hand crying as
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