» Fantasy » Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📕

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continuously fast.

"Please stop..." I whispered out of exasperation and stopped chasing after him. I was surprised when I heard him stop and I automatically lifted my eyes to see him standing three meters away from me. My eyes are wide open while anticipating to see him. My heart is beating so loud that it seems like it's going to explode anytime soon. The boy didn't move and just stayed there with his back on me quietly.

"Thanks..uum..ahh..I'm Zylen--

"I know who you are." He cut-off in a cold baritone voice.

I was dumbfounded not because he knew my name but because of his cold, low voice with a slight hint of loneliness or sorrow?

But why? I thought.

He sounded like he knew me for a long time and that he's regretful about something or of knowing me. I became confused and moved towards him. I reached for him but stopped midway when he slowly turned his head to face me. I can almost see the side of his right face when someone or something furry jumped on me straight on the face.

Ughhhh!!!!!!! I screamed soundlessly and fell off the bed.

"Where is he?!" I panicked and looked around. All I can see is my dark spacious room and my Persian cat Fluffy on my stomach.

"Just a dream huh.. a weird but vivid dream.." I sighed and rubbed Fluffy's thick fur.

"Fluffy why'd you wake me up? I nearly got to see his face. Don't do it again, OK? I'm really gonna hate you next time." I warned her not that I'm really capable of hating her. Fluffy is like a closest thing to a family. I have a close friend at school but that's it. I'm always alone at home. I couldn't even call it a home but a big empty manor that I inherited from my parents when they both passed away from a car accident when I was fifteen, a few months later after we've moved in. My parents had sold all their properties in LA where I was born and raised for fifteen years before the accident happened. They'd decided to buy the luxurious, old but grandiose manor in the city of Canterbury, England where my mom's hometown was and moved in. My parents told me that it's better to move there since my dad's business is mostly located there so that we can spend more time together. My parents actually met somewhere in Canterbury when my dad decided to put up his business near my mom's hometown. It was such a sweet story every time my mom talked about it and had dreamt to have that kind of dreamy love story. A pretty lady from Europe met a handsome American man. Such a lovely romance between two people of different continents but crossed paths and fell in love. Too bad for me, I'm left all alone now. My guardian, aunt Stephanie, my mom's younger sister is always away on a business trip so that leaves me alone with my attendant Mrs.Jenkins. She's a nice old lady and all but still I missed my parents.

"Ugh..enough with these petty sentiments." I murmured to myself and got out of bed. I went to my life-sized mirror and grabbed the post-it note sticking on it. It's from aunt Stephanie. It said:

"Zy, my dear, I'm so sorry, I could not possibly make it tomorrow. I know I had promised that we will go shopping together but I had an urgent call. I'm on my way to meet an important client in New York but I am sure to be there on your birthday. I left one of my credit cards on your desk last night. Ask your friend Natasha to go with you and buy anything you want.

Much love,

Aunt Stephanie


I sighed once more and folded the note and kept it in my drawer. I stood in front of the mirror and saw my lifeless feature. I'm too pale. Like a ghost. I was born and raised in LA but I didn't like to go out. I'm a total loner back then not that there is any big changes now but at least I've got to have at least one close friend now. Actually, I've got my pale complexion from my mom but when my mom moved to LA when she married my dad her complexion got a little darker and looked healthier unlike mine. I often say that I look like a zombie but Mrs.Jenkins often disagrees. She said that I have the most beautiful eyes and that I have pretty hair. My friend Natasha also keeps on convincing me that I'm gorgeous. I'm not oppose to it but I don't completely agree to it either. I looked at myself again in the mirror---I have almond-shaped light blue eyes, too light that they almost looked like gray, thin pointing nose, pale pinkish full lips, and honey-blonde wavy long hair.

"Hmm.. Not bad, I think, right Fluffy?" I said and Fluffy just grunted its agreement. I smiled faintly and got ready to go to school. Anytime soon, Mrs.Jenkins will fetch me in my room.




“Zy!” Natasha squeaked as always every time she sees me. She's such a bubbly person with a bright positive energy which is a complete opposite of me not that I dislike it. In fact, I love it because my friend somewhat influences me to be a little more positive even just a little is good enough for me already.

"Hey." I smiled timidly.

"Don't "Hey" me snob lady." Natasha teased laughing while grabbing my hand and led me to the bench nearby. It's our first day in school since Thanksgiving break and most of the students are everywhere chatting excitedly with their friends since the first bell hasn't rung yet. I came to school too early today.

"You seem excited about something today." I commented. Natasha's probably excited to see her ultimate crush Peter that's why she's beaming today. I thought smiling. Well, as for me, I don't have a crush. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm a normal girl since I haven't had a crush since birth. If you call that normal, then I am probably normal. I've never gotten any interest in boys but then again after that dream maybe...

"Bloody Mary! Today is the start of our class again and it also means that today is also the day that I could get to see my love, Peter and the end of my boring vacation but of course I am excited, you silly gal.." Natasha exclaimed incredulously pulling me back from my thoughts. I laughed at her animated face. I couldn't help but laugh when I'm with Natasha. She's just too funny when she exaggerates about stuffs and her accent is just way too adorable. Well, I guess, I just have a thing for European accents. They're just too cute.

"Good girl. You should laugh every now and then. I would love to smile all the time if only I have those lovely dimples of yours." She winked at me teasingly. I just laughed in response.

"Anyhow, your 17th birthday is coming. I am so bloody excited to plan for your special day and I have----Natasha said excitedly but I wasn't listening. My attention was caught somewhere else----I actually spotted a tall guy across us standing by the tree, twenty meters away. I'm not sure if he is looking at me or not because he's wearing a pair of Wayfarer dark shades. However, I'm getting a hunch that he's looking at me. Call that an intuition or hallucination. I'm not quite sure but he looks somewhat familiar but I couldn't remember where and when I had met or seen him. He's not wearing our uniform so probably he's not a student of our school and a guy like him won't be left unnoticed. I'm pretty damn sure we're not just gonna cross paths without me, or shall I say, even me, a frigid girl, noticing his existence. I kept my gaze on him and tried to examine him---oblivious of my rude manners by staring at him. He has a mysterious yet striking look and he exudes a dark yet charismatic aura that had me captivated. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Zy, Are you still with me?" Natasha waved her hands in front of my face.

"Huh?" I replied mystified.

"Did you splash your mind out somewhere? I have been talking to you and yet you are not listening. What are you looking at?" She asked, sounding a little annoyed.

"I'm sorry Nat, I was looking at the guy---Heck, where did he go?" I burst out, surprised to see the boy gone from where he was standing.

"Who? a boy? Where is that lucky bastard whom has gotten your finical eyes?" She asked with a smirk. I ignored her teasing and just kept on looking for the mysterious guy but was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, it struck me----The guy in my dreams! He resembles him even without actually seeing his face in my dreams. My instinct is telling me that it's him but it's crazy. How can it actually be him? I'd rather believe I'm hallucinating.

"You didn't see the tall guy in black by the tree?" I confirmed.

"No. Now, who was that guy who has captured your heart?" She joked.

"You know what, it's nothing. Let's forget about it. It's too impossible----"

"Now, stop that nonsensical mumbling and tell me! Go on.." Natasha urged on.

"Um, well.. --"

"Stop fannying around and get on with it!" Hurry! Hurry!" Natasha urged on again.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Natasha can be a real pushy sometimes.

"OK fine but don't you dare laugh." I warned and Natasha nodded in excitement.

"I dreamed about this mysterious guy last night--"

"Smashing! You--"

"Do you want me to continue or not?"

"Oh please proceed."

I rolled my eyes again but continued.

"So, as I was saying, I dreamed about a boy last night. In my dream, I was chasing after him but I couldn't seem to catch him. I also couldn't see his face but the weird thing is, he seemed to know me and I also think that I saw him just now. Well, that's just a dream and all, right?"

"Hmmm.. interesting.. You dreamed about a certain boy last night and you think you saw him just now, you say?"

"Yeah. weird, right? But I must be imagining things." I rattled on and stopped when I noticed that Natasha isn't reacting which was weird.

"Hey! It's more weird that you're not giving any violent reactions."

"I am utterly gobsmacked that I could not talk. Such fancy dreams you have there. That is what you get when you live in fantasies. You should try fantasizing about real boys like William." She said pointing her chin at the blonde boy on our right. He's handsome and popular in school but too cocky with too many honeybees around him especially Patrice who without reason hates me. I just shrugged my shoulders and went to our respective classrooms when the bell rang forgetting about the mysterious guy.




I'm looking for an interesting book in my favorite bookshop near my school when I noticed a familiar figure. He's standing across from the book lane where I'm at but when I blinked my eyes, he was gone.

"Ugh, I'm seeing things now. I must be getting crazy. I should've asked Natasha to go with me today." I muttered to myself shaking my head then hurried to buy the book that I've picked up a while ago and got out of the store. It's getting dark so I hurried back to my school premises. Mr.Pearce, my chauffeur will be fetching me there. He usually picks me up at 5:30 but I told him to pick me up at 6:30 today because I wanted to get a new book. I gazed at my old wrist watch---It was a birthday present from my mom. She told me to take care of it no matter what and I did---It says 6:20. Mr.Pearce must be on his way. I grabbed my phone from my sling bag and is about to call Mr.Pearce to ask him when

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