» Fantasy » Demon Hunter by Nick Venom (brene brown rising strong .TXT) 📕

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Episode Four "Burn Heaven and Unroot Hell"

“Before the fight begins, this is my party, Angel’s Eye. Azo, Cole, Dante, and Lucy are my party members, what about you? I would like to know your names before you’re all dead” He remarked while smirking. Azo wielded a staff, Cole carried a sword, Dante used a longsword, Lucy wielded a bow, and Glance fought with a broadsword.

 Unfortunately, Ashley wielded a small dagger that fit her petite stature but wasn’t much help in fights. Zoe and Eric, on the other hand, carried a battle ax and twin blades. Rik held his demonic sword, originating from the kingdom of Edurdale, and pointed it at Glance.

“I’m Rik and these are my servants; Eric, Zoe, and Ashley,” Rik announced. “We are the Demon Hunters!”

“Thank you. I will remember your name, in particular, when I’m busy slaughtering your party in front of you.” He taunted Rik while having on a deranged smile. He took out his broadsword and pointed it at Rik while ordering his party into motion. They followed his movements, efficiently, and moved to their spots. Glance then charged at Rik while the rest of his party allowed hell to run free. Arrows aimed at Ashley were deflected by Eric while Zoe dealt with Dante. Eric, irritated by the countless barrages of arrows, used the small shadows that the sun, nearly overhead, created to teleport closer to Lucy. Now behind her, Eric landed a blow on her head with the butt of his blade, knocking her to the ground, unconscious. He then teleported in front of Azo and Cole, who intended to charge towards Rik, and prevented them from gaining any ground. 

“I apologize, but you are not allowed to intervene in master’s fight,” Eric announced. Cole ignored his announcement and attempted to swerve around him and clear the distance. Eric took this as a threat to his master’s safety and slit his throat before Cole could pass him. Cole’s body collapsed to the ground with blood pouring out of his throat wound. Cole gasped for air, struggling to gather enough to breathe in. Unfortunately, he couldn’t survive the fatal wound, being declared dead within seconds of getting the wound. Azo noticed Cole’s condition and backed away slightly before turning tail and rushing to Lucy’s side. “I warned you,” Eric remarked.

Glance charged at Rik and managed to strike his left shoulder---Rik not flinching at all---but the strike wasn’t deep enough into Rik’s shoulder blade to be fatal. Rik smirked as he grabbed the blade and raised it into the air, forcing Glance to begin panicking.  Glance applied pressure on the sword to bring the sword down, but Rik managed to suppress him. Rik laughed in his face as he held the sword up before launching Glance into the air, landing on his face with a loud ‘thud’. To ensure that Glance wouldn’t get up, Rik punctured his body, missing his heart by a few inches. 

Dante noticed Glance being defeated and attempted to push Zoe back and rush to his side, but was prevented by Eric intervening. Zoe knocked the wind out of Dante but didn’t kill him. Rik looked up at Glance’s surviving party members and smirked as his eyes raged a fire, making his way to Cole’s corpse. “Ashley, heal Glance! Zoe, disintegrate his body!” He ordered while pointing at Cole’s corpse. Ashley and Zoe nodded, executing his orders, effortlessly. 

Ashley healed Glance while Zoe disintegrated Cole’s body in front of his still-conscious party members. Rik then ordered Zoe to disintegrate their weapons and for Eric to tie them up. They nodded, executing their orders. Once all four surviving adventurers were tied up, Rik taunted them. Glance, now frustrated, shouted at Rik.

“What are you? You’re not a human… you’re a monster!” Rik returned the deranged smile that Glance handed him earlier, terrifying the adventurers. Glance nearly pissed his pants at the true and honest deranged smile that Rik displayed.

“Burn heaven and unroot hell… because we are the Demon Hunters.”  




For the second season of Demon Hunter to make sense, please read Legend: Season Two - Striktin. Rik and his party make appearances in that season and even meet Ace and Teresa (from Legend). Legend: Season Two will also show the path that the second season of Demon Hunter will take as a new setting will be explored for these hunters. Until then, I bid you a good day.


Publication Date: 10-04-2019

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