» Fantasy » Black Scythe by Nick Venom (amazing books to read .TXT) 📕

Book online «Black Scythe by Nick Venom (amazing books to read .TXT) 📕». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Red Killers"

“We only need to find five more killer rabbits before we complete the quest,” I told my sister, Lindsay. “How many more quest do we need to finish to rank up?” She asks me. “Uh, two more. How about this, if we rank up then we can go get ice cream as a reward.” I tell her. “Yay!” She shouts. I pat her head. “I’m not a little kid anymore. We’re the same age.” She says with a pout. “We may be the same age, but I'm taller.” I joked. She starts swinging, but I easily defend myself from her attacks. I started laughing as Lindsay’s cheeks were getting red. “Hey!” Somebody shouted. I turned around to see a man in his forties staring at us. He has red clothing and is wielding a sword. He has a disgusting look on his face as he stares us down. Then a rustling noise could be heard behind me. Somebody was using the forest surrounding the road to the capital as a way to sneak upon us. I wasn’t liking this. I pulled out my scythe and pointed it at the first guy. “An ambush?” I said aloud. The guy stepped back shocked at my detection of his friends. “Well, a genius like you will sell more at the slave auction.” The guy said. “Of course. He’s trying to sell us to the slave traders.” I thought. Ten guys then appeared. “You can’t fight all of us kid. We’re the bandit group known as the “Red Killers.” He announced.  “Brother?” Lindsay asked scared. “I want to see her smile not cry or be scared.” I thought. “Get him!” The guy shouted. The ten guys rushed towards me. I smiled as I readied my scythe.

Ten seconds later all ten guys were cut down. I was able to move fast enough to counter all ten of them without Lindsay getting hurt. I retracted my scythe, which is stained with blood, and returned to Lindsay’s side. Only the first guy remained. “Now let us see how much your dead body is worth?” I thought aloud. The guy, stricken with fear, ran for his life leaving behind his sword and comrades’ bodies. “You aren’t hurt right Lindsay?” I ask her. “Thanks to you brother. Still, I am surprised at your strength and skill with the scythe. Well, anyway, shall we go finish our quest.” She said unfazed by my actions. “Of course, after we loot the bodies and report their crimes,” I said. “Ugh, fine.” She said acting mad. “Well, let’s go finish the quest first before reporting their crimes.” I compromise with her. “Okay!” She said happily. “Man, I’m bad at ordering her to do stuff. Every time it’s me who has to compromise with her.” I thought.

Episode Two "The Past"

“Our childhood wasn’t normal. Our father was a very paranoid person. He always believed that something bad was going to happen to mom and him. That’s why he trained me to make me as strong as I can. Father used very inhumane tactics to train me. He would make me spar with him and every time I lost I was beaten for it. This increased the toughness of my skin. He also made me run every day to increase my stamina. His hellish training turned me from my weak past self into a stronger dependable me. He wanted to put Lindsay under the same training, but I couldn’t watch her suffer. The training brought me to tears and I often had scars and wounds littering my body. I decided to make a deal with my father where I will train double as hard in exchange for Lindsay to be spared of the hellish training. Lindsay was trained basic skills by our mother while our father trained me to use basic skills as well as trained me in using a scythe. Then after all the training, our parents rewarded us with small gifts to keep our morale up and our sanity in check. Unfortunately, our parents were killed in a house fire. Bandits stole our things and lit the house on fire killing our parents. Only the two of us remain. We escaped and went on the move to the nearby town where we stayed on the streets. We couldn’t stay on the streets, so we took up the jobs of adventurers and made our own money to survive with. That’s how it started.” Kevin narrated. It is time for them to begin their second life.

Episode Three "Adventurers Guild"

We returned to town and I went to report the bandits. “The ‘Red Killers” are a notorious bandit group. How were you able to defeat them so easily?” The guard asked. “We got lucky. They got in a fight before meeting us, so they were already injured.” I lied. “Oh, I see.” The Guard said staring at me. I put on my best “I’m not lying” face on to avoid suspicion.  “Here’s your reward then,” He said handing me a bag full of coins. “They were worth this much?” I question him. “Yup.” He said. “You’re free to go. I’ll take care of these bodies.” The guard told me. “Thanks,” I said walking off. I walked over to the adventurers’ guild where I left my sister at. There I saw two guys trying to pick her up. The first guy is dressed in orange clothing with a brown belt and black hair. The other guy has a green shirt and brown pants along with a brown belt carrying a knife in it. “You sure you don’t want to have a good time later?” One guy said. I don’t enjoy this stuff as Lindsay doesn’t know how to get them away from her as she’s too kind to deny them upfront. She has been harassed by people like them, but thankfully it hasn’t gone too far aside from them being pushy and slightly forceful which is better then them kidnapping her. They do this since she’s beautiful. She has long straight brown hair and is wearing pink clothes covered in white and black stripes. She has tan skin and model type facial features. “Well, I'm sorry.”  She sluggishly says. “You can make it up to us if you come with us.” The other guy said. She shook her head. “Mind leaving her alone?” I asked joining into their conversation. “Who are you?” The first guy asked. “Brother!” She shouts. The two guys stopped moving. “Uh, well about time for me to go.” The first guy said running off. The second guy followed him. “You need to deny them with confidence,” I told her. “Sorry, brother.” She said. “Cheer up. Let’s go to the guild and get our rewards.” I said. “Okay.” She said with her sadness disappearing and turning to happiness. “If we rank up then we can go eat ice cream right?” She asked. “Of course,” I said with a laugh.

We made it to the adventurers’ guild and met with the receptionist Jane. “Two more quests until you rank upright?” She asked. “Yeah!” Lindsay cheerfully said. “Brother promised me we’ll go get ice cream.” She told Jane. Jane smiled. “Isn’t that great.” She said. “Lindsay, mind picking out our next quest?” I asked her. “Of course,” She said walking off. “Why does she call you brother?” Jane asked after Lindsay was out of earshot. “Well, my father had the same name. If she calls me Kevin it reminds her of her childhood with our father.” I told her. “If you don’t mind, would you tell me what happened to him?” She asked. “He was killed in a house fire along with my mother. I found out that it was bandits who did it.” I said. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She said giving me a sympathetic look. “It’s okay. It has been a while anyway.” I said. “Well, here’s your reward,” Jane told me passing over two silver coins. In this world, the currency goes from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, then light coins. Ten bronze coins equal one silver coin while one hundred silver coins equal a gold. One thousand gold coins equal one platinum coin and ten thousand platinum coins are one light coin. 

“Brother! I found some good quests.” She shouted. She rushed over holding two quests. “One goblin subjugation and the other is for collecting a specific herb.” She announced. “With skills like Kev’s, you’ll be fine doing any subjugations.” A guy covered in tattoos with huge muscles said to us. “What’s up, Brick?” She said. “Hello, Lindsay. I see that you already got new quests.” He said. “Yeah, two more quests and we rank up. Brother said he’ll get me ice cream as a reward.” She said. “Good for you.” He said. “Well, I’m off on another adventure. See you two later.” Brick said waving “bye” at them as he walked off. “Well, ready to finish those quests?” I asked her. “Of course! Let’s go now so we can ice cream soon.” She cheerfully said. “Then we’re off,” I announced.

Episode Four "Silver Bears I"



Kevin and Lindsay had a paranoid father who wanted to train his children into people who could take care of themselves. Since Kevin was older, he suffered brutal Spartan-like training. Kevin didn’t want his younger sister to suffer through the same training he was put through. He came up with a deal to do the double the amount of training in order to spare his sister the pain. Eventually, both parents are killed and the two siblings go on their own journey. They become

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