» Fantasy » Grey: The New Exorcist by Nick Venom (always you kirsty moseley TXT) 📕

Book online «Grey: The New Exorcist by Nick Venom (always you kirsty moseley TXT) 📕». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "New Exorcist"

Grey chased after the spirit Spectre, a spirit that haunted people in an alleyway at night. Grey tracked down Spectre by using himself as bait but failed to contain him. He pulled out his main weapon, a crucifix, and threw talisman towards Spectre, but none of them made contact. Spectre dodged the talisman and floated by him. Spectre escaped the alleyway and headed towards the pier with Grey following behind him. Spectre descended a staircase that led to the sand from the main road. Grey raced after him, turning the corner quickly and running into a local. He knocked into the local, nearly throwing both of them to the bottom of the stairs. “I’m sorry,” He said.

She glared at him. “You nearly knocked me down a flight of stairs and could’ve caused serious injuries.”

Grey scanned the beach. “Sorry, I’m an exorcist following a spirit, right now.” He said.

“You look like a crack addict more than an exorcist,” She told him. Grey looked down at his clothes. He wore a white cloak with red ends and black winter boots. He wore a plain black tee-shirt under the cloak alongside solid black pants. His faded white hair is combed to the right and slightly going over his right eye. 

He looked up at the woman. “Again, I'm sorry. I’m Grey and I work for the new exorcist business, Spirit Slayers.” He scanned the beach behind her for Spectre.

"I don’t care about your job. Watch where you’re going.” She said.

He nodded and ran past her, down the flight of stairs and out onto the beach. The woman scoffed at him before turning around and heading up the stairs. 

Grey couldn’t find a trace of Spectre on the beach and was forced to end his mission. He went up the stairs and sat down on a nearby bench. “If you ceased talking with the women, then Spectre would’ve been eliminated.” A malicious voice spoke. 

“I know, leave me alone.” He shouted. Passerbys looked at him confused and weirded out. The malicious voice originated from within his brain, emitting no sound to anybody aside from Grey.

“I can’t, you’re the one who released me.”

“I was naive! I didn’t believe that the pyramid you were housed in would be all it took to free you.” Grey shouted. He received a few stares from people who passed him.

“If it wasn’t for your exorcist mind, you would be under my control.” The voice declared.

“I know, I know. You really are a twisted spirit Ravage.” Grey said in almost a whisper.

“Keep on pretending that you aren’t twisted like me. A person destined to be taken over by his own demons while trying to purge the demons of others. Pathetic.” 

“Shut up,” Grey muttered.

Ravage ignored him. “A terrible circle exorcists go through. Believing that they’re the good guys when they aren’t. The only worth of exorcists is to cage a beast within them… like you’re doing.” 

“Shut. Up. Ravage.” Grey said through his teeth. “I need to get home instantly before Trent gets angrier at me.” He got up from the bench and ran towards the Spirit Slayer building without noticing Spectre watching him from behind the corner that he ran into the woman at. 

“S-Sav… Save h-her.” Spectre muttered before disappearing into thin air.

Episode Two "Spirit Slayer (1)"

Grey walked home to see Trent waiting for him. Trent is the leader of
'The Spirit Slayers' which is an exorcist business. Trent is the strongest and more experience with exorcisms. The other members are Layla who’s also second in command, Donte and Alesha. The five of us make up 'The Spirit Slayers'.

“You didn’t catch Spectre?” Trent asked. “Sorry, I lost sight of it,” Grey replied. “It’s okay as long as you’re safe.”

“Don’t worry I didn’t touch another cursed object,” Grey responded sitting on a nearby chair.

“How are you doing?” Alesha asked.

“I’m doing fine. Ravage is still under my control.” 

“He hasn’t tried taking control of you?” Trent asked.

“He hasn’t-”

“You are becoming weaker over time. One day your mind will be at its lowest point. That’s when I'll strike.” Ravage spoke to him.

“I will defeat you before then,” Grey responded. 

“Is Ravage talking to you again?” Trent asked.

“Yeah. He said that he’ll take control of my body when my mind’s at the weakest.” Grey told the group. The group is more experienced than Grey and all knew about his problem with the spirit Ravage. Ravage tried taking control of Grey’s body when Grey mistakenly touched a cursed object. Grey was a beginner and curiosity got the best of him leading to him touching a cursed pyramid and Ravage connecting to his soul. 

“Uh, excuse me can I get an exorcist to help me?” A lady said.

“What’s your problem?” Trent asked going up to the lady.

“A spirit has found his way into my home.”

“Okay, I’ll send an exorcist to deal with it,” Trent replied.

The lady started walking out when she noticed Grey. “Wait, aren’t you that rude kid from earlier?”

Grey noticed it was the girl he met earlier. “Eva wasn’t it?” He asked.

“Oh, you two know each other?” Alesha asked.

“Yeah, he’s the rude kid who almost knocked me down a flight of stairs and claimed to be an exorcist that was after a spirit.” She declared.

“I’m sorry about that,” Grey responded.

“Okay, then to patch wounds how about Grey gets rid of the spirit?” Trent asked.

“I could care less.” She said.

“Okay, then Grey go with her,” Trent told him. He nodded and started following her when Trent whispered: “She got in your way and you couldn’t escape the conversation fast enough to get Spectre right?” Grey nodded and continued following Eva to her house.

Episode Three "Spirit Slayer (2)"

The two make it to Eva’s house. Once there Grey sets up. He readied his throwable talisman and grabbed his crucifix out of his bag. He set the bible on the floor and left it open. He was now ready to finish this case.

“Just hurry this up,” Eva told him.

Grey then called out to Spectre. “Spectre heed my warning. Appear and you will be allowed to leave this plane of existence. You may go to heaven! If you don’t appear and float into the bible then you will be banished to hell!”

“There isn’t a heaven or hell.” Ravage spoke inside of Grey’s mind.

“Shut up!” Grey told Ravage. Grey then noticed a floating silver piece nearing the bible.

“Help!” somebody muttered. Grey gave a confused look to Eva.

“What?” She asked.

“I just heard somebody,” Grey said.

“Oh wow, the exorcist is going crazy.” She said with an emotionless tone. She was creeping out Grey more than any spirit.

“Please.” The voice muttered. Then Spectre appeared.

“Get it!” Eva shouted.

“Were you the one who was calling out for help?” Grey asked. At first look, the silver and purple colored spirit, who resembles their appearance when they were still alive, might look like a malicious spirit but the purple reminded Grey on the Spirit Scale. The Spirit Scale talks about the colors of the spirits and how each color matches with their last feeling. Blue is relaxed as the person died peacefully. For example, when a person chooses to end their life earlier which allows the person to be sent off while being surrounded by his/her family. Red is when the person died feeling anger and purple is when the person died feeling regretful. Each feeling is displayed with a color that stays with the being into the afterlife.

“Help her,” Spectre said.

“Who?” Grey asked.

“Does it matter? Just get rid of the spirit already!” Eva shouted.

“Who do you want me to help?” Grey repeated.

“Girl dead in an alleyway. Found her then killed.” Spectre said sadly. He must have found a girl dead in an alleyway, but before he could report it somebody must have killed him. He was feeling regretful that he couldn’t help her nor her family: Grey thought.

“Where is she?” He asked.

“Alleyway,” Spectre repeated. Most spirits don’t have the ability to speak, but luckily Spectre has that ability. This means that Spectre was turned into a spirit not too long ago. Spirits that don’t have the ability to speak have been spirits for potentially years. Years of roaming around for no reason and not being able to communicate with anybody. Sad, Grey thought.

“I’ll help her if you do not haunt anybody else. You can lead me to that alleyway.”Grey compromised with him (it?).

“Is that fine ma’am?” Grey asked.

“As long as it’s not in my house,” Eva told him.

“Okay let me start packing up,” Grey said taking back his stuff. Once packed up he walked outside and turned around to face Eva to receive $100 and a door in his face. At least she paid: Grey thought.

“Ding Dong” Ravage spoke.

“Ravage I don’t need this right now,” Grey told it. Ravage was still within his mind plaguing him. Ravage stayed silent. Grey walked in peace as he followed Spectre to the alleyway where he found the dead girl. Grey searched the dumpsters to no avail. He couldn’t find a bod anywhere. Spectre led me here. It has to be here, thought Grey. He then realized that there was a small garbage bin that he hadn’t checked. He looked inside and only saw normal garbage.

Spectre was going crazy and muttering “Help her” to Grey. Grey searched more and more until he found a pair of high heels. He continued and soon he found a disgusting view. A woman’s body chopped into pieces in a black garbage bag. The bag was slightly open and there Grey saw an eye staring back at him.

“Wife help,” Spectre muttered.

“This was your wife?” Grey shouted.

“Yes…” Spectre muttered. He found his wife dead. Not some random girl, but indeed his wife. Grey thought.

“P-preg..” Spectre started.

“Nant.” She was also pregnant? Whoever killed her also killed their unborn child. The people who killed her wanted to keep her murder a secret, so they killed Spectre before he could make a report or tell anybody. That’s why he’s regretful, but somehow he’s not angry at his wife and unborn child’s killer, Grey thought. Then click went his brain. He fell to the floor and soon Ravage started speaking.

“Weak minds are the best. Time to feast upon my new body.” Grey then passed out.

Spectre swirled around Grey crazily muttering “Help him.”

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