» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (popular romance novels .TXT) 📕

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and when will we ever be ready, if we don’t just do it?” he smiled. “I want to marry you as soon as you are ready” he added. “Jake, don’t you…” I said as he cut into my answer with one of his electrifying kisses. “Are you saying no to me Miss Hawkes?” he asked in between kisses, I just laughed. “Okay, we can get married this summer” I answered back laughing and continued to kiss Jake.

I was on the mend and I was back at work, thanks to my assistant who kept the business up and running while I was out. Jake and I were in the process of planning our wedding, we didn’t have much time. Alice asked if she could take over the planning and arranging as I was busy with the business, I was as grateful as I had my hands full most of the times. All I had to do was make sure I was available for dress fittings. Leah was going to be maid of honour and Emily my bridesmaid. Quil and Embry were going to be Jake’s best men.

And before we knew it our wedding day was upon us. The girls and I got dressed at Nana’s place, while Jake and the guys got dressed at our place. Nana looked gorgeous and was going to give me away to Jake. “My baby, you look simply beautiful, I am so proud of you” she said hugging me as she and Alice helped me get dressed. It was a bit hard as this was the first time I was officially out of my casts, I was going to walk down the aisle to Jacob and surprise him with no crutches. “Kayla keep still, you are going to have lip stick all over your mouth” demanded Alice. “Done, aah!” she said turning me to face the mirror. I didn’t recognise the person looking back at me.

“Thank you so much Alice” I said, the girls entered as did Peter to take photos. We got ready to go to the chapel; Peter drove ahead of us to catch some shots of Jacob and the others in the chapel. We pulled up outside, I started feeling nervous as I stepped out of the car. I took Nana’s arm and we walked slowly, still slightly unsteady, but I walked.

Jake had no idea.

Everyone we knew was at the wedding, the music started and the doors opened, we entered. I didn’t see anyone else except for this tall dark and handsome man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I was so excited I feel I wanted to run to Jake. He saw I was walking with no crutches and smiled the biggest smile as I saw a tear escape his eye. I finally reached the alter and Nana took my hand and put it in Jacob’s waiting hands as we faced each other. Jacob taking my hand was such a feeling of love, content and warmth not to mention.

We exchanged our vows, and were then pronounced husband and wife. “You may kiss the bride” announced the priest. Jake pulled me into his arms and we kissed, we forgot there were people there, that was until Embry nudged Jake and everyone laughed. All present applauded as were introduced as Mr and Mrs Black. We left to have photo’s taken at our favourite spots, like the rock pools, all our nearest and dearest friends were there as well to join in on the photo’s.

We made our way back to our house where a huge marquee was erected outside for the reception.
“Have I told you how breathtakingly beautiful you look Mrs Black?” remarked Jacob. “Why thank you Mr Black and you looking oh so handsome yourself there” I replied as we laughed. Jake hugged me, “I love you Jake” I said kissing him. We opened the dance floor with a dance, evening was just as we planned or at least Alice had planned. We decided we were not going to go on honeymoon until I was one hundred percent recuperated and when we both were ready. The wedding went better than expected, thanks to Alice.

Chapter 57

The wedding was over and we were back in reality, going to work and back into the normal daily routine.

One evening after a couple of weeks Jake came home looking all excited about something. “Kayla, how about we go and spend our honeymoon in Hawaii?” he asked over dinner. “We can’t go now, we are both very busy” I responded dishing Jake a second plate. “Oh yes we can, I just bought our tickets” he said sounding very excited. “You did?” I questioned.

“Yes and I paid for them from my own monies, this is the first time the companies had sufficient profit for me to pay myself a salary and I thought I would spoil you with it” he said sounding even more excited. “Oh Jake, that is fantastic news, with the company and all and the honeymoon is a brilliant idea” I said hugging and kissing him.

We left for Hawaii more than a week later, on our arrival the manager had arranged a luxurious honeymoon suite for us, and we were spoilt during our week there and it was fantastic. Once again we avoided the boat trips just in case. Jake and I enjoyed every moment and took loads of photos and this time Jake got to pay for everything.

Things were going well until one morning Jake woke up feeling quite ill and was throwing up and decided to stay home. I thought it was strange as they don't get ill, flu bugs or anything like that, but soon after was feeling fine, we decided to spend the day out together.

We walked past a coffee shop and I felt sick to my stomach that I actually had to stand bent by the wall and throw up. “Are you okay?” asked Jake. “I’m fine” I replied standing up when I suddenly got a flash back of having felt this way before.

I remember telling Trish I was late, I did a mental calculation quickly. “Jake, I’m late…” I said wiping my mouth. “Late, late for what?” he said as he looked at me. “My period Jake, I am late” I said. “But, that can’t be Carlisle said it would take a while due to your injuries….” He said as he pulled me towards the pharmacy, he quickly bought a pregnancy test and led me back to the studio.

Chapter 58

“Hey guys just ignore us” Jake said as he led me to the bathroom, we went in and closed the door behind us. “Jake, I can’t do this when you are standing watching me” I said feeling a bit embarrassed. “Oh, okay, I’ll wait outside, call me when you’re ready” he said leaving the bathroom.

After doing what I needed to do, I put the test on the basin. “Jake” I called and in he entered, he walked over to where I was and put his arm around my waist and we stared at the test.

Peter and Trish were busy stacking the shelves with our new arrivals when they heard Jake shout from the bathroom. “Yes” he shouted they ran to the bathroom to see what was wrong, and saw Jake coming out of the bathroom smiling and I followed after. “What’s wrong?” asked Peter looking at us confused, I lifted the pregnancy test so they could see it and there it was two lines confirming I was pregnant. “Kayla’s pregnant!” said Jake excitedly, picking me up and kissing me. We were going to start our family.

Jake was so excited about becoming a father, I had to persuade him not to say anything until it was confirmed. He immediately called Carlisle and asked what we should do, he offered us an appointment to make sure all is in order, and also to do a scan to confirm pregnancy and that all is fine with the baby.
For the first two weeks I was terribly ill with morning sickness, Jake on the other hand suffered from nauseas and went off certain foods he loved. I had to be careful with what foods I made. Soon things were getting back to normal, our appointment day with Carlisle arrived and Jake drove us to the hospital to see him.

We were told to go ahead into his office, where we had to wait for him. “Hi there, sorry you had to wait, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long” he said. “No, we just got here” replied Jake. “Great, right, Kayla how have you been feeling?” he asked and we started talking about how I was feeling, when was my last period, any pain or discomfort and there were none. I was then asked to get undressed in the little dressing room off the office and step through the door when I was done and they would meet me there.

As I was getting undressed I heard Jake and Carlisle talking. “How has she been doing, has she remembered anything as yet?” he asked. “Nothing, if she does remember she is doing a good job of keeping it to herself” replied Jake. “It’s like it never happened, she has been waking up a lot with nightmares, but when I question her about it, and she doesn’t remember anything” he added. “Jake you need to be strong because when those memories do come back it’s going to hit her like a ton of bricks” said Carlisle.

“I’m done” I called out. “Okay coming” replied Carlisle showing Jacob where to go, they entered a room on the opposite side and Carlisle showed Jake and myself into the room. He asked that I lay on the bed and covered my waist with a sheet and lifts the top bearing my belly. He put some gel on it and proceeded with the scan.

After a few minutes of him moving the scan around, “here you go, Jake, Kayla, meet your little baby” he smiled. “Kayla you are just a few days short of three months, this is going to be a lovely Christmas present for the two of you, (Christmas was two weeks away). Jake was so ecstatic, I myself was feeling excited when I saw our little baby making small movements in my belly, the baby was very active.

“Do you want to know what the sex is?” asked Carlisle. Jake and I looked at each other; we knew the answer to that. “No thank you, we want it to be a surprise” I responded. “Not a problem, all looks well and your due date is about mid June” he advised as he wiped the gel off my belly and pulled the top down. “You will need to see me in two months time for another check up, but call me if you need anything or have any concerns, both of you” Carlisle said.

Chapter 59

We left soon there after and went straight to Nana’s place to break the news to her. We pulled up outside, when Nana’s front door opened and she stepped out to greet us. “Hello my babies how are you both?” She greeted pulling me into a hug and kiss and the same with Jake. “Fantastic Nana, just fantastic” Jake responded with a huge smile on his face. “We’ve got some news for you Nana” said Jake closing the door behind him.

“Really?” questioned Nana as we followed her into a living room. “Jake” I said stopping him from telling Nana anymore information. “Yes Kayla?” he answered. “Maybe you should go and fetch your dad, and
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