» Fantasy » Alluring Dreams by Dee carter (best ebook reader for laptop .txt) 📕

Book online «Alluring Dreams by Dee carter (best ebook reader for laptop .txt) 📕». Author Dee carter

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return as soon as you have seen her . I will tell you why when u return do not drink her blood do not even look at her in the wrong way she is to important to me "once he gave me the sheet of paper with the adresse on i turned and headed straight for the frontdoor outside the moon was high in the sky the stars were but a mere constelation all on there own they were so beautiful i was seeing the sky completely different scince my transformation the air was tantelizing so many different scents filled the nights air it was a pleasure to breath again instead of taking in great gulps of smog . I felt the freedom i had once felt just over a year ago befor i was taken and stuffed in the back of a van with a sack over my head why had he allowed me to leave like this knowing i could just run straight back to my home and bring enforcement with me this time thats when it hit me the answer came to me just as quick as the question had he knows i would go straight back to him because i have many questions i walked down the road coming closer to the the adresse in question as i got closer i heard something it was filling my finely accute sense of hearing with the most beautiful song i had ever heard, it wasnt the radio it was a girl the melody was so beautiful and harmonious it filled me with such peace. I moved closer to the sound i couldnt believe it it was coming from the exact house i was to spy on the lights were on in this little quaint country cottage they must still be awake i could see faintly an older man and woman sitting in what seemed to be rocking chairs near an open roaring fire the woman was knitting what could only be described as a scarf out on the porch in a love seat was a young girl she could not have been much older than 17 or 18 i glanced around taking in the surroundings it was nothing out the ordinary it had a beautiful garden all around the house so many different flowers and herbs and fruit and vegetables growing these people were certainly naturists i felt so sorry for them being related to such an evil man they didnt seem evil atall but how do i know from just first glance i stay back behind the tree i glance back to the girl what is so special about this girl that he would have me spy on her i didnt quite understand i moved alittle closer to the house as i did i gasped very deeply i noticed her i was mesmerized what i noticed first were her peircing blue eyes i had to double take they were breathtaking and alluring all in one i instantly found myself being drawn to her immediate beauty she was beyond beauty she was another catorgry all of her own i took two more steps forward to get an even closer look and thats when it happend the feeling of electricity thin in the air like an invisible string drawing me closer to her this suddenly alarmed me in all the 23 years of my existance never had a woman made me feel this way without even knowing her i felt the barriers that had been protecting my heart for so many years fall around me. I stand before her like this vunerable man willing to do whatever it would take to make her completely happy it wasnt just her eyes or her beauty it was her whole persona and her aura it was beyond my every expectation of the female race it made me wonder what this girl was and why she was so important to my captors plan but what was totally noticable was this girl was certainly not human.i noticed suddenly,she was walking towards me,she spoke with such a tone it made me quickly take a step back and make a run for the trees.i ran at tremendous speed straight back to hell i called home my crappy shed.i openend the door and darted for my bed.i could still hear the beautiful melodic tone of her voice,if her eyes and her looks were not enough to drive all the men in the village, insane with lust.Then her voice would be. I couldnt get the vision of her out of my mind,i must know her or at least her name.I remembered i had to report back to my kidnapper instantly,there were more things i wanted to know.i walked back up to the house and went up the stairs to the i got there i noticed the door was shut,i knocked "come in",i walked in .he was sat in his usual chair,sipping a glass of the finest brandy."right get to the point,stop wasting time or im going to leave",he looked at me with a strange look in his eyes."oh dear boy,ive requested your soul,you will never get away from me,not as long as i live,i have insurance with your name on it" . i felt the anger rise through me from the tips of my toes to the very top of my head,just like a tsunami.with venom in my words almost hissing i spoke "you do not own me and one day i shall find a way to be free from you""dear boy you are but a mere shadow of my strength,besides we have more pressing matters to attend to,the girl did you see her" "Yes i saw her she was sitting on a love seat when i turned up i hid behind a tree " "how did she fair " "she has developed very well she looks around 17 or 18 she is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen she has the most beautiful piercing blue eyes and the most mesmerizing face i have ever seen who is this girl". "That is none of your buisness who she is she will be the wife of my great grand-son in the next year once she turns 18 they will make beautiful but poweful children together and my family will continue through the generations and i want you to be apart of all that " " thats sick to make grandchildren marry its incest " "you know nothing of this family we have been doing it for years "what do you need me for if you have been doing it for generations then" " the mother of the girl is very strong willed and very powerful just like my wife who is her grandmother and just like her mother before that and we cant risk any interuptions or difience on the eve of her birthday " just then my mother broke out of her trance and looked back at me "so as you see kristen that was all i got before he broke away from my hold but i think i got enough from it to know deep down he was not a bad person for he had no real passion for killing anyone he was ordered by his captor your great grandfather and did as he was told because of fear of losing who he truly loved his mother im hoping he finds you first for i know you will be safe "Mother who was my maker i know nothing of who he is or even what happend before i was turned why am i missing so much and forgotten everything i dont understand help me mother tell me " my beautiful kirsten i have just spoke of him but it was out of love that he changed for the fear of losing you was too much . I will tell you all in good time but you must listen to why it is dangerous to be incontact with this other person first i only have a short time with you before you wake " "Ok i understand" i quickly said "i fear you might beckon to him and my sweet child if you do you will be lost forever""beckon to who mother ,whats wrong with him who is he what does he want" He chose the wrong path kristen he seeked the help of someone very dark and gave his life to him to become something he once detested to get to the one thing he always wanted""what has he always wanted" i quickly said "you my darling" my mothers quick responce sounded the alarm bells in my chest"why me" i replied, this was when i saw the tears in my mothers eyes "beause ur great-grandmother was married to his great-grandfather and that made our family as one by marriage, they made a type of ancestral binding set between our two connecting families that the next grand daughter born from our family would marry the first grandson of there family to begin a whole new line of hybrid witches and so on and so fourth we were sickened by this news because the new part of our familes were demons consisting of succubus and incubuses,and many more and even death eaters they were the closest things to the devil and to the darkside that we had always tried to stay away from as light casters i have no idea how your great grandmother got involved with such a family im assuming it was throught of such force and power but she was the head of our family so we had to abide by the revelations that were to unravel in our once peaceful lives ".i took in a deep breath feeling so heavy with fear This began a whole new feeling throughout my body one i had not encountered in over 4 centuries as a vampire can turn off emotions and feel nothing atall but right now my mother was talking of such things you expect to hear in an adult comic book i was imagining a title like demons suck or a roadway to hell right from your family sofa i can just see it now the front cover of the latest addition, my family swarmed by the ugly relatives i shuddered at the thought she continued"so when family members became pregnant they quickly suffered miscarriages a few days later some say it was a god send or that they had been praying to the great goddess mother nature till we found out years later our great uncle morcam who was a warlock had been concocting a herbal tea that made you miscarry he was later executed for helping mothers abort their unborn child so other members had children and 75% were beautiful little girls which then married the grandsons till they had children which were evil children, you could tell by there black eyes they were half witch half demon we didnt understand why they would want this kind in the family but there was no talking to your great-grandmother or great-grandfather they were so set in there way your great uncle morcam told some of the others oneday that they were creating a manefestation to make sure the light casters were eventually wiped out by dark casters and they could oneday take over mankind itself and everything that was once human would no longer exist i never understood because we were always so gentle and also quiet but most of all we fitted right in with everyone there were very few we told in my case, i never told anyone i always felt so guilty though because i was one of the lucky ones when i was born there was no grandson born
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