» Fantasy » Alluring Dreams by Dee carter (best ebook reader for laptop .txt) 📕

Book online «Alluring Dreams by Dee carter (best ebook reader for laptop .txt) 📕». Author Dee carter

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at the same time so i was allowed to fall inlove with whoever i wanted and i met your daddy he was a wonderfull and gracious man and so full of life and i was very lucky that he was also so crazy about nature like me oh yes as i was saying. The morning before your great uncle morcam was being executed he spoke to your great aunt winnie who was his wife , he said he remembered hearing the council members who were made up of the new generation hybrids talking they had all gathered one night in the parlour they were all talking between themselves one of them a female was saying that the vermin will onday not know whats hit them the evil children would then grow and settle down with humans have children with them and the evil would keep spreading town to town and soon there would be no full blood vermin alive" "what about the human they settle down with " "well most demons are immortal others have an exceptionally long life span so even by the time they get old the humans will probably be dead and they will then move on to the next vermin straight away there are no feelings involved its just there way of life but its not your way kristen just promise me you wont fall for it kristen be smart about this seek the help take it with both hands and embrace it ,its all down to you kristen to change this world as we know it ......... oneday we thought it was all over because your great grandmother and great-grandfather died in a freak accident but i think deep down we all know it was ur makers doing but have no evidence to speak of that we dont really know about so when me and your father were expecting you we thought it was all forgotten so we kept you and the day i gave birth to you was the best day of my life and we will never forget the day never!! but 14 years later he appeared in ur life as though he had always known about you and he shadowed your every move we tried to protect you but there was not much we could do, then when you turnt 16 he became even more attracted to you and more obsessed he began fighting off other gentleman who came to ask for courtship with you like you had always belonged to him and no one else your father stepped in once to tell him to back off but out worst fears came true he told us that the very thing we thought we had got away with was still very much in place.So you did belong to him but it didnt seem to bother you you seemed to like him the same way, so me and your father tried our hardest to protect you and keep you from knowing that part of the history and we just had to try and accept it but we never once liked it.We even started liking him but then we noticed the changes as his herritage started taking affect on the person he once was and we couldnt let you be with him so we moved but as i said he tried everything he found out where we moved to and he began searching for you till half the village of men were dead we saw first hand the evil in his eyes we saw what they did to him when he thought he couldnt have you we watched as he killed everyone in our family who wouldnt tell him where you were till he got to me and your father and we gave up our lives for you and your brother but he had plans for you both you especially you .As we laid dying on the floor we watched everything , your brother wanted to die he did not want to become a monster but he had no choice it was over very quickly and your brother fled from the house you must find him kristen you will sense him YOU MUST FIND HIM FOR HE HAS THE SIGHT YOU NEED!!!your brother is your best chance to help you remember everything especially about the people that will be entering in your life....... you cant see it but believe me my love he's a changed man he's evil but at the moment he was about to lay you down on the mortar unconcious it all went wrong for him you see the person who made him turnt to you and knelt down to your side and held your hand in his and and that was the moment me and your father knew he would live a lifetime of never having you for this man had taken you for his own he left you human for a longtime till one night he had to change you to save your life he came home one night to find you had been attacked so badly he knew who did this and so do i but he loved you so much he knew changing you would make you forget who you were with him and he knew he would have to search the world for you to make you his again but he knew if he didnt save you he would live a lifetime alone without his reason for living his sun and his moon he couldnt stand the thought of never seeing you in this life time or the next but dear only you can stop this once you remember you were once extremely powerful and you need to be again "."Control from who.....Who mother " was my reply my legs were going weak this was all too surreal for even me "Alexander and Sheridan" her answer threw me into panic how did she know about them and what did they have to do with my death, the room was fading and i began to see fragments of my flat returning to focus again but before i left she had one last thing to say "Find out as much of your ancestors history and use your powers to find out what’s going on it’s the only way please Kristen before it’s too late for you and your brother .
i woke up shaken and sweating "i have a brother !!! .


THE YEAR WAS 2011, ON A THURSDAY. THE PLACE MY HOUSE, WELL MY VERANDER TO BE PRECISE. THE CITY WAS LONDON was 8pm, the sky was clear and not a star in sight. The sky seemed like it could go on forever, it was so pure with the slightest wisps of clouds still lingering from the day i had missed. I had spent the day talking to the love of my life, when we spoke it felt like a minutes when really it was hours, I could never bore of our conversation or his voice. We spoke about our day; he was telling me he had family coming from Italy next week and how he would love me to meet them. I was a little apprehensive when i spoke, but i told him i would love too, i then went on to say i would have to stay at your house for the weekend ,he got so excited and told me he wouldn’t have it any other way which made me feel so good inside. I felt so wanted by him it was so hard to remember i had ever spent my life alone, he just seemed to erase that part the day we met, and to be honest i didn’t really mind losing the feeling . I hated that part of my life, i hated the feeling of an empty house, empty streets, empty bed, and an empty heart, i know my heart was dead a long time ago but there was still a longing of wanting to feel it beat one more time, because before he came along i was all alone, never leaving my house till dark and always returning before sunrise i was completely all alone. I had spent my days so scared of human contact and the fear of wanting nothing more than to rip open there jugular and feed till a frenzy came over me and the feeling of not being able to stop till they were dead. Before i had learnt to control my thirst and the desire for human blood i was repulsive, i wouldn’t stop, i couldn’t stop, i just wanted to kill every day. It became an obsession and i was good at it. It controlled my every thought, my every movement and even my life, the thrill it gave me was beyond this world, the feeling was immense that was until Doc took me under his wing. He had spent his human life as a psychologist, caring for the mentally ill patients at the local mental institute. Till one night in June, he was on call and his life as a human came to an end. He then spent the other 465 years of his life taking in sick and confused vampires, making them cling to every human cell they had left making them remember the good sides and their emotions and the way they use to love and the way they wanted to be loved. He also began managing our fury’s till he knew we could manage them ourselves and even when he was done with us and we were safe for the human society, he was only ever a phone call away. He had helped me so much more than any of the others, something felt wrong about this and i have asked him why but he just tells me I’m imagining things but I know something isn’t right about this feeling i have i just can’t put my finger on it but all i knew was this over whelming feeling deep inside that I owed him my life something told me this everyday maybe it was my guilty conscious or my sub conscious i couldn’t tell but i felt a connection to him a kind of gratitude and i knew thanks to him i would never be like that again , not now, not ever i was more in control than i had ever been and i was now living a full and happy life with the humans everyday and I was soooooo happy again. If i had never learnt to control the vampire in me I would never have met him my reason for living my soul mate, his existence, his life, his soul, was the most important thing to me, before I became a vampire i had loved people so deeply i felt what they felt, feared what they feared and i loved feeling so emotionally tuned with them. I did this every day of my life but there it was again this mental block not knowing what I did as a human but I just knew it was to do with the human civilisation and my connection with them but all I knew from what I know .It was the best feeling ever. I knew i had to keep that part of me alive, i had to. I could never hurt a person again, I could never go from loving people so deeply to killing them again it would kill me inside and a lifetime is a long time to feel hurt and regret. so i chose to stay away from civilisation for their own protection and my sanity, but i longed for love and i hated being so lonely and i never wanted to feel that again. we
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