» Fiction » ~Dreams Are For When You're Sleeping~ by By: Morgan:) (tohfa e dulha read online TXT) 📕

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~Dreams Are For When You’re Sleeping~

By: Morgan

I always was the one who sat in the corner and talked to what people thought was myself while they played duck duck goose or hop scotch. Well at least that was in Kindergarten but one thing hasn't changed. The person who I talk to. At first I thought I was hallucinating, trying to find a way out but I wasn't. Maybe I should start from the beginning.
I was coming out of Art class when I first saw him. He was more than six feet tall and strong, really strong. He looked as if he was sixteen just like me. He was wearing a tight v-neck baby blue shirt with faded Blue Jeans. He had short spike dirty blonde hair and piercing reddish, orange, brown eyes. I will never forget his eyes. They looked past your fake smile and your outer appearance. They looked straight into your soul. He had a blank expression on his face and he stared me down as I exited the class. I tried not to look at him but his eyes followed me everywhere. As I turned the corner to go up the stairs I saw him again. There was no way he could have gotten there in such a short time. I tapped my friend, Ari, shoulder.
“Do you see him?” I asked and she looked up.
“See who?” She asked me and I looked up and he was gone. I was speechless.
“Never mind.” I said confused. We continued to our next class. We were writing notes about the Crusades and Russia in Global when I got a text. I nonchalantly looked down and read it.
‘Meet me?’ It said. I couldn’t help but smile. It was Steven. Steven and I have been seeing each other secretly for weeks. He is tall with black hair and a lip ring, meanwhile, I’m only 5 ‘5’ with reddish, dirty blonde hair and glasses. Steven and I are just Friends With Benefits (a.k.a F.W.B) but I wish we were more. I’ve never felt like this with anyone before but I know we will never be anything more. Sometimes I feel like giving him alter-maiden and tell him that we either date or stop the Friends with Benefits thing but Ii scares me to think that he might just say that we should stop being F.W.B.
‘Yeah, give me five.’ I wrote back and asked the teacher to go to my locker. Steven and I have a special spot to meet. Its downstairs where hardly anyone ever goes. First we make small talk and we do what we do and then we go back to class. Sometimes I feel like holding his hand on our way back but I’m afraid he will pull away or say something. When I got back to class I finished notes. I looked out the door and saw that same guy I saw earlier. I was starting to get really creeped out. He stood there staring directly at me for at least twenty minutes. I jumped when the bell rang. I quickly scampered to the hallway trying to see if he was there but he wasn’t. How could he disappear so quickly? Its humanly impossible! I shook it off and went to my locker to grab my jacket. I, alone, walked home from school as always. Today I got a weird feeling, like someone was watching me. I looked around, terrified that someone might be there but no one was. I kept turning around, paranoid that someone was there but every time I looked there was nothing there. This time I heard foot steps. I knew someone was watching me, following me. I jumped and turned around and sure enough that man was standing there. I screamed. He ran up to me and put his hand over my mouth.
“Don’t scream.” He said in a serious whisper. “Got it?” He asked. I nodded and then bit his hand. “Ouch!” He yelled as I ran away. “You can’t just make this easy?” He asked.
“Get away from me!” I yelled as I sprinted as fast as I could.
“You should join track!” He yelled behind me as he panted. I got tired fast and slowed but he didn’t. He practically tackled me but made it where I fell on him instead of him falling on me. He rolled over where he was on top of me and pinned me down.
“Now, can we just be civilized about this?” He asked. I lifted my knee and got him right in the groin.
“Oi vai!” He shouted and then rolled over to the ground grasping his jewels. I jumped up and scrambled to my feet and bolted to the nearest house. I banged on there door and a woman came to it.
“Please let me in! There is a man out here and I’ve escaped him but I fear he’s still out there! Please.” I begged. She shook her head.
“Child, don’t waste my time and lay off of the shrooms or tumble weed or what ever the kids are smoking these days.” She said. At first I was confused at what she said but then I knew what she meant.
“But I’m telling the truth! Please don’t leave me out here! I beg of you!” I yelled but the door remained closed. What did this man want with me? Why me? There are so many other girls that are more popular and skinnier... why must he be after me? I ran off the porch. I circled around trying to see if he was anywhere’s to be found. I fell to my knee when I didn’t see him. I was so relieved. I had to get home to tell my Mom, but would she believe me? No, I best not tell her. She wouldn’t believe me and it would just cause more trouble. I silently walked home, still jumpy. What was that man trying to do? I mean I know what he was trying to do but maybe it never happened. Maybe I was hallucinating. Yeah! That’s it! I was hallucinating! That explains it all! Now just slow down and breath. I took a few heavy breath and closed my eyes and let it all go. When I opened my eyes that man was standing in front of me. I screamed a high pitched scream and then he put him hand on my mouth again.
“Now, I don’t want to have to get ice but my junk so calm down!” He yelled. I stopped screaming. “Now, I’m going to let go of your mouth so we can talk.” He calmly said. I nodded as if I agreed but as soon as he took his hand off my mouth. As soon as he did I ran for it. I ran and ran and I didn’t look back.
“Come on! I trusted you, why can’t you trust me!” He yelled as I ran away. Why would I trust him! He acts like he’s going to rape me! I got tired of running. It seemed like I was running in circles. I dropped to my knee’s, dizzy. He jogged up behind me slowly. He stood over me blocking the sun. A drip of sweat fell from his face.
“I can’t fight anymore. Just get it done with.” I said as I closed my eyes.
“What are you talking about?” He asked me. I opened one eye. “I just wanted to talk with you.”
“So you’re not trying to rape me?” I asked him.
“No, oh God No!” He said. I sighed relieved but felt stupid for thinking it. He held out his hand to help me up.
“Why were you watching me?” I asked him. He didn’t answer. “Answer me!” I yelled.
“Wow, you sure don’t look like the loud type!” He barked back. I pushed up my glasses and stared fiercely at him. He knew I was serious. “Okay. This is going to sound weird but I’m... Well sort of...” He tried finding the words.
“Well spit it out already! I’m not getting any younger!” I told him.
“I’m sort of your Guardian. I try to help you understand the things that are not meant to be understood. Confusing I know but its what it is.” He said.
“Who put you up to this? To mess with me?” I started to yell.
“Jasmine, I’m telling the truth.” He said trying to quiet me down.
“How do you know my name!” I shouted.
“Because! Its like I told you!” He shouted back.
“Go away. I don’t want anything to do with you.” I said and walked away.
“The names Shawn!” He yelled as I walked away. When I got home I walked to my room and closed the door. I was tired. I sleep a lot but when I’m sleeping, I feel like I’m awake. I can’t explain it and I know its not normal but who can I tell. I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. Within seconds I was back, back to my dream. Every time I sleep I dream about the same thing and If I wake up then next time I go back to bed it leaves off right where It ended. I walked to my school. It was in session. I walked up to my friends. In this world I had friends. In my Dream I knew what it was like to have friends and be loved. As I walked over to my friends I saw that guy again. He was leaning against a tree.
“Do you guys know who he is?” I asked them.
“No.” They all replied. I was getting ticked. Wasn’t this classified stalking? I marched over to him.
“Now you show up in my dreams?” I asked him.
“You can’t get rid of or avoid me.” He said. I ignored him and walked away. The bell rang. “Shit!” I mumbled to myself and jogged to first period. I sat down and he began teaching. After school I walked home and my Mom and Dad were there. They greeted me at the door.
“Hello, sweet heart!” My dad said as he hugged me. My parents looked exactly the same they just cared more than my actual parents.
“How was your day, pumpkin?” My Mom asked.
“Great! School was great! I have a question for you guys.” I said giddy.
“Well,” My dad said.
“What is it?” My Mom asked.
“Since I’m almost seventeen, can I have a car?” I asked. If I ever asked this to my parents in real life they would have shot the idea down before I even said.
“Of course!” My Mother replied.
“Do you want to go pick it out now?” My Dad asked with his usual big smile on his face.
“Yeah!” I jumped up and down. Everyone in this world always smiled. As if there was never a moment where they weren’t happy. My Dad and I got into his car and drove to our local dealer ship. We pulled in and a small man with a checkered suit on approached us as we got out of the car.
“Hellllooooo! Good Afternoon! What can I help you with on this beautiful day?” He asked very, very cheerful.
“My little angel here wants a car.” My Dad said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded in agreement and the man looked at me up and down.
“I think I have the perrrrfffeecccctttttt car. Come with me.” He said

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