» Fiction » Lost World by K.M Montoya (small books to read TXT) 📕

Book online «Lost World by K.M Montoya (small books to read TXT) 📕». Author K.M Montoya

Chapter 1

As the dust settled over the battle field, she saw Hell's army in shambles. The mighty General Nikoli let out a defeated roar from atop his black war-horse for he knew my human army claimed victory over his immortal, demonic army. A pitch black pillar of smoke began to consume him and his cruel looking horse. And the last things I saw where Nikoli's cold, harsh, scarlet eyes burning into mine.
* * *
I knew which of my men had quietly entered my tent before I saw him."Luitenet Dimkov," I said as I turned to face him. His lovely blue-green eyes, like the Ob, still contained a glimmer of surprise of how I knew it was him; but he learned long ago not to ask about my talents. Dimkov's first real name is Vladimir "Vlad" Dimkov I made him my second, my luitenet, when he risked his life to save some refugees escape from a prison camp, those very same refugees later became my best soliders. Vlad was tall, which was saying something next to my five foot seven inches of muscle. Vlad also had a boyishness to his face, his longish straight onyx colored hair often hid the boyish characteristics. If you close enough you could see the telltale signs of snake-bite piercings. Vlad was well muscled even before joining the Rebel Army, he was freindly, kind, intelligent, and when he did something he thought it through and planned it or he did it knowing it wouldn't help him in any way. But, it was his eyes that had caught my attention first, they where deep and mysterious and completly intriguing, like if you leaned close enough you could fall in and never come back out. Vlad's 24 years old, and I am 17 and a half in two weeks I'll be 18, no there is no one to enforce the age laws so you can be with who ever you want, legally, I mean. "I was just going to find you, to congradulate you on a job well done in battle today. You are a brilliant solider." I said. He cleared his throat shyly, I could hear his heart racing as he stepped closer to me and said quietly, "Thank you, General Vodkav." "Please, Vlad, you know you can call me Sasha." "Yes, right. I came in here to speak to you...privately

." I nodded and walked towards the entrance of my tent and zipped the tent flap closed, then turned back around and stood in front of Vlad. He said shyly,"You look very beautiful tonight, Sasha." He stepped closer now we were only an inch apart, he lifted his hand and stroked my bare arm; all I had on was a pair of black shorts, black sneakers, and a black t-shirt. My long, wavy hair was tied back into a higponytail. "Sasha, I think you'rea great leader, you're strong, brave smart, and beautiful. You're so beautiful that sometimes it hurts. I can't stop thinking about you, your smile, your laugh. You're a brilliant strategist. I've thought about this for a while and I've come to the conclusion that I..." Vlad's heart beat rapidly now, I thought he was going to pass out. "That you what, Vlad?" "That I am in love with you Sasha." BEfore I had time to respond, Vlad wrapped his muscled arms around me and pressed his perfect, full lips against mine. I let out a a gasp of surprise and pleasure. I wrapped my arms around his neck and braided my fingers into his hair,and melted into him. I felt Vlad's arms tighten around me, one of his hands pressed against my lower back and the other travled down the outside of my hip and then my thigh, and back up the inside between my legs. Where he stuck a finger inside of me and moved it in circles. I tilted my head back and whispered his name in pleasure. He puuled his fingers out and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his torso and my fingers still knotted in his hair, he carried my to my makeshift bed of rugs and blankets and pillows. He lay me down and he kissed my face and neck and wherever his lips traveled, they left a burning sensation. Vlad took off my shirt and and kissed my collarnone and the tops of my breasts, he pressed his lips to the sensitive spot between my breasts and kissed my lips as he squeezed my breasts so hard I moaned loudly, "Mmm, Vlad, I love you." I removed his shirts and I dug my nails into his back and I heard him grunt and moan my name. I pulled off his jeans and I let my hand linger on his hard, erect cock and I rubbed against it and I moved my hand more and more. he pulled down my shorts and we where both in our underwear now. I pressed my lips to his chest and I travelled downward to his cock, I placed my whole mouth on all 12 inches of him and I used my tongue to make his cock harder. I stopped when my tongue got tired and went back up. Vlad's eyes where blue-green fire that melted me, he tore my thong from my body, riping it into shreds. He pulled me closer and put his cock into me. Slow at first, then harder and harder; my breath became hot against his skin and my nails, I could feel, where leaving marks inb his back from all the plaesure he gave me. I was not untouched before this night for I have had many lovers and have been compared to Cleopatra in using my own body to win wars and protect my people. But, out of al;l others Vlad has been the best so far. When the burning, intense, wild pleasure had run it course we lay together. My head on his muscled chest and he wrapped his sculpted arms around me and kept me close to his heart. "I love you, Sasha." "I love you too, Vlad." We were quiet for a little while. Then Vlad said "Can I ask you something love?"


Publication Date: 03-20-2012

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