» Fiction » Earth No More by Bianca Gray (inspirational books for women .TXT) 📕

Book online «Earth No More by Bianca Gray (inspirational books for women .TXT) 📕». Author Bianca Gray

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I was walking to school, like any normal person, with my friend Kate. She and I had been friends since we were in diapers. It was the year 3025 and everyone said that the Earth was getting warmer. But they've been saying that for over 1000 years. It was an especially hot spring day. I wore a spagetti strap bright blue tanktop and short jean shorts. I wiped my hand across my forehead.
"God, is today like the hottest day in the world? Or is it just me?" I asked Kate. She just shrugged. Our friend, Hugh, jumped down from his floating house. Because the world has been getting overpopulated, we had houses over houses. I placed my hand over my heart.
"God, Hugh! You scared the Devil out of me!" I exclaimed. He laughed.
"I know I did because you feel how hot it is out here? It's like hell broke loose," he said smirking. Hugh had curly caramel hair and a nice face. He had eyes that if you looked at them, you would know you could trust him. He grabbed Kate's slender arm. She smiled up at him. They've been dating for over a year now. It was disgusting. Kate's red hair was so pretty. Everyone usually made fun of the gingers, but Kate was one that they didn't. She could've been a model if she wanted to, well, back in like 2000. Nowadays, they used computer generated models. She had long legs, the perfect body shape. She had flowing red hair, the color of rubies, that looked like a sea of red jewelry sparkling in the sun. It was so straight but she also had a little bit of volume too. Her bangs ran straight across her forehead, partly covering her red brown eyebrows. She had sparkling blue eyes that were lined with dark lashes. Her skin was flawless, a beautiful creamy color that didn't make her look washed out. She also managed to look conservative in this weather and what she was wearing. She wore a light skirt that came to her mid thigh, and a t-shirt that was made of the same light material as her skirt. She wore little to almost no makeup on her face, her eyes like one of those old anime characters. Her teeth were the same color and strength as an ivory tusk. She smiled her sparkling smile at me.
"Let's get to school," she said.
"Kate, you're so pretty," I said blurting it out, again. Kate laughed.
"But, you are too, Lizzie. Everyone is I think," she said. What she said had some truth in it but not all. Over the years people's genetics started to change. Now everyone had the big anime eyes, and slender bodies but each different in they're own way. Some prettier than others. And others were pretty but in a really creepy way...
"Yeah, but, not all are as pretty as you," said Hugh. I rolled my eyes as she giggled and they rubbed their noses together. They were just WEIRD with a capital W. Finally we managed to get to school in this hot weather. The AC was blasting and it was kind of cold in there. I wish I brought a jacket, I thought remorseful.
"HEYYY!" cried out Hannah. Her curly dark brown hair bouncing off her shoulders. Her brown eyes were wide with excitement. Her moca colored face looked slightly flushed. I quietly groaned.
"Hey, Hannah," I said as she ran up.
"Hey Lizzie! Ok Kate, tell me the truth, do you see any difference in me at ALL?!" she said widening her eyes a little. Kate rolled her eyes at me. Hannah looked at me and gave a confused smile.
"Um, eyelash extensions?" asked Kate. Hannah laughed.
"OHMIGOSH!! Kate that was like LAST week!! I got surg remember?? NOPE guess again!" she cried out. Hannah widened her eyes more. I was surprised they didn't fall off her face. Kate looked closer.
"You have sparkles in your hair, that match your eyes," she said slowly.
"UH HUH...." said Hannah practically begging her to go on.
"You got surg for you're eyes to put sparkles in them?" she asked.
"OHMIGOSH!! YES!! How'd you know?? You're such a good guesser!! Ok so I got them to crush up gold and put them in my eyes. Cost a little more than I expected but I mean, my daddy wants me to be happy," Hannah said smiling. I looked closer at her eyes and could see there was gold specks in her eyes that made them sparkle ever so slightly. She gave me a slightly disgusted face as she took a step back. Whatever, I thought. For some reason, Hannah loved Kate but hated me. It didn't make any sense. Hannah suddenly changed her face into a smile when she saw Kate staring at her strangely.
"Kate, you should totally get some surg!! It would make you look even better!" cried out Hannah as we walked to Kate's locker. She said goodbye to Hugh and pondered over Hannah's question.
"I don't know, Han. I mean I already like how I look. Right, Lizzie?" asked Kate staring at me with questionable eyes. I already knew Kate had some self esteem issues but she was gorgeous.
"Kate, you're beautiful! You don't need surgery!" I cried out taking her face into my hands. She smiled and pulled her head out of my hands. Hannah just sniffed in distaste.
"Whatever. It was just a thought. Not saying you aren't beautiful Kate but, Hugh would love you so much more if you had ruby sparkles in your eyes!! Especially if it matched you're hair!! It would look perfect!" cried out Hannah taking Kate's hands into hers.
"I don't know," said Kate unsure.
"Kate, you don't need it," I told her. Hannah glared at me as Kate smiled.
"Thanks, Lizzie! See you later!" she cried out as Hannah dragged her to her class.
"Bye," I said to no one in particular.
I steadily walked to my locker. A girl with blinding white hair passed me. She bumped into me.
"Sorry," she mumbled. She looked up for a quick second and it looked like she had big anime like violet eyes. I looked at her strangely as she hurried down the hallway. Is she new? I asked myself...


I bumped into a girl with golden blonde hair and jewel like sapphire blue eyes. She looked at me concerned. I mumbled my apologies to her and quickly walked away. I turned to look behind me to see if that girl was still watching me when I ran headfirst into a guy. My papers scattered everywhere.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologized. It seemed like I've been apologizing to everyone, I mused. I looked up into the most handsome face I had ever seen. I gawked up at him. He awkwardly laughed.
"You should look where you're going," he said smiling. He started picking up my papers on the ground.
"Here," he said smiling. He had dark brown hair that fell into his gorgeous silvery green eyes. He shoved his hands into his pockets and gave me a crooked smile. He turned to walk away. I grabbed his arm.
"Wait, what's your name?" I asked him. He smiled.
"Austin," he said. Then he nodded at me.
"Nice eyes," he said. I let go of his arm in a daze. He walked slowly away. I stared wistfully at him. A girl with crimson red hair came up.
"Austin's cute isn't he?" she asked me. Her blue eyes sparkling. I sighed dreamily.
"Yeah he is," I said while watching him carefully dodging people. Then I jumped and stared carefully at the strange girl. She smiled at my hesitation, staring at my huge violet eyes.
"My name's Kate...who are you?" she asked cocking her hair gently. Her hair shimmered and her eyes glowed. I felt a shiver go down my back. They did say everyone here was prettier. But she was beyond pretty, she was pretty in a natural way.
"My name's Haylei," I said meekly. She reached down and picked up a lock of my white blonde hair.
"Is this natural?" she asked me.
"Um, yes," I said.
"Hmm...that's so odd," she said. Kate turned my hair this way and that way watching it slightly shimmer. She pursed her lips, thinking.
"Do you know Austin?" I asked after a minute of her examining my hair. She looked up at me.
"Huh? Austin? Oh, he usually keeps to himself, doesn't ever take interest in one person for longer than a second. I'm surprised he even talked to you," she mused.
"Oh," I said disappointed in that discovery. She smiled at me.
"But at least he talked to you. He hasn't talked to really anyone since Lizzie," she smiled.
"Whose Lizzie?" I asked voicing what I was thinking. Kate looked up her eyes glowing.
"Lizzie's my best friend. Austin and her had a thing at one point. We thought he would never get over her...maybe he hasn't," she said thoughtfully. I stared at her wide-eyed.
"Oh," again, disappointed.
"Oh, but don't worry. You look nothing like her. She has golden wavy hair and sapphire blue eyes," she said reading my suspicions.
"Cool," I said. I turned to walk away.
"Hey wait up!" I heard a boy yell. I turned around and saw green silvery eyes. I gasped and held my breath.
"Austin?" I asked. He smiled.
"You remembered," he said.
"Well, I wasn't sure," I said awkwardly trying to make it look like he didn't make an impact in my life.
"Oh, well I accidentally grabbed this," he said pulling out a bright pink notebook. He accidentally picked up a bright PINK notebook? I asked myself. A knawing feeling was eating my brain. It was bright neon pink. Kind of hard not to notice. So...did he purposefully pick it up?
"Hey what's your name again?" he asked.
"Haylei," I said taking the notebook from him. He smiled.
"See you later, then?" he asked. I almost said, "I hope so" but instead I said, "Maybe." Then he smiled at me.
"I hope so," he said reading my mind. I almost choked on my saliva.
"Are you okay?" he asked me.
"Fine. Perfectly fine," I said catching my breath. He looked so concerned. But there was something different about him then all the others. He looked less...trying to look so utterly attractive like the others. Which made him look so much more attractive than the others. He half smiled at me, his eyes telling me that he was still concerned about me. Awwwww!! My head was screaming. I felt my face get all hot.
"I..I have to go," I said tripping backwards over my feet. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up and I fell into his warm chest. I let myself lay there for a second. Then I pushed myself off of him.
"Bye!" I cried out, my face red with embarrassment. I tried to leave but he had his hand on my wrist. I looked down at it and he was looking at it as well. He looked like he was trying to figure out how to make his hand open. Finally after a moment of just standing there with my wrist in his hand, he let go. Then I quickly left without looking back.


My hand was wrapped around the strange girl, Haylei's, wrist. She obviously wanted to go, her face hot with embarrassment...or anger..? I couldn't seem to make my hand

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