» Fiction » Sidera Gemini by Charlee Rose (top inspirational books .TXT) 📕

Book online «Sidera Gemini by Charlee Rose (top inspirational books .TXT) 📕». Author Charlee Rose

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I watch as the blood pours from my arm, drip... drip... drip...


I can't remember why I started doing it, or when for that matter, all I know is that loneliness and depression have consumed me; it's all I think about.


I can't concentrate on school anymore, I can't sleep and I eat very little.


But no one else can see it; this darkness inside of me, all they see is my happy smiling face, filled with so much joy! Not...


They don't know how I really feel; they just see what’s above, not what's underneath...

Chapter 1

It was a rainy tuesday morning when my life changed. I just left for school when I saw this figure watching me from the shadows, but being humman I decided it was just my imagination and continued walking.


The school day flew by, and before I knew it I only had two lessons left. English and Maths. I love english, I love being able to express my self with words, I always seem to be able to write stuff down better than I can speak it.


As the last ten minutes of maths drag by slowly, I turn to the window. It's raing... great! Even more reasons to make my life a living hell! As the bell rings a big sigh of relief echoes around the classroom. Packing up my stuff I notice a glowing white figure, a lot different to the thing I saw earlier standing, no not standing, floating next to the library, beckoning me to go to it, I try to shake it off but I just can't, no matter how many times I try to make the image go away, it just wont...


Pacing my self, I slowly head over to the library, I need to find out whether it's real, or i'm just going completely crazy.


Creak... As I aproach the entrance, the door swings open, darkness laying before me. This is my chance, I could just run and forget this ever happened, but I can feel some invisible force pulling me in, and as much as I try to escape, I just can't... and I know now that there is no going back...

Chapter 2

Entering the Charcoal black room, the darkness swallows me up, leaving me blind for a minute or two. Until a faint glimmer of light appears in the distance and I begin to run towards it, desperate. As I reach the ray of light I realise it is pointed towards something, or someone, but not someone human; I can just tell. Even though she may look like one; with skin olive brown and shiny golden locks, everything about her is so far from humanity, I just can’t put my finger on what.

‘You’ve grown to be so beautiful, I remember when you were just a tiny baby, I remember your bright eyes, emerald green, the way they looked at the world with so much awe, you were always destined for great things, right from the very start-’

‘Um excuse me, but who the hell are you? I’ve never met you in my life!’

Walking over to me slowly the women laughs to herself, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear ‘Your so like your mother you know, she used to be that feisty too, oh and don’t even get me started on the hair…’

She knows my mother!?

‘How do you know my mother? She died in a car crash when I was 2…’

I never really knew my mum that well; after all I can’t really remember anything from when I was 2… All I know is what others have told me; how she was beautiful and smart and had a singing voice like an angel. But she was also mysterious, and had a dark past before she met my father, I haven’t really been told anything more though, maybe this is my chance to find out more, if this women isn’t lying, maybe she will uncover more about my past…

‘Ahh, but that’s where your wrong. Look before your mother died she gave me this to give to you when you turned 16, and I’m correct in thinking your birthday is tomorrow, right?’

I nod, unable to form words. How does she know so much about me? Could what this women is telling me be the truth?

‘Well I know this may be a lot for you to take in, so take a seat’ Confused, I look around for what seat she’s talking about, when all of a sudden one appears before me. Oh my… Who is she? Or perhaps more importantly; what is she?

‘Your mother was my best friend, but she had a secret, she was a goddess, who fell in love with a human and wanted a normal life in the human world, but the gods weren’t having any of it. She tried to forget about them and block them out, and start a family with your father on earth. But the day before your second birthday they found her, took her away, and banished her to the underworld where she would either live forever in hell as Hayde’s ‘beloved’ wife or she would burn in the depths of hell as a poor helpless soul. But being your mother she was prepared for the worse, she knew she couldn’t hide forever so she gave me this to give to you when you turned 16.’

Handing it over to me, I inspect the artefact curiously; a bracelet? With the word Taurus carved into it?

‘I don’t get it? What does this have to do with me and my mother?’ I ask curiously.

‘Your birthday, it’s the third of May, that makes you a Taurus, but not just any Taurus, the living and breathing ruler of the Taurus’s, Your mother was Aphrodite, goddess of Taurus, which makes you a Tauralite’

She looks at me as if she’s waiting for me to respond, but all I can do is stare at the bracelet in the hope that it will vanish and I’ll end up at home in my bed, and this will all be a dream, but as hard as I try it just won’t disappear, and I know now that what this women is telling me, is the truth…

‘But what does that mean? What makes me so special that I’m a ruler?’

‘You are the first born offspring of Aphrodite, making you the heir to the throne. The reason I’m telling you this is because you are not alone, you have brothers and sisters, that are also heirs to the throne for the other zodiac signs, and in order for the new generation to become gods and goddesses, you all need to be together with your bracelets in the temple of Ahoura. But when you were born, you being the last of the offspring of the gods, Zeus got incredibly angry at Aphrodite for having a child; because that meant that they could be over ruled by a new generation, so he banished all the children to different parts of the world, so that they could never find each other. However recently a prophecy has been foretold that the daughter of Aphrodite will start an uprising of the heirs and will bring them all together again’

‘OK, so let me get this straight. You want ME, who didn’t know anything about who I really am 1 hour ago, to find the other airs and start an uprising to fulfil some prophecy that is probably utter bull-’

The woman looks at me with pleading eyes, so stunning and sky blue that I just can’t say no.

‘I can’t even fight and I don’t even know where to start looking or who to start looking for…’

‘But that’s where I come in; you may have noticed that I am not a human, for I am a nymph, a leimoniad to be precise, I will be here to help you when you need it most, here before you lies a list of all the locations of the heirs, their names and their parent, every time you find an heir I will appear and hand them the bracelet, when they put the bracelet on their wrist it will activate the list and the next heir’s location will be revealed… Oh and when it comes to fighting, you’ll be just fine’

And with that she disappeared, leaving me in the darkness with only a map for company, looking down at it I see that the first heir has appeared:

Name: Elevaina

Star sign: Gemini

Age: 17

Parent: Hermes

Location: Carvoeiro, Portugal


Text: C. R.
Images: Found on google
Editing: Jennifer.E
Publication Date: 10-13-2013

All Rights Reserved

I would like to dedicate this book to my best friend Jennifer E, who without I would never be able to have the self confidence and belief to write and post online! I love you Skittles :D Also to my favorite authors Suzanne Collins, Rachel Caine, Rick Riordan and Veronica Roth, who inspire me to write and one day be as great and successful as them! Finally to my favorite YouTubers, which sounds strange, but they get me through a lot of rough times and always make me laugh when I'm down, So thank you to... Danisnotonfire AmazingPhil Jennxpenn ShaneDawsonTV KickThePj Crabsticks JoeyGraceffa TheFineBros and i'm sure there's hundreds more I just can't think of

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