» Fiction » Heaven's Tear by Robert Gunter (books to improve english TXT) 📕

Book online «Heaven's Tear by Robert Gunter (books to improve english TXT) 📕». Author Robert Gunter

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Chapter 1

"Master Wess," said James standing in the bedroom doorway, " Your car has arrived." Riku Wess didn't reply, nor did he turn away from the window he was blankly staring out of. James bowed as he left the room to gather his master's bags. He knew that Riku had a far more pressing matter weighing on his mind than to be worrying about when his car arrived. The car was taking him to a nearby port on the Southern tip of Florida. His father had been the one to request he travel by sea rather than by plane. "I think", his Father had said on the phone, " that it would give him more time to think and get everything that's happened put behind him. It's a whole 'nother way of life here in Japan. And I don't want to put more on him than what he can bear." " Of course. That's very understanding of you sir", James had siad, " But if I may, can you tell me what had happened? Why you left the States to live in Japan, and why, for the 4 years years I've known them, neither Riku nor his mother Jennifer, has ever siad anything about you until three days ago?" His father was hesitant towards answering. But, seeing as how James was practically family, and that he would find out one way or another, answer he did. Choosing his words with great care.

" Me and Jennifer had a falling out... She believed I was cheating on her and that I had had a second child with someone else. None of which was true. But, she became very stressful, very difficult to live with, no matter how many times I had told her that her accusations were absurd and that I loved her. Eventually I had to leave. The reason Riku hasn't said anything about me was because he thought I had been abusive to his mother."

"Were you?", James inquired.

" Of course not! I would never even think of doing that!", replied Riku's Father. James wasn't so convinced, Riku never lied. "Anyway", Riku's father continued, " I moved to Japan to try to get away from her and find some peace." James nodded, " Well then, I hope you have found what you were looking for."

"That I have... that, and so much more."

James thanked him for contacting them and said he would have Riku ready the following day. It's such a sad thing that has happened to Riku. Barely nineteen years old and has done seen so much of the cruelties of life. His parent's divorce, The sudden deaths and/or disappearances of his closest friends, followed by the horrific death of his mother last week. Now his Father wants to welcome him with open arms. I can't help but feel uneasy about all this. He had siad to himself.

James, even at the age of 62, still walked and moved like the former military man he would always be. Standing at 5 foot 10 inches tall, he was rather intimidating, even to younger men. He had gray hair medium length that he would often times simply slick back away from his forehead, and kept a neatly trimmed mustache and soul patch. And most women would agree that, for his age and youthful appearance, was quite a handsome man, and he knew it. Flirting with the Ladies at every opportunity. Absolutely fearless and tough as nails, he had an energy that was unmatched by most people his age, he still worked out, and went running with Riku from time to time.

Thank you James, for always being here and treating me well when Mom wasn't around. Riku thought silently to himself. His Mom and Father were both in the military. His Mom, a former specialist in cyber warfare, and his Father was a Marine, now retired and working security for VIPs. So, aside from public school, Riku's parents had also been training him just as they would if he had been in the Military. "The perfect Soldier.", his Father would always call him. Riku never once minded the constant learning, the constant training that his parents made him do, because, to him, it was quite normal. He would come home from school, workout and run while learning to speak to his Mom in three different languages, sometimes changing those languages in mid-sentence. Then he would practice shooting with his Dad and spend his evening attempting to hack into various computers and private networks. The goal was to simply get past the computer's Internet Security. Riku would sometimes make small changes to the programming, causing advertisement websites to pop up or just silly, Gotcha! graphics. However, he did succeed in burning up a Corporation's servers one time. Causing a complete shutdown on the companies website as well as disrupting communications to various buildings and stores owned by the corporation.

When he turned fifteen, however, his whole world turned upside down. It was the day his whole life changed. It would be a day he would never forget.


He remembered it like it was yesterday. He was just coming home from school, a truck load of textbooks in his backpack, along with his report card, straight As all the way across the board, and the phone number of a girl he had just asked to go see a movie with.

  His parents had always argued from time to time. What married couple doesn't? But this, Riku knew, was very different from their usual spats. His mom, first of all, was frighteningly furious and terrified. His dad was standing over her, his fists clenched, blood vessels showing on his forehead and the sides of neck. His face contorted in an ugly mask of rage. He was yelling "You bitch! You think you could really fight me?" As he grabbed her arm and pulled her off the floor, throwing her agianst the wall. He reached back to take another swing at her as Riku charged forward, scared and confused. He didn't know what was going on, but he had to try to end it. He kicked his dad in the side of the knee, felt it give, then break under his foot. As he fell, howling in pain, Riku got behind him, put him in a tight choke hold and waited for him to pass out. His dad, Doug, struggled all he could, but eventually gave out and went under. Riku held him there as he regained consciousness, making sure he didn't choose to fight anymore. However, all the fight Doug had him before had vanished. He was back to his normal self. Still upset, but no longer violent.
  Riku called in the police and ambulance while his Mom went to the bathroom to clean herself up as best she could.
  As he finished giving the operator his address and hung up the phone, Jennifer came out of the bathroom, fully clothed, dabbing at her hair with a towel. "What happened?", Riku asked. "  We had argument, Riku. It just got out of hand. That's all." "That's all?!", said Riku, hysterically.  "Mom, if I hadn't have come in when I did, he would have killed you! Now, please, tell me what happened."

  After pausing for several seconds, Jennifer started to explain.  "I found out he had affair! The woman that he had been with came to me at work and told me everything. When I approached Doug about it, he denied it. Siad it was all a lie. But then he got angry as I told him what she told me. And then", she sobbed, " He started yelling. Telling me shut up, then started hitting me. I did everything I could. But, he was just too fast."

  Doug hadn't moved from where he was laying. "Stupid bitch. Next time it'll be a bullet and not my fists." Doug declared. Riku walked over to him, a stern look on his face. "Bah!," Doug laughed. "Young gonna kick a man while he's down, boy?" "You taught me how." Riku said as he kicked him in the head, knocking him out agian.
  The Ambulance and Police had arrived shortly after and questioned the three of them on the specifics of what happened. Jennifer had told them she would press charges. A week later, she filed for a divorce and sole custody of Riku.


Chapter 3 Awakening


Riku slowly began to wake up. He thought he might be standing, but wasn't sure. He could tell that he might be moving, but his body was still. His head was swimming, a massive pain seemed to move from one side of his head to the other. That's right, he remembered. I was in an accident. He tried to move his arms but couldn't. They were strapped down. There was a slight jolt in the constant motion, inertia, he was in a vehicle. That vehicle hit a pot hole, causing the jolt he felt. So... I'm in an ambulance? He moved his eyes, looking around as the blurriness began to dissipate. There was a bench on one side, a middle eastern man sitting there, hunched over asleep. He had a mustache and was wearing a white tee shirt, blue jeans and an army green jacket, unbuttoned. As Riku continued to examine the ambulance, he noticed that there were no oxygen tanks, not even an IV. All the things you would have thought belonged in an ambulance weren't there. Except the man sitting on the bench.

I need to get out of here. But Riku's hands were tied, yet he knew, he wasn't sure how, but he knew. Those hands that they had tied to the gurney, weren't the only hands he had. By concentrating, he could control them, feel them, these extra telekinetic arms. First, he needed to experiment, so he gently felt around the room, doing so he was able to get an idea of his surroundings, like trying to feel your way around a maze with a blind fold. Then he began to concentrate on the guard gently patting him for weapons, careful not to wake him. He felt something hard beneath his jacket, a gun in its holster. He tried to undo the clasp without tugging too hard, but failed. The gaurd sat up and had his hand on

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