» Fiction » Streak by CactusRose (free novel 24 .TXT) 📕

Book online «Streak by CactusRose (free novel 24 .TXT) 📕». Author CactusRose



"Mousefest!!! I am mighty...Mighty Lord ‘Mouse of the House,' that is. I yield to no poison, trap, or beast. Feel my claws. See my teeth? Watch me streak across the fl..."

Rainier halted his dash with a snappy skid.

But wait! Oh, she’s beautiful.

A person had slipped into the room, reading aloud: “Daily Horoscope: You are about to change your mindset. Someone will present new ideas that challenge your beliefs.” Long dark hair cascaded down her back, and it seemed to be calling my name. "Ranier, oh, Ranier!" How I longed to climb that mane and peer through those long, dark lashes!

She couldn't mean me, could she? How can I change her beliefs? It looks like believes the room is all hers.

The beaut is just sitting there silently, intensely, concentrating on the task of deciphering subtitles at the bottom of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ of that a lighted moving picture screen.

I remained behind the couch, though I was starving. I made no sound or movement. In fact, I barely dared to breathe. Then I forgot my fears and felt only my desire to be closer to this vision of loveliness.

Happily, I raced into the room…and froze! My beauty stared back openly at me, hand to gaping mouth. I barely reached safety again before she screamed and ran in great, thudding steps across the shaking floor, looking more like an earthquake goddess checking for ambrosia than a winsome beauty.

My knees quaked. With my ears down and eyes closed, I wept. How shall I find food with her in the room? Where do I find what I need to feed my little tribe now? I fear I will never go to sleep again!


My tears turned to whimpers, then to anger: “You big bully! Throw me a trail of seeds and I will escape your domain. Euwww, what's that smell?” One of my eyes popped open in curiosity. “It’s those pesky feline Shadows, bringing trophy mice into the house.”

I wondered, Was that how I came here, too?

Dark memories swirled in my head: a stormy night waking me from a peaceful nap, and sudden spasms rocking my insides into a tight mass of quivering goo. My muscles twitched as thunder boomed. I clawed madly against a bad case of spinning vertigo that propelled me into space, and landed onto some smelly, damp rags with a squirmy ‘thwuuunk!’

. Brrr! They were cold

wet rags.

All of a sudden I was nudging a furry belly, and quickly entered a mad feeding frenzy. Moments later, I nested lazily in the kitchen wall with mama.

No, I wasn't brought here by the Shadows as a trophy mouse, but it was time for me to learn to rock.

Whiskers and pink tongues surged at the lounge and slobber covered my delicate claws. All of the Shadows sliced the air at once. “Whoaaaaa,” I recoiled. "Leave me alone, you big bullies!"

Summoning all the strength of my vanquished ego, I transformed myself. My body quickly outgrew its underbelly hideout. Unsheathing my ruby claws, I somersaulted forward like a Ninja warrior and shot right past the astounded Shadows. I had changed into a bloodcurdling streak, a terror to be reckoned with. And I was free at last!


Text: Copyright c CactusRose
Publication Date: 04-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to Rainier, the mouse in my house

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