» Fiction » Seven Summer Nights by Ashok aatreya (romantic novels to read .TXT) 📕

Book online «Seven Summer Nights by Ashok aatreya (romantic novels to read .TXT) 📕». Author Ashok aatreya

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Seven summer nights

Sameer, the doyen of six letters Kathak dance, belonging to a typical orthodox family, was shocked to see, the latest nude photograph of his wife Julia, appeared on the cover of the top American fashion magazine Vogue, showing ‘tattoo’ on her body of ‘his erstwhile Indian husband’ with a dancing Peacock. Fortunately he had risen to meteoric heights in his prime youth, painting space by his graceful, amazing spell bound dance performances, but after having spent, only seven summer night’s shortest affair, culminating into a wedlock with an American suburban girl, when he got this information through S.M.S, he was thrilled to know that his wife also acquired a twist as a stripper… It was his all time nostalgia.
The photo-feature was the ‘balance-sheet’ of his seven day- married life highlighting the renowned Indian dancer Sameer who mixed many other forms of folk styles, with his intricate movements and synchronous pulse of musical instruments, illuminated space through seven-storied lamps and painted the portrait of the chief guests on floor by his magical foot-work, was divorced without notice by his American ex- housewife. Interestingly she was also engaged as a researcher for her Post doctoral work but before her award of degree she turned back to be a stripper.
The magazine cover-story gave a sketchy exposure to all that strange event-‘single mum (She was already married and divorced with a child from an American ) and busty blonde Julia in reality was a part time employee in regular pay role, for last four years at Ontario- Ohio’s gentleman’s strip club but after the new adventure and come back , she believed to have pocketed a hefty 1000.000 American dollars for giving stripped poses for the magazine and telling about her secret stories of her seven summer night married life in India as it was a part of her research for her post doctoral degree offered to her as special case for the shortest duration. That made her a detached person as she never took anything on heart and had clarity in mind that she was living an experimenta life…more like a social scientist and less as a human being.
On the other side of the fence, Sameer started loving her so much that he was not ready to take off his ‘flight’ so suddenly…in a caught unaware situation. For him it was a stunning turn of events.
She never told her husband that she came to India only for completing her last part of doctoral research on Indian husbands, which had already taken her two years including her earlier tours to India for collection of formal data about other husbands but her marrying with Indian dancer Sameer only for seven days was also an integrally formal part of that post doctoral degree which was based on practical aspect of research which meant marriage also. She had crossed many crossroads during this short span than she had in previous twenty years of her life.
That way Julia got married temporarily for a week with her new Indian acquaintance since she had to narrate every minute detail of their married days in the concluding chapter of her thesis.
Julia even did not have time to announce split and say good-bye to her husband in stipulated time after she submitted her thesis and on that basis she was to be awarded a doctoral degree. In the past during her seven days married life, she never told his spouse that she was already a divorce having a child and since long was performing, under the stage name of Anna, in strip club was professionally a part of the set up. On the contrary, when she left her husband suddenly telephoning him from Airport about her leaving for America by the same night flight, after the Ashram incident, Sameer innocently took all that misfortune on his part, he felt guilty and rather anxiously thought about her return. But she had no plan of come- back.

He also informed her in the same evening, prior to his friend’s communication that a ballet which was being presented by his group in the capital. That was Sameer’s most enchanting evening and for the first time he unfolded a blend of classical Kathak with traditional ‘Bhavai-Terahtali’ ballet with noted danseuse Parvati in the changed format of mesmerizing love story.
On the stage, after spell-bound performance, when he folded his hands before audience he remembered by heart his loving wife. He speedily reached the green room…his eye’s were closed and he was completely lost in her thoughts and reflections.
After few minutes, he found himself surrounded by Press…but again, when his mobile enchanted Peacock’s tone, he thought for a second… the call might be from Julia…but he was not right…it was about Julia…the ring tone was very much familiar…but the husky sad voice of his American friend told him another story…the story of a spontaneous tragedy of his life…yes Julia left him in degrees of separation…everything was now crystal clear...the green room of Kamani Auditorium of capital whispered the fading words of his lost love in the darkening night…and with shining nude photo’s with his friend’s S.M.S, finally left no space for any dialogue in future.

His good lady showed Sameer a clean pair of heels in the new summer darkness. He felt for that moment as if there was pin drop silence in his life after hell of noise…It was a heart breaking affair and he left the green room without informing anyone. He gave the horse his head and drove away from the enthusiasts who had gathered to enjoy that unique evening choreography…specially his vibrant and sparkling foot work weaving charming music and light and shades presentation with a team of fifty dancers with flow of spontaneous emotions .But now his real world was lost and he could not imagine life without Julia.

Was it a dream? He thought again and again…!
Julia is now a history…his story !How could an Indian husband of Sameer’s background forget those rosy five years, when both of them enjoyed the most exciting time of their elegant love and married life. The years of sharing and serving the cool shades and tastes of trust of tree… the moments and memories lived together…That all was not a dream but a reality. Sameer had his own answer to this question…Yes. It was never a dream, although, there was angst quarrel or resentment and fear of breaking of ties that very morning when he slapped her in the guest room but they immediately patched up all that instead of living in separated compartments or ‘Kopbhavans’ (exile) individually… they felt his or her bleeding of hearts, their mind discovered and played the game of consoling…How then all of a sudden the scenario changed…? What’s gone wrong with Julia, why she changed the track, her priorities and new life style searched new comfort zones?...Nothing was clear in Sameer’s mind. But from her point of view, perhaps, everything seemed pre- planned, formal and mechanical…their so called love before so called marriage was a positive disaster…rather an anarchic human passion. For her there was no word for love, and no understanding of the institution of marriage…as there was no traditional system involved in their marriage…but abrupt and absurd rituals in a very odd way in his village home following the wrath of people, even threats of ‘honor killing’…made her to be prepared for all eventualities, that way she very well played her part in her own manner, might be true to her own self. As she was also committed to her doctoral research work, that demanded such ‘detached’ and ‘formal-informal’ relationship. That all was decided, to be ended with share of surprises or ‘believe it or not’ realities…and the tail end of his ‘lost-love’ was Julia’s bunt and silent action with a big disheartening shock .From her side the script of his future was written …perhaps after that she had no time to even think and talk to him on telephone…no more research on Indian husband! who was now going to ask her if she was unfair to Sameer? She abruptly ended her ties, even without informing him of her latest moves… adventures of her life For the entire period of their ‘so called married life , she could hide all her private leanings and liking and working of her previous career as a striptease dancer was shocking to Sameer but was all bare facts of life..
Unfortunately Julia neither shared this hidden weakness nor he ever smelt anything of this in their short but meaningful and sweet relations… the S.M.S revealed a nasty split and there remained no chance of rapprochement with his spouse.

Sameer remembered to have met her one afternoon at the Railway reservation counter when she was enquiring for conducting a tour by Palace on Wheel, a super special tourist train. At that time she was looking like a Hippy girl not carrying anything…even no baggage. She was wearing crotch tight jeans and repulsive wind blowing very lose almost hanging topper on her shoulders exposing most part of her bushy un waxed arms and bare bosoms .To him, her unconventional dress code, became his mental crude exercise of ribbing and jibes, Sameer immediately thought to make her a ‘target’ and went close, suggesting her that she could get the complete and better information from inside office of RTDC
He even took an initiative and escorted her in finding nearby information chamber…he got her good literature printed colored folders and lot of other material for her use and within no time made brief acquaintance with her and after exploring a chance Sameer accompanied her to sight seeing of important historical monuments and places of tourist attraction.
The denizens of Mars(East) and Venus(West), in a very short time became intimate .The moment they came out of the RTDC office and Julia thanked him formally for help, Sameer perhaps chew the cud and before she bade him good-buy, he told her-‘If you don’t mind I may offer you a cup of tea in the Railway canteen.?’
‘Oh no thanks…me’ …Julia could not complete her sentence…and Sameer very politely told-‘It’s nothing but an Indian’s friendly gesture…it’s not right that you have not even disclosed your name…at least…!’
‘I am Julia from U.S.
Sameer extended his hand and formally introduced him although she did not demand it.
After few steps they reached in the canteen…he went to counter and brought two ready-made cups of dip tea …Julia accepted the cup. Her fingers touch stirred Sameer’s heart.
‘When you plan to move from here? Sameer showed his first round of interest in her. His body language was poor.
‘May be any day…I am not sure.’ Julia intelligently handled his question.
‘Oh, I ssss…see. ’Sameer could not know how to connect now… to tell her something .He was in silent mode.
‘Do you live in Jaipoor? After a long pause she asked.
‘Yes for last three hundred years (Julia was surprised to hear)…I mean my great grand fathers came here before this city was founded…They were Raja’s special advisor .Our great grand father came from Bharatpur which was a Jat state. I tell you who are Jats. We are fighters… that means …, again he could not complete his sentence and was confused.’
‘Oh it is interesting…so you are a historical man…Julia cut a joke.
‘Yes we still have history… our that one… that house…now ruined…but a big old lock still protecting our properties…now it’s hhh…heritage building…in Amber…a tourist attraction…you know where is Amber…you want to go …the old capital of this city where we are standing…!Sameer wanted to impress her by giving

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