Stolen Dreams by Heather M. Borger (most read books in the world of all time .TXT) 📕

- Author: Heather M. Borger
Book online «Stolen Dreams by Heather M. Borger (most read books in the world of all time .TXT) 📕». Author Heather M. Borger
Skye walked briskly back toward the boat, ignoring Brock’s pleas to stop and listen to him.
About four blocks later, Skye had to admit she was helplessly lost. Turning toward Brock who was, by now, only a step behind her; she threw her arms in the air and sobbed, “Which way is the dock?”
“I’ll show you if you’ll sit and talk to me first.”
Skye huffed and sat on the bench Brock was motioning toward.
Aware Skye wasn’t going to be the first to talk, Brock began hesitantly, “You know I care about you more than anything else, right?”
“Apparently not enough to keep my problems out of your family discussions.”
“You can’t keep everyone in the dark, Skye. People want to help you.”
“Maybe I don’t want help. Maybe I thought you would be the only person that I would tell.”
“Why?” Brock didn’t understand why Skye would want to go through this practically alone.
“You know why. As soon as my mom finds out she’ll have a wonderful time using this against me. She’ll remind me every minute how I’m ruining her life. She’ll have to sit down with my dad and complain that now she has to put up with me all year long since I’m certain he won’t let me on the ship with him once he finds out. If no one knows, then no one can pity me. I don’t want to wonder who’s watching me; wondering if I reapplied my sunscreen recently enough. I just didn’t want anyone to know. I told you because I trusted you and I needed someone to help me work things out. But, so far, all you’ve been willing to do is tell me that I need to listen to my doctor. Oh, and tell your mom about everything. I’m sorry, Brock, but this is my life, and I should have the right to live it how I want.”
Brock looked at her unpleasantly. “I’m sorry too.”
“Well, it’s too late to change anything. You already told your mom. By the time we get back to the island, everyone will know.”
Brock was clearly offended, “First of all, she won’t tell anyone. Second, that’s not what I’m sorry about.”
Skye shot him a questioning glance.
“It appears you’ve already given up. I’m sorry you’re letting this beat you. Just imagine, wouldn’t this have been a great opportunity to show everyone what you’re made of?”
Brock got up and began to walk away. Skye jumped up to follow him.
“I’m not giving up! Brock, listen to me. I just don’t know what I’m living for
He turned to face her for just a second, “Then you better figure it out pretty quickly."
Skye spent the afternoon refusing to eat; sitting on the deck of the boat. Brock tried to get her to eat once more before giving up, “I can still make you a sandwich if you’d like."
“Not hungry.” Skye was short.
“Have it your way. I’ll wake you in the morning.” He trudged back down to the lower level of the boat and Skye heard the door slam.
Moments later, Skye heard a familiar voice call her name. “Skye?"
She spun to face the dock, “Hi, Chase. How are you?”
Chase stepped into the boat as he began to talk, “Well, I’m okay. One-night-stands aren’t really my thing though, so I thought maybe I could take you out for a little."
Before she could answer, Skye heard Brock’s feet storming up the stairs.
“Get off my boat. She’s not going anywhere today.”
Caught off guard, Chase stepped backwards. “Whoa, sorry, pal. You have a problem with me asking Skye to go out today?”
“I might not if I knew she’d be back at a reasonable time.”
Brock took a step forward, but Chase stood his ground.
Looking at Skye, Brock spoke sharply. “You aren’t going anywhere today. You need to get some sleep.”
“I don’t recall hearing Dr. Miller tell me I needed a good night’s sleep.”
Brock pleaded with Skye, “Please don’t go anywhere tonight. You need to be ready for your surgery tomorrow by six thirty.”
“Tomorrow already?” Chase spoke up.
“You told him?” The surprise and hurt were evident in Brock’s voice.
Skye ignored the pain on her friend’s face and looked at Chase, “Yeah, the doctor wants to be sure I go through with it, I guess. So, he scheduled it for first thing tomorrow morning.”
Looking at Brock, Chase spoke cautiously, “I’ll be sure she’s not gone long. Let me take her for a little.”
“Are you seriously asking my permission?” Brock was near laughter at Chase’s request.
“Well, not really, but I was hoping to appear polite. In the end, Skye’s going to decide whether she’s going with me - not you.”
Skye moved between them and looked first at Brock. “If you try to stop me, I won’t be back tonight.” Turning to Chase, she smiled and pointed to the dock, “Let’s go. I need a break.”
“What’s the deal with him? I thought you said you weren’t together.”
“We’re not.” Skye paused, then continued with a slight grin, “I’m not his type.”
“Then why the possessive attitude about you?”
“Probably because I’ve never put him second to anyone and I’ve always listened to him without question. Yesterday was the first time he had to accept that it may not always be that way.”
“Is that because you’re rebelling, or because you just don’t agree with him this time?”
“I don’t agree this time. I’ve always believed he had my best interest in mind, but this time he doesn’t seem to care what I’m feeling.”
Chase looked at her carefully, “Maybe that’s because he can see past the feelings to what really matters this time.”
Skye wasn’t sure how to take his suggestion. “Are you saying you agree with him?”
“I don’t know the severity of the situation you’re in, but I think you have to consider that just because you’ve always wanted to do something, doesn’t make it the right choice for you.” Chase paused, “Do you believe in fate?”
Skye grinned, “I don’t know. I guess I do. Why?”
Chase stopped walking and turned to face Skye, “I believe everything happens for a reason. I think this happened to you for a reason and you have to figure out what that reason is. Maybe it just happened to get you to wake up and live a little. Maybe it happened to stop you from doing something you shouldn’t. Brock seems to care about you a lot. I think he’s only trying to help you.”
“So you think I should listen to him?”
“I think you should try to figure out if you have other options that you just haven’t been willing to consider before now. Try to figure out why this is happening to you.”
“What if I can’t think of any good reason for this to happen?”
“It’ll come to you someday.”
Chase smiled at Skye and took her hand. He couldn’t help but think that maybe this happened to Skye because it was the only thing that would bring her to the mainland so they’d have a chance to meet.
“Why don’t I walk you back to the boat? You need time to think. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Okay, but I’m heading back to the island right after the surgery. I guess you’ll have to come see me there next time.” Skye smiled.
“Okay. Is that an invitation?” Chase didn’t flinch.
“Yeah, sure.” Skye answered, although she didn’t expect his offer was anything more than a friendly way of saying good-bye.
They walked back to the dock; very few words being spoken as Chase lead the way.
“Well, listen, good luck tomorrow.” Chase looked at Skye carefully, “I hope I see you again sometime.”
“Thanks.” Skye smiled and turned to walk on-board the boat.
Brock was already waiting on the deck as she stepped on. He glanced from Skye to Chase. “I didn’t expect you back so early.”
“Can we talk?” Skye’s voice wasn’t as harsh as earlier.
“I’d like that.” Brock’s smile grew. An apologetic look at Chase followed, “Thanks.”
Chase nodded and stepped off the boat.
Skye looked at Brock sheepishly, “I’m kinda hungry all of a sudden.”
He smiled at her, “Let’s go down below; I’ll make you a sandwich and you can tell me what changed your mind.”
“Don’t go that far. I didn’t really change my mind, I’m just considering that, possibly, I should be happy to have the surgery and accept that I may still be capable of great things.”
“Chase convinced you of all that in less than an hour?”
“You sound disappointed.”
“Well, come on. I’ve been trying for days to convince you that you should have the surgery and take it from there.”
Skye looked at him and smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry. I just figured you may have had ulterior motives when you were trying to persuade me to go through with all this. I needed to hear it from someone who had no reason to try and shape my future.” She looked at him suspiciously, “It was
a complete coincidence that I met Chase last night, wasn’t it?”
Slightly offended, but happy to think Skye was finally seeing things his way, Brock quickly replied, “Yes. Entirely a coincidence.”
“Okay. Then, I stand by what I said. I needed to hear that this was necessary from someone who didn’t have ulterior motives.”
“Do you think you’ll ever see him again.”
“Nope. He was kind enough to offer to come to the island, but I’m sure I’ve seen him for the last time.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m thinking maybe he’s better for you than I am.”
Skye smiled. “Don’t go putting yourself down. You’re all I can handle right now.”
Skye spent the evening alone, taking into consideration that Chase was right and there might be a significant reason for the situation she found herself in. Nothing came to her, however, and she drifted off to sleep. A sleep filled with nightmares. The rocking boat seemed to encourage her subconscious fears that her father was in real trouble. The water had been rougher than normal lately; a sure sign that an intense hurricane season was not far off.
By four in the morning, she got up to wait for Brock. Sitting on the deck of the boat, Skye tried calling home to check if anyone had left a message. Maybe her dad had tried calling them. No luck.
Deep in thought, she was easily startled by Brock’s sudden appearance.
“You’re up early.
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