Stolen Dreams by Heather M. Borger (most read books in the world of all time .TXT) 📕

- Author: Heather M. Borger
Book online «Stolen Dreams by Heather M. Borger (most read books in the world of all time .TXT) 📕». Author Heather M. Borger
Skye set the phone down gently on its receiver. No tears found their way down her cheeks. She expected this news. Fighting the anger, instead, she walked as calmly as she could, out of her room and through the house. She knew where to go. There was only one place on the island she wanted to be right now.
All her life, Skye lived on a quiet, nearly uninhabited island. Her father, although a very caring and loving man, was rarely around; he studied marine life around the world from a research barge. Her mother disliked island life and disappeared for weeks at a time on trips to the mainland. The rest of the island’s residents were scientists and biologists dedicated to the research and preservation of marine life. They were, nevertheless, more like family to Skye than her parents. She was home schooled the essentials by her mother, and taught life lessons by everyone else.
Last week, one of the scientists suggested she head to the mainland with her mother and see a doctor about her skin. Today the doctor called to confirm the early stages of melanoma.
Skye walked softly through the hot sand headed for her favorite spot. Sitting under the scant shade of a coconut tree, she pulled her legs up tight to her chest and rested her head on her knees. Looking out over the ocean, it was easy to forget that anything was wrong in her life. The blue waves lapped the sandy shoreline and calmed her with their relaxing rhythm. A soft breeze gently brushed her hair across her face. It was then that she noticed the first tears forming. Her hair blowing against her tear-stained cheek stuck and she pushed it aside as if her hair was to blame for her problems.
Why her? Why was she being put in this situation? She had always followed the rules: use sunscreen, keep covered, stay out of the sun when possible, and check your skin regularly. It was the last rule that initiated her concern a few months ago when she noticed a tiny spot on her left thigh. At first, she thought it was a speck of sand, stuck there from her swim. Sand that didn’t rub off. A few days later, she noticed how badly it began to itch. Confiding in her closest friend - one of the island’s many scientists, she decided to get it checked. Now, passing her hand over the small scar that would soon be replaced by a much larger one after she consented to further surgery, Skye remembered the concern over that tiny mark. Brock begged her to rush off to the mainland immediately, offering to stay home from work and take her there himself if she’d be more comfortable. She turned down his offer, promising to go with her mother. Knowing that it wouldn’t take long for Alaina to visit the mainland again, he agreed to let her wait. Brock would be the first person Skye told. Maybe he’d be the only person she told. In any event, he should know before anyone else.
A dolphin leaped in the distance. Skye smiled, wishing she felt so carefree today. On any other day she’d run to the water and try to swim out there before it got bored and swam away. Today, Skye didn’t think she had the energy. She scanned the horizon farther out. It was late May. Hurricane season would be upon them shortly and her father’s research ship would be returning any day now. He would spend six months writing research papers and presenting his work at conferences until he could return safely to the sea in December. That’s when Skye had planned to go with him. It was going to be her first research trip with him and she had been so excited. For two years since finishing all her high school requirements, Skye was confined to the island learning all she could in her father’s so-called ‘on-the-job-training.’ This wasn’t what she wanted, however. She wanted to be out there. On the ocean. In the sun. Unfortunately, those dreams may have just slipped out of her reach.
The playful dolphin was still waiting so patiently. Skye wondered if it was Sadie. Sadie seemed to know when Skye needed a friend. She decided to go for a swim. Nothing she did today would change the past, so there was no use dwelling on it.
The refreshing feel of the warm water against her skin reminded Skye why she loved it so much on the island. She should have been born a dolphin. Or, at least, a fish. Reaching the buoy that the mysterious dolphin had been jumping around, Skye quickly confirmed that it was, indeed, her friend Sadie.
Two years ago, Sadie stranded herself on the beach. Skye’s father had been instrumental in organizing the successful attempt to return her to the water. Every day that winter, however, the young dolphin returned. She never stranded again, but a friendship formed between Skye and the dolphin that no one ever expected. She named the dolphin Sadie. Now, years later, Sadie continued to beg almost daily for attention from Skye.
After an invigorating hour in the water, Sadie took off after a fish and Skye quickly returned to the beach. Looking up at the sun, she knew it was almost three in the afternoon. Brock would be stopping by to visit any minute now and Skye could finally tell him about the phone call.
He could tell from her position against the tree that Skye was unhappy. She often sat there watching the water, hoping Sadie would stop by for a swim. Today, however, her shoulders slumped and her head was resting on her knees. Skye’s typical, happy, alert, and upright position was nowhere to be seen this afternoon. Bracing himself for what he’d hoped he’d never hear, Brock approached her quietly.
He sat down quietly next to Skye. She tensed, but didn’t turn to face him.
He took a deep breath, “Not good news today?”
Finally, she shifted her weight. Shaking her head, she looked at him.
Brock sighed heavily and frowned. As the tears began to roll down Skye’s face, he became aware of his mistake.
She cried out, “Don’t give me that look!” She couldn’t believe Brock of all people would be the one to chastise her so quickly.
“I’m sorry! You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, that’s the problem. You did mean it like that. You think this is all my own fault. That I could have prevented it and that I should just suck it up and deal with it. You also know that’s not going to happen. This is going to destroy me.”
“Skye, no. I’m sorry. I just … I’m no good at this … I’m so sorry. What can I do for you?”
Skye got up to leave. “Nothing. You’ve done enough. I’ll see you around.” She couldn’t believe she had waited all afternoon to talk to him and this is how he reacted.
Thinking quickly, Brock yelled after her, “Your mom’s home.”
Skye spun back to look at him. “What?”
“She got back to the island this afternoon. If you go home, she’ll ask you what’s wrong. Stay and talk to me, instead.”
“She’s not home. This was her last trip before my dad gets back. She would never cut it short.”
“Your dad called the lab today. They had some trouble and had to dock for a few days. He won’t be back for another two weeks. Your mom found out and came to get a few things.”
“Yeah, that sounds like her.”
“Look, Skye, I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think that I was in any way criticizing you. This isn’t your fault. I just didn’t know what to say. I was hoping it would never come to this. Let me help you. You’ll get through this.”
Skye sat back down.
Brock continued, trying to be more careful, “What did he say?”
“He told me that the biopsy tested positive for the early stages of melanoma. He feels confident that if I go back and they do further surgery, they’ll confirm that it hasn’t spread yet.”
“But, that’s wonderful news! You’ll be fine, Skye!”
Skye fought the tears, but they were getting close to escaping again. “He also said that if I don’t want to be back in his office in a few years, I need to stay out of the sun from now on. Sunscreen won’t be enough to protect me anymore.” As the tears flowed freely, Skye sobbed, “He told me to get off the island and find an indoor job on the mainland if I don’t want the melanoma to return."
Brock shook his head. The island was Skye’s life. Not to mention that he didn’t know how he’d handle adjusting to life on the island without her. “There has to be another way, Skye. There are indoor jobs here on the island. He’s a surgeon. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t know what we do here."
“I don’t want an indoor job. In a few months I’m heading out with my dad and I’m helping him on the water.”
Brock ignored her confident declaration. He didn’t even want her going out on the water before this new development. Her father’s job was too risky. “When are they doing the surgery?"
“I have to go back to talk with the surgeon and make an appointment."
“I’ll take you this time.”
“I haven't decided if I’m going.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No. What will it change?”
“What if they’re wrong about the size? What if it did spread? You need to get it checked.”
“Right now, I need to decide if anything they tell me will change my mind. Then, I can decide if I’m going through with it.”
“Please have the surgery.”
“I’m considering it. Can we talk about something else?”
“Yeah, sure. Like what?”
“What kind of boat trouble did my dad have?”
“Oh, nothing major, I guess. Just a minor engine issue. They got docked and fixed it quickly, but had to go relatively far out of the way to find someplace to dock. Now, they’re behind schedule and farther from home than they should be.”
“They’ll get back in time, though, won’t they?”
Brock smiled at Skye’s concern, “Knowing your dad, they’ll be home in plenty of time. He won’t take any chances.”
“I was getting worried. They didn’t call this week.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d noticed."
Skye laughed. “Not notice that my
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