» Fiction » Bloody Apples by Agent Aries (read an ebook week .txt) 📕

Book online «Bloody Apples by Agent Aries (read an ebook week .txt) 📕». Author Agent Aries

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is my Uncle Tommy.How did you get here?I thought you were in the next town over?I thought-I thought that everyone was dead."I said with a grim smile.

"I thought so too, but I hadda check.Ya know?It was a bitch gettin' 'ere though but I'm glad I made the trip.Eh,girlie?"His thick accent, a leftover of his time living in Texas, made me smile, nodding.

Then the sound of a distant explosion made everyone jump in surprise, me in guilt.There could have been only one thing able to explode in town and judging from the look of mirth in Aaron's eyes he knew what it was too.

Aaron looked down at me before laughing his ass off.His laughter was a mixture of relief, amazment and disbelief.He picked me up effortlessly and settled on the couch with me on his lap.

"What was that?"Uncle Tommy asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"I-uh,I didn't mean-um..."I squirmed, a flush of embaressment burning my cheeks for some reason.

"What happened?"Iri asked taking a seat on the floor while Uncle Tommy sat in the chair.

"Well, we were getting provisions and these medieval nut jobs started shooting at us, calling Percy ' my lady' and whatnot."Aaron said, playing with my hair.

"Percy?"Uncle Tom asked me.

"Yeah, that's my name now.Short for Persephone."He nodded in approval before motioning Aaron to continue.

"Anyways.We managed to get out of the house they surrounded us in and were running when they started following us in a truck.I thought my heart was going to stop when Percy here, stopped, turned towards the truck which was going around thirty miles per hour.Then she did the most amazing thing I've ever seen.She shot out both front tires and made the whole truck flip.That explosion is most likely the truck.I never thought I'd see that outside of hollywood."He chuckled lightly, but his grip flexed trying to reaffirm that I was there.

"HAHAHA!That's my girl!A regular Laura Croft ain't 'cha.Now where's that no good brother of mine?And your mama and lil sis 'eh?"Uncle Tom's grin faded as he took in my expression, Aaron's hand rubbing soothing circles in my lower back.

"What happened girlie?"Uncle Tom asked agan in a softer voice.

I remained silent, looking over at Iris then Aaron.Aaron nodded and got up, dislodging me from his lap.

"Come on Iri, you'll never guess what Percy found for you."Aaron said taking the girl in a firm hand and leading her to the kitchen.

I looked at the closed door for a moment,drawing strength from Iri's shriek of joy, before taking a deep breath and looking at Uncle Tom.

"Please don't hate me Uncle Tommy."I said, cringing inside.

"You know I never could girlie."Uncle Tommy said, sitting next to me on the couch giving me a side hug.

"I-I killed them."I whimpered softly, hiding my face in my hands.

"You what?!"For some reason his responce made me feel alert, it almost seemed practiced, too quickly said without his accent.What was I thinking, he just learned that his niece killed his brother and his sister in law, of course he would sound odd.

"Dad started drinking after the First Night and went crazy when mom got bitten and locked her in thier room saying that she just had a cold and would get better soon.Then h-he -,"I choked on a sob before continuing,"He threw Serenity into a horde of zombies and beat me.I snapped and killed him then mom who was passed saving."I hiccupped.

Things were so silent that it was painful.It was like an aweful wieght that never got lighter, only heavier and heavier.

"I-I need to go outside."Uncle Tom got up, his frustration and grief radiating from him, though he didn't seem surprised oddly enough.I shook away the uneasy feeling when my own grief welled up.

I flinched when I heard him slam the door violently enough to make the windows rattle and go to the back yard before screaming at the top of his lungs, cursing the entire world.During his screaming the door opened softly and two pairs of arms wrapped around me, one small and one big.

"God I hate crying."I moaned as fat tears slid down my face,my eyes feeling sore and heavy.

"Are you gonna be ok Percy?"I opened my eyes to find Iris looked up at me worried.

"I'll be ok sweetie.After all I have you and Aaron to help me right?"I looked up at Aaron and his simple nod made my chest warm up.

"Of course,love.Of course."My eyes widened slightly at his words before I smiled, a different kind of tears pooling in my eyes.

"I love you both."I said softly cuddling with Iri and Aaron on the couch, the grieving cries from the backyard like a faint echo of the bitter past.

We stayed like that for a while before Aaron got up dragging me with him to the kitchen, while Iri went to check on Uncle Tommy.

He opened the fridge to show to full shelves.I felt strangely proud of the way it looked, the shelves barely able to hold all of the stuff from our raid.Aaron grabbed two beers and handed one to me before opening one for himself.

I laughed so hard my stomache hurt when the beer sprayed him down like a unkinked hose.His face screwed up in startlement and shock before relaxing into a full bellied laugh that I've never heard from him before.We laughed until tears came to our eyes and our ribs hurt before grabbing a towel to wipe him down.I reached around him, my back to the counter and him in front of me, dapping his beer soaked face and ruffling his wet hair until it was dry.I was about to leave to put away the towel when he trapped me,putting both of his hands on the counter behind me.

"Hmm?What's wrong?"I asked, his eyes dark and serious, the muscules in his jaw tense.

"Who were they?"His voice was steady but there was something underneath it that I couldn't identify.

"The Order?"

"Yeah, who is this Oracle guy whose 'courting' you?"He growled, picking me up and setting me down on top of the counter, his body leaning in to prevent escape.

"A-are you jealous?"I asked in disbelief.

"Maybe I am.Who is he?"He possitively growled in a way that would have seemed threatening but was actually pocessive.

I kissed him, fully and deeply until we both were panting.I smiled at his heated gaze and cupped his face, his week old beard rubbing against my skin.

"There is no need to be jealous.I'm yours ok?All yours."He seemed to relax a little at my words and nodded.

"Ok.Still though, who are these nut jobs?"He pressed.

"Alright, The Order is a bunch of religous zealots that clustered at the church around a month after the First Night.They believe that everyone is damned to become a zombie from the time they are born unless they repent before they die.The Oracle is the creepy old history teacher from my highschool named Marton Fin.He tried to have me become a priestess, but really that meant to become his personal bitch."Aaron's deep savage growl startled me then made me laugh, kissing his cheek.

"You really are a papa bear aren't you?Anyways now they have this whole idea that I'm some sort of goddess come to wipe out the unbelievers or some other nonsense.I don't really pay attention to Fin's ravings.Usually his flunkies try to corner and capture me but a few well placed bullets solve the situation pretty quickly."

"He sounds insane."

"He is insane.I'm not sure how he got all the other survivors to follow him but what goes down in his base is pretty fucked up.It's like one big fuck party and everyone is strung out on homemade drugs and alchohal.I was curious the first time he invited me, that was before I knew he was crazy, and went to the church.I didn't even go inside when he opened the door it was that bad.They were so starved that they were fighting over bones and I almost puked when I saw this girl I used to go to school with eating a raw rotted bird.I could hear screams coming from the basement but I was too chicken shit to even step inside the door.I just ran and after putting a few bullets in the air I managed to get away.Because of that he seems dead set on having me be a deity whatever thing."I bit out in repulsion recalling the filth in the church and my own cowardess.

"If he gets near you again I'm going to kill him."Aaron hissed burying his nose in my neck and picking me up.

"Where are you taking me?"I ask mildly as we past the living room where Iri and Uncle Tom were playing a game of go fish,Uncle Tommy's eyes cutting to Aaron then me before returning to the game.His eyes unsettled me for a moment, probably because of the mirrored grief.Yeah, definitely that.

"To bed."He yawned, my following soon after.

"Oh,ok."I said, the days events suddenly making me very tired,I don't even think my eyes were closed before I fell asleep on the bed.

What a day.

Cocky son of a-oh!

I moaned my displeasure when someone nudged me none too gently.When a giggle responded to my moan I knew who the culprite was.I burrowed deeper into the blankets, ignoring the small child until she finally got close enough for me to reach out and suck her underneath the blankets with a shriek.

"Good morning!"Iri's sweet giggles made me smile and I tightened my grip around her.

"Percy it's time wake up.Come on!"

"Urgh...Why?"I whined into her blonde hair.

"Come on you promised me that you would make apple pancakes.Please?Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-"I slapped a hand over her mouth, having no recollection of promising her that.

"Fine!Fine.God damn."I cursed half heartedly and threw the covers over, inciting a grumble behind me.

Oh yeah Aaron was here too.I was getting up slowly trying not to wake him further when a strong hand wrapped around my waist and dragged me under the covers, much like I did to Iri, just in time for my uncle to walk in and see me disappear.

"Al-I mean Percy are you alright?"He asked, bemusement clearly in his tone, though was it my imagination or did he sound slightly pissed?

"Yes.I'm perfectly ok.However there seems to be a sleeping bear here unwilling to let go.I'll be downstairs in a hour or so.Can you start a fire in the stove Uncle Tommy?" I said, Aaron's deep breathing blowing acrossed my neck.

"Sure, come on Iri.Mommy and daddy need time to wake up."I would have blushed if Aaron hadn't distracted me by latching onto the hickey on my neck, making me gasp.

I heard the two pairs of feet leave and the door click closed behind them and I let out a sigh before wiggling against Aaron, dislodging his lips with a wet pop.

"Aaron?Aaron wake up babe.Aaron."I said softly turning my head to look at him.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was deep and steady and also didn't have me fooled for a moment.

"Aaron I know you're awake."I dead panned and wiggled more to get out his arms.

It back fired horridly when he brought me closer to his chest and chuckled.I was going to try and escape again when my thigh brushed against something hard.I knew exactly what it was and for some reason I didn't struggle even more to get out his arms.Instead a dark heat shot down my body to settle almost unbearably low in my body.When I didn't move away he reached

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