» Fiction » Bloody Apples by Agent Aries (read an ebook week .txt) 📕

Book online «Bloody Apples by Agent Aries (read an ebook week .txt) 📕». Author Agent Aries

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acrossed my body and settled his large calloused hand on the bare skin of my waist underneath my shirt.Slowly he moved his hand up my ribs, causing my breath to hitch and a tingling sensation to flood my body.And since I didn't sleep with a bra his hand found my breast easily, massaging the mound and making my hitched breaths turn to pants.

"A-Aaron?I havn't-I've never-"I gasped when he flipped us and suddenly he was on top of me, his legs between mine and both his hands on either side of my head.

"Do you want me to stop?"His voice was deep and gravelly from sleep and his eyes were as dark as the forest at midnight.

I couldn't speak for a moment.My body overwhelming me with sensations and cravings while my mind warned me of the consequences.

"Have protection?"Was all I could say and he grinned wickedly reaching over to open the drawer in the nightstand beside the bed, the sound of a foil wrapper making my logic fly out the window.

"Yes."He smirked before lowering himself to kiss and nip my skin leaving red marks.

"Ok."His grin grew wider and he pulled off my shirt, leaving me topless.

"Try not to scream for me,hmm?"He smiled like a cheeky brat just given his favorite treat.

"You cocky son of a-oh!"And just like that my brain melted like butter in a microwave.


Perfect Morning

My body felt wonderfully sore and my heart felt completely filled with warmth and joy, a rare combination these days.I got up, pulling the sheet with me to protect me from the early morning chill.My legs were weak but I could stand and I looked over at the one responcible.

Aaron was staring at me through a heavy lidded gaze that made me want to hop in bed again but I restrained myself and mentally thanked my brief expirmentation with drums, for my parents were forced to sound proof my room lest they couldn't sleep.My brow furrowed in pleasant surprise when I realised that my heart didn't get lanced with pain like it usually did when I thought of my parents.

"Aaron you should really get up or else Iri is going to come in and see you in the buff."I suggested.

"What time is it?"He groaned as he sat up.

"Um, around 10:30 ish?"I said looking at the rising sun through the window, time wasn't really well kept anymore because I mean really?It's not like you have to be on time anymore. Plus all the clocks have stopped working by now.

"AM?"He groaned, rolling of the bed sluggishly.

"Yep."I dressed, wincing every once in a while and stripped the bed while Aaron dressed.

Aaron was buttoning his pants when Iri bursted through the door.She was obviously disapointed not catching us asleep so she could jump on us.

"What's taking so long Percy?"She hounded on me as I shoved the stained sheets into the laundry basket,before she could see them.

"Oh, you know how papa bear is."I said evasively.

"Oh, that's true."She grumbled and went over to harrass her brother.

I chuckled and walked downstairs leaving Aaron to his fate.Downstairs in the kitchen I found Uncle Tommy in the kitchen stoking the little woodstove.

"Good morning Uncle Tommy."I said cheerily going to the cupboard and grabbing the pancake mix.

"And a good morning to you Alex,oops I mean Percy."I giggled at his mistake and started slicing up a apple from the fruit bowl.

There was a good natured silence as I prepped the apple pancakes and he sat down studying me.

"Does he treat ya well, girlie?"He suddenly asked, the parental violence ready to strike at Aaron if I said no.

"Yes,yes he does."I assured him pouring the mix into the pan and watching the two pancakes cook.

"Do ya love 'im?"The question caught me off guard and caused an instant blush.

Briefly I thought it was odd of Uncle Tommy to be so inquisitive.Normally he didn't pry into emtoional matters, he just sorta picked up on it and was just there as back up to whatever desicion was made.In fact he seemed almost like-I nearly smacked myself in the head for such a ridiculous thought.He was my uncle, there was no way he could be.

At his impatient cough I focused back to the question he asked before my thoughts wandered.Did I really love Aaron?I thought about the way I felt around him.How everything seemed just a bit easier to bare with him.Like everything was going to be ok.Silly,considering the whole end-of-the-world thing but that's the truth.

"I-I do.Very much."I admitted, flipping the pancakes and readying a plate.

"Good ta know that I won't hafta castrate 'im."I choked on a giggle of surprise and flipped the pancakes on the plate, pouring more on the pan.

"Be nice."I admonished him and the entrance of Aaron and Iris allowed me to busy myself with the pancakes.

Soon twelve perfect apple pancakes were finished, not including the two burned ones, and divided up on four plates.Damn, I always seemed to burn at least one pancake lately, though the rest were perfection.

"Alright breakfast is served."I said proudly and settled down with the rest in eating pancakes.

The entire morning passed in a blissful atmosphere, almost like the world outside never changed and there was no Infection.I can't remember smiling so much in a morning and I felt so grateful to whatever being or god allowed it to happen.

Around lunchtime I was reading in the dozing Aaron's lap when Iri bursted in the living room giddy and excited.Aaron and I both tried to follow her chatter but eventually gave up and waited for her to run out of breath.

"So?Can we?"She finally said normally at speed we could follow.

"Can we what?"Aaron asked for me, waking up from his daze.

"Uncle Tommy suggested that we get flowers for mom' grave.Can we go flower picking?Please?For mom?"I sighed and leaned back into Aaron's chest.

"Well,I don't know.What do you think Percy?"I closed my eyes and sighed again.

"I don't know.I mean with what happened yesterday..."I trailed off as my uncle walked in the room.

"Come on girlie.Let the kid pick some flowers for 'er mom."My uncle tried to insist.


"Girlie,I think ya should relax.Ya blew 'em up, right? I don't think they'll come back for more so soon,eh?"My uncle reasoned, a undertone of desperation in his voice.

That combined with Iri's big shiney eyes made me sigh in defeat.

"Sure, why not?"


"What are these ones?"Iri asked with a handful of tiny blue flowers she picked from the green grass that covered the park we went to for flowers.

"Those are forget-me-nots."I said picking a white sweetpea flower and putting it in her blonde hair.

Aaron and Uncle Tom watched like guardians from on top of the hill of the park.We were all, except for Iri, on high alert ready for a zombie to stroll by, attracted by our noise.Albietly not really necessary since the zombies were mostly in town where the living meat was.

"And this one.What's this one?"Iri was exstatic, jumping all over the place and picking whatever flower she saw.

"That's a sweetpea flower.They turn into beans later in the fall."I supplied taking a moment to finally relax.

Then I heard a sound.Like a car.Coming rapidly closer.

"Aaron do you-Aaron!"I shrieked when I saw him fall face first with a bruise swelling rapidly on his cheek.

"Aaron?Aaron!"Iri cried, tears flowing down her face as she tried to rush towards him.

I held her back, fighting my own urge to rush over and help.I glared at my uncle, the man who smugly looked down at us, my hand twitching to my gun.

"What are you doing?"I hissed, growing even more enraged when my uncle kicked Aaron down the hill.

When Aaron was close enough I rushed to him, yelling at Iri to stay behind me.I kneeled protectively near Aaron, one hand trying to shake him awake and the other holding a trained gun on my relative.

"Put the gun down Alex.Ya don't know how ta use it.Plus ya wouldn't pull the trigger on your own family,would ya girlie?"My uncle's grin grew slightly sadistic and crazed, something I've seen many times before on my own father's face.

How could have I missed the swirl of maddness in his eyes?No wait, I didn't miss it, I just ignored it.I ignored all of the strangeness.I just let the signs pass me, hoping that everything was ok.I ignored it all like a fairytail believing idiot!

"Try me.Why did you do-Iri!"I screamed when a car screeched behind me and a pair of arms grabbed Iris from the back seat.

She struggled, the flower falling out of her hair, until suddenly someone hit the back of her head and she was still.I shot at the car as the door slammed closed and they drove away with my precious baby inside.My baby was gone, taken by The Order.How did this happen?It was too fast to be coincidence.Who did this?Who-Him.

Something audibly snapped inside me and I swung my murderous gaze to the man who professed to be my uncle.

"Now now, don't be so upset girlie.There's no-"My uncle tried to calm me down like I was still a child.

"Upset?I don't think you understand what you just did.You just kidnapped my baby from me and knocked out my lover.No you don't understand.I'm not upset.I'm murderous."I hissed, pointing my gun again at him, too angry to cry over the fact that the last of my bood kin betrayed me.


"That's not my name!It's Persephone!"I spit, acid boiling in my viens.

"Perc-"I shot my gun, hitting him in the leg.

His scream of shocked anger was like music to my ears as I stormed up the hill and kicked out his other leg.This man was no kin of mine, in fact he was nothing to me anymore.Nothing,nothing but an insect.And I will pull off his legs like a curious child.

"Wha-what are ya doin' girlie?"He hissed up at me.

"Shut up!I'm going to make you pay in blood you bastard!I'm going to make you beg me to end your miserable, pathetic excuse of a life.But I won't.I won't end your agony until I have my daughter back."I grinded my heel into his spurting wound, elicting another scream.

"Females are truely terrorfying creatures.Unlike males we are physically weak and are meant by nature to give life, not take it.We are fierce protectors and we crave on a basic level to have something to nuture, wether it be blood kin or not, the same species or not.We are able to attain a ultimate strength for our charges and would battle hell to save them.So imagine what happens when someone takes thier child right in front of them."I heard a groan faintly from Aaron but was too busy in my rage to look back.

"It twists us.We become something like a flipped coin.We become vengeful.We become

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