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Title: Philosophy of Osteopathy

Author: Andrew T. Still

Release Date: June 22, 2008 [EBook #25864]

Language: English


Produced by Audrey Longhurst, Janet Blenkinship and the
Online Distributed Proofreading Team at

Philosophy of Osteopathy; BY ANDREW T. STILL,

Discoverer of the Science of Osteopathy and
President of the American School
of Osteopathy.

A. T. STILL, Kirksville, Mo

Copyrighted, 1899, by

Lithoprinted by
Edward Brothers, Inc.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


Many of my friends have been anxious ever since Osteopathy became an established fact, that I should write a treatise on the science. But I was never convinced that the time was ripe for such a production, nor am I even now convinced that this is not a little premature. Osteopathy is only in its infancy, it is a great unknown sea just discovered, and as yet we are only acquainted with its shore-tide.

When I saw others who had not more than skimmed the surface of the science, taking up the pen to write books on Osteopathy, and after having carefully examined their productions, found they were drinking from the fountains of old schools of drugs, dragging back the science to the very systems from which I divorced myself so many years ago, and realized that hungry students were ready to swallow such mental poison, dangerous as it was, I became fully awakened to the necessity of some sort of Osteopathic literature for those wishing to be informed.

This book is free from quotations from medical authors, and differs from them in opinion on almost every important question. I do not expect it to meet their approval; such a thing would be unnatural and impossible.

It is my object in this work to teach principles as I understand them, and not rules. I do not instruct the student to punch or pull a certain bone, nerve or muscle for a certain disease, but by a knowledge of the normal and abnormal, I hope to give a specific knowledge for all diseases.

This work has been written a little at a time for several years, just as I could snatch a moment from other cares to devote to it. I have carefully compiled these thoughts into a treatise. Every principle herein laid down has been fairly well tested by myself, and proven true.

The book has been written by myself in my own way, without any ambition to fine writing, but to give to the world a start in a philosophy that may be a guide in the future.

Owing to the great haste with which the book has been rushed through the press to meet the urgent demand, we will ask the indulgence of the public for any imperfection that may appear. Hoping the world may profit by these thoughts, I am,

A. T. Still.
Kirksville, Mo., Sept. 1, 1899.

Some Introductory Remarks. Not a Work of Compilation—Authors Quoted—Method of Reasoning—The Osteopath an Artist—When I Became an Osteopath—Dr. Neal's Opinion—The Opinions of Others—What Studies Necessary—What I Mean by Anatomy—Principles—The Practicing Osteopath's Guide—The Fascia—Not a pleasing Task—Without Accepted Theories—Truths of Nature—Body, Motion and Mind—Osteopathy to Cure Disease—The Osteopath Should Find Health. 11 CHAPTER II.
Osteopathic Explorations. Divisions of the Body—Searching for the Cause—Duty of the Osteopathic Explorer—Classification and Division—The Abnormal—Nerve Powers—Witnesses to Examine—Abnormal Growths—Cerebro Spinal Fluid—Body in Perfect Health—Chemistry—Nature's Chemistry. 29 CHAPTER III.
The Head. A Free Circulation—Death Blows—Something of the Neck—Order of Treatment—The Pelvis—Brains of Animals—Arterial Motion—Mental Vibrations—Overburdening the Mind—Hemiplegia. 43 CHAPTER IV.
Ear Wax and Its Uses. Nature Makes Nothing in Vain—A Successful Experiment—A Question for Ages—The Position—Meaning of Life—Some Questions Asked—Condition in Certain Diseases Caused by Cold—Cerumen in Fluid State—Winter Kills Babies—Some Advice to Mothers—A Case in Point—Connection of the brain and Other Nerves in Digestion—Unaided Investigation. 53 CHAPTER V.
Diseases of the Chest. Where Confined—Consumption—Can Consumption Be Cured—Consumption Described—No Time for Surrender—Cerebral Spinal Fluid—How to Destroy Deadly Bombs of Decay—Battle of Blood for Life—Miliary Tuberculosis—Conversion of Bodies Into Gas—Forming a Tubercle—Breeding Contagion—The Seeds of Disease—Generating Fever—Whooping Cough—Clouds and Lungs Are Much Alike—The Wisdom of Nature—Water Formed in Lungs—The Law of Fives—Feeble Action of Heart—The Heart—From Neck to Heart—Dyspersia or Imperfect Digestion. 68 CHAPTER VI.
The Lymphatics. Importance of the Subject—Demands of Nature on the Lymphatics—Dunglinson's Definition—Dangers of Dead Substances—Lymph Continued—Solvent in Nature—Where Are the Lymphatics Situated?—The Fat and Lean. 104 CHAPTER VII.
The Diaphragm. Investigation—A Struggle With Nature—Lesson of Cause and Effect—Something of Medical Etiquette—The Medical Doctor—An Explorer for Truth Must Be Independent—The Diaphragm Introduced—A Useful Study—Combatting Effect—Is Least Understood—A Case of Bilious Fever—A Demand on the Nerves—Danger of Compression—A Cause for Disease—Was a Mistake Made in the Creation—An Exploration—Result of Removal of Diaphragm—Sustaining Life in Principles—Law Applicable to Other Organs—Power of Diaphragm—Omentum. 114 CHAPTER VIII.
Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Gender of the Liver—Productions of the Liver—A Hope for the Afflicted—Evidences of Truth—Loaded With Ignorance—Lack of Knowledge of the Kidney—How a Purgative Acts—Flux—Bloody Dysentery—Flux More Fully Described—Osteopathic Remedies—Medical Remedies—More of the Osteopathic Remedy. 138 CHAPTER IX.
The Blood. Uses for Fluids—Blood an Unknown Fluid—Harvey Only Reached the Banks of the River of Life—Blood Is Systematically Furnished—Fatality of Ignorance—To Find the Cause Must Be Honest—Following Arteries and Nerves—Feeding the Nerves—The Blood on Its Journey—Powers Necessary to Move Blood—Venous Blood Suspended. 149 CHAPTER X.
The Fascia. Where Is Disease Sown?—An Illustration of Conception—The Greatest Problem—A Fountain of Supply—Fascia Omnipresent—Connection with Spinal Cord—Goes With and Covers All Muscles—Proofs in Contagion—Study of Nerves and Fascia—Tumefy—Tumefaction. 161 CHAPTER XI.
Fevers. Be Armed With Facts—Union of Human Gases With Oxygen—Fever and Nettle-rash. Nature Constructs for a Wise Purpose—Processes of Life Must be Kept in Motion—No Satisfaction from Authors—Animal Heat—Semeiology—Symptomatology—Definition of Fever—Fevers only Effects—Result of Stoppages of Vein or Artery—Aneurisms. 175 CHAPTER XII.
Scarlet Fever and Smallpox. As defined by Allopathy—Scarlet Fever as Defined by Osteopathy—Smallpox—Power to Drive Greater Than in Measles. 190 CHAPTER XIII.
A Chapter of Wonders and Some Valuable Questions. Wonders on the Increase—What Is Life?—How Is Action Produced—Acquaint Yourself With the Machinery—Duty of the Osteopath—Formation of Sacrum—The Pelvis—Appearance of Œdema—Do All Diseases Have Appearance in Œdema. 193 CHAPTER XIV.
Has Man Degenerated? The Advent of Man—Care of the Stock Raiser—Mental Degeneration Makes It Unpleasant for an Original Thinker—Original Thinkers of the Ancients—Methods of Healing—Failure of Allopathy—Primitive Man—Evidences of Prehistoric Man—Mental Dwarfage. 203 CHAPTER XV.
Osteopathic Treatment. Five Points—Visceral List—Care in Treating the Spinal Column—Most Important Chapter—Perfect Drainage—A Natural Cure. 213 CHAPTER XVI.
Reasoning Tests. The Vermiform Appendix—Operating for Appendicitis—Expelling Power of the Vermiform Appendix—Care Exercised in Making Assertions—Reasoning Tests—A List of Unexplained Diseases—Concluding Remarks. 223 CHAPTER XVII.
Obstetrics. Overloading—Similarity of Stomach and Womb—Births—Preparation for Delivery—Caution—Lasceration Need Not Occur—Care of Cord—Severing Cord—Putting on Belly Band—Delivery of Afterbirth—Preparing for Mother's Comfort—Post-Delivery Hemorrhage—Treatment for—Food for Mother—Treatment for Sore Breast. 234 CHAPTER XVIII.
Convulsions. Old Phrases—Results of Stoppage of Fluids—Old Theory of Fits—What the Real Cause may be—Listen for the Cause—What is a Fit—Sensory System Demanding Nourishment—The Causes—The Remedy—Dislocation of Atlas and of the Four Upper Ribs. 250 CHAPTER XIX.
Concluding Remarks. Thoughts for Consideration—Offering a New Philosophy—Lymphatics and Fascia—A Satisfactory Experiment—Natural Washing Out. 258 CHAPTER XX.
The Superior Cervical Ganglion. With What It Has Communication—Its Course—One of its Functions—Stimulation or Inhibition—Result Produced. 263

Philosophy of Osteopathy.

CHAPTER I. Some Introductory Remarks.

Not a Work of Compilation—Authors Quoted—Method of Reasoning—The Osteopath an Artist—When I Became an Osteopath—Dr. Neal's Opinion—The Opinions of Others—What Studies Necessary—What I Mean by Anatomy—Principles—The Practicing Osteopath's Guide—The Fascia—Not a Pleasing Task—Without Accepted Theories—Truths of Nature—Body, Motion and Mind—Osteopathy to Cure Disease—The Osteopath Should Find Health.


To readers of my book on the Philosophy of Osteopathy, I wish to say that I will not tire you with a book of compilations just to sell to the anxious reader. As I have spent thirty years of my life reading and following rules and remedies used for curing, and learned in sorrow it was useless to listen to their claims, for instead of getting good, I obtained much harm therefrom, I asked for, and obtained a mental divorce from them, and I want it to be understood that drugs and I are as far apart as the East is from the West; now, and forever. Henceforth I will follow the dictates of nature in all I say or write.


I quote no authors but God and experience when I write, or lecture to the classes or the masses, because no book written by medical writers can be of much use to us, and it would be very foolish to look to them for advice and instruction on a science they know nothing of. They are illy able to advise for themselves, they have never been asked to advise us, and I am free to say but few persons who have been pupils of my school have tried to get wisdom from medical writers and apply it as worthy to be taught as any part of Osteopathy, philosophy or practice. Several books have been compiled, called "Principles of Osteopathy." They may sell but will fail to give the knowledge the student desires.


The student of any philosophy succeeds best by the more simple methods of reasoning. We reason for needed knowledge only, and should try and start out with as many known facts as possible. If we would reason on diseases of the organs of the head, neck, abdomen or pelvis, we must first know where these organs are, how and from what arteries the eye, ear, or tongue is fed.


I believe you are taught anatomy in our school more thoroughly than any other school to date, because we want you to carry a living picture of all or any part of the body in your mind as a ready painter carries the picture of the face, scenery, beast or any thing he wishes to represent by his brush. He would only be a waster of time and paint and make a daub that would disgust any one who would employ him. We teach you anatomy in all its branches, that you may be able to have and keep a living picture before your mind all the time, so you can see all joints, ligaments, muscles, glands, arteries, veins, lymphatics, fascia superficial and deep, all organs, how they are fed, what they must do, and why they are expected to do a part, and what would follow in case that part was not done well and on time. I feel free to say to my students, keep your minds full of pictures of the normal body all the time, while treating the afflicted.


In answer to the questions of how long have you been teaching this discovery, and what books are essential

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