» History » The Oldest Code of Laws in the World by King of Babylonia Hammurabi (ebook reader for pc and android .txt) 📕

Book online «The Oldest Code of Laws in the World by King of Babylonia Hammurabi (ebook reader for pc and android .txt) 📕». Author King of Babylonia Hammurabi

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@17150@17150-h@17150-h-0.htm.html#crossref40" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">40.

Betrothed, maiden lived in father’s house, 130.

Bigamy, in ignorance, 135.

Blood money.  See Wit.

Boatmen, their duties and privileges, 234-241.
   same word denotes boat-builder (Winckler’s tr.).

Boats, passenger, 276.
   freight boat, 277.
   building, 234.
   of 60 gur, built, 234 (Winckler’s tr.)
   collision of, 241.
   wreck of, 235, 236.

Bond, a written deed or contract—
   needed for legal purchase, 7.
   for debt, 52.
   for storage, 122.
   for legal marriage, 128.
   shepherd’s, 264.

Branding, brander, 226, 227.
   on forehead, for slander, 127.
   slave without consent of owner, 226, 227.

Brawling, in wine shop, 109.

Breach of contract—
   by lessee, 42, 44, 256.  See Lease, Metayer, Neglect.
   of promise, 159.

Breasts, cut off, 194.

Bride-price, a present to prospective father-in-law—
   usually returned with wife to bridegroom, 163.
   given back by husband to divorced wife, if not a mother, 138.
   returned to suitor, if not accepted, 160, 161.
   forfeited if suitor changes his mind, 159.
   if not given back to bridegroom with wife, deducted from marriage portion repaid to father-in-law, on death of wife, without children, 164.
   assessed at one mina of silver, for gentleman, 139.
   ,, one-third mina, for poor man, 139.
   to be set aside for unmarried son, by his brothers, on division of father’s property, 166.

Brothel (?).  See Wine shop.

Builder’s duties and privileges, 228.
   of boats, 234 (Winckler’s tr.).

Burning, as penalty—
   for votary, opening or entering wine shop, 110.
   man and mother in incest, 157.
   thief at fire, 25.

Business.  See Agent, Merchant, Office.

Buyer of benefice must discharge duties, 40.

Calling to account, 42, 108, 112, 113, 116, 124, 133, 141, 194, 255, 265.

Capital suit, 3.

Captives, 133, 280.

Carrier’s privileges and responsibilities, 112.

Cattle, damage feasant pauperies, 57.

Changeling, foisted on parents, 194.

Charges, for warehousing, 121.
   one-sixtieth value, 121.

Children.  See Custody, Mother, Remarriage, Widow.
   born of wife remarried, uuder impression her husband was dead, stay with second husband, 135.
   not to dispute mother’s settlement, 150.
   share equally at father’s death, 165.
   reserving settlements by deed, 165.
   of second marriage to be furnished with bride-price, or portion, 166.
   of different mothers, share separately own mother’s portions, 167.
   but father’s property equally, 167.
   of bride and maid share equally, if latter acknowledged as sons in father’s lifetime, former having preference, 170.
      otherwise, children of maid do not share, 171.
   of slave woman and free father are free, 171.
   of slave man and free mother are free, 175.
   these take half father’s goods at death, 175.

Collision, 241.

Commission, trade on, 100-105.  See Agent, Merchant.

Compensation, for eviction of tenant, Y.
   for highway robbery, 23.

Composition, for loss of life, 224.
   for bride-price, 139.

Concubine, divorced, 137.
   not allowed, if wife provides maid, 144.
   allowed, if votary wife has no children, 145.
   not to rival wife, 145.
   father may give daughter as, 183.
   and give marriage portion, 183.
   if so, she has no share of his goods at his death, 183.
   otherwise, brothers must give her a portion, 184.

Conjugal rights, denial of, 142.

Conscript.  See Militia.

Constable, or bailiff, runner, 36-41.
   not to depute duty, 26.
   in enforced absence on royal business, 27.
   may depute, and resume on return, 27.
   son may be deputy, 28.
   provision for child, in absence, 29.
   neglect of benefice, 30.
   three years’ limit, 30.
   one year does not forfeit, 31.
   captured abroad on king’s business, 32.
      to be ransomed, 32.
   benefice inalienable, 33.
   benefice protected, 34.
   not to be hired out, 35.
      plundered, 35.
      oppressed, 35.
   sale of benefice illegal, 35.
   benefice not to be exchanged, 41.

Contract.  See Bond.

Corn land, 62.

Corporate liability, 23, 32.

Corvée.  See Militia.

Courtship, 159, 161.

Cow, in milk, hire of, 243.

Creditor.  See also Merchant.
   must not ill treat pledge for debt, 116.
   must release at end of three years, 117.
   may sell pledged slave, on removal, 118.
   may not repay himself from debtor’s goods, 113.

Crop, assigned for debt, 51.
   sold at king’s price, 51.

Crown, man’s.  See Strength.

Cultivation of fields—
   operations needful, 43.

Custody of child, in mother, 29.

Cutting down trees—
   assessment of damage, half mina of silver per tree, 59.

Damage to crops, by sheep—
   assessed at twenty gurper gan, 57.
   to ripe crops, at sixty gurper gan, 58.
   by flooding field, 56.
   by cutting down trees, assessed at half mina of silver per tree, 59.

Damages, for breach of contract, 42, 44.
   for eviction from purchase, 12.
   for eviction from house, Y.

Damnum sine injuria, 115, 118, 123, 250.

Date palm, plantation of, X.

Daughter cannot inherit benefice, 38.

Death penalty, inflicted for—
   witchcraft, 1.
   threatening witnesses, 3.
   perjury, 3.
   theft, 4.
   receiving stolen goods, 4.
   buying from domestic inferior, 7.
   taking on deposit from domestic inferior, 7.
   in default of multiple restitution, for theft of second order, 8.
   appropriation of lost properly, 9.
   selling lost property, 10.
   vexatious claim of property as lost, 11.
   kidnapping, 14.
   procuring desertion of slave, 15.
   harbouring fugitive slave, 18.
   ,, of defaulting militia, 16.
   detaining fugitive slave, 18.
   keeping recaptured slave, 19.
   housebreaking, 21.
   highway robbery, 22.
   theft at fire, 25.
   allowing seditious brawling in wine shop, 109.
   rape of betrothed maiden, 130.
   for ganger, constable, neglecting duty, 26.
   ,, ,, sending substitutes, 26.
   causing death of pregnant woman by assault, 210.
   for getting a slave branded unknown to owner, 227.
   for building so badly as to cause death of owner, 229.
   See also Burning, Drowning, Impalement.

Death of defendant, 12.

Debt, abatement for damage by storm, deluge, and drought, 48.
   not to be repaid from debtor’s goods, without his consent, 113.
   hostages for, 117.
   to be well treated, 118.
   released after three years, 117.
   of man before marriage, not binding on wife, 151.
   of woman before marriage, not binding on husband, 151.
   of both after marriage, binding on both, 151.

Debtor’s risk, 48.
   privileged to pay in kind, Z.

Defamation, 161.

Deferred foreclosure, 48.

Degradation from office, 5.

Deification of river Euphrates, 2.

Delegatus non potest delegare, 26, 33.

Deposit.  See Storage, Trust, Warehouse, 7.
   not recoverable unless witnessed and sealed for, 123.
   from domestic inferior, illegal without witnessed contract, 7.

Desertion, by husband, of wife—
   involuntary, 133.
   of city and wife, 136.
   of adoptive parents, 193.

Detention of fugitive slave punished, 19.

Disinheritance, for incest, 159.
   of son, 168.
   not without legal process and for good cause, 168.

Distraint for debt, 114, 115.
   unjustified, fine one-third mina of silver, each time, 114.
   death of person taken in, 115, 110.
   not allowed on warehoused goods, 120.
   of working ox fined, 241.

District liable, for highway robbery, 23.
   for ransom of official, 32.

Diverted to, perhaps ‘captured in,’ Winckler’s tr.

Divorce, 137, 138.
   wife takes her bride-price, 137.
   or fixed sum, one mina of silver from gentleman, 139.
   or fixed sum, one-third mina from poor man, 140.

Doctor, privileges and responsibilities, 215-221.
   fees for cures, 215, 221.
   causes death, 218-220.
   paid by assailant, 206.

Domestic inferior.  See Minor.

Dowry.  See Bride-price.

Drowning, as penalty for—
   selling drink too cheap, 109.
   adultery, 129.
   bad wife, 143.
   incest with daughter-in-law, 155.
   deserting husband’s house in his enforced absence, being provided with proper maintenance, 133.

Dyke, 53.

Ear cut off as penalty, 205.

Endowment of office.  See Benefice.

Equals, assault of, 200, 203, 206.

Evicted purchaser reimbursed, 9.
   tenant reimbursed, Y.

Exchange, of benefice illegal, 41.

Exile, penalty for incest, 154.

Eye, torn out as penalty, 193.
   struck out in assault, 196.
   disease of, 215.
   cure of, fee for, ten shekels of silver, 215.
   loss of eye, assessed at

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