» Horror » Backwards by ameliamcfloyd (ebook reader color screen TXT) 📕

Book online «Backwards by ameliamcfloyd (ebook reader color screen TXT) 📕». Author ameliamcfloyd

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"We missed you so." Vivienne said excitedly.

"That's right, I'm the same way, without your sweet-crazy way we were nothing special." Said Celeste.

April sighed softly. She was very glad that Celeste had not noticed anything. At least it seemed so, for Celeste knew how to weigh a man in security masterfully and April, which was well aware. But while in Celeste's and Vivienne's eyes appeared normal, or at least pretending April had to stifle the feeling under a mask of cheerfulness.
She was even hotter than it already was.
For some inexplicable reason, everything seemed to blur.
She was dizzy. There was only one way to escape this feeling, she had to get out of here ... somewhere where things were quiet.

Completely ransacked, and with trembling knees, she stole out of the crowded dance floor.
She hoped by Vivienne and Celeste to have remained unnoticed, and left for a brief moment the party. April longed for a bit of fresh air, as the crowd threatened to overwhelm. She struggled the way out. It has operated on time-lag and listless, sometimes determined. After what felt like eternity, she succeeded. Thoughtfully, she strolled toward the trees, where they settled in huge hammocks.
In one hand the vodka - O on the rocks holding, she moved with the others out their Luckies and took out a cigarette. Deepened in search of the lighter, she did not notice who was coming to them.

"Well? Fire from your friends' she heard one say to her all too familiar voice.

The rising flame of his lighter was enough to see who was standing in front of her - it was Marcus. Horror she could barely breathe. Their whole feelings of confusion and uncertainty seemed again to have acquired control over them. It happened just at the time when she was about all that had happened on the dance floor to forget.

"Thanks," I thanked them barely audible.

Marcus walked away with a nice smile, that would designate April at this moment as diabolical. They took a long train of her cigarette.

April could feel how wide the poison in her lungs made. As she watched her surroundings, she began unconsciously, that seemed to her the place vaguely familiar. Like lightning it hit her when she began to remember, was the importance of this place.
In the immediate vicinity, the party was the point at which took Shirley Madison's life and was found dead hours later. This realization made her hair stand on end.

Still in the same moment of her day came back to my mind. It was the day on which the ordeal began ... April knew she would never forget this picture.

They were away with the class on a week-long trip in the neighboring state of New Jersey.
In this hostel April was then witnessed as Shirley, a classmate, so degraded and reduced human was that this is a little later drowned in the Hudson River.

Marcus had attended one of the main culprits. He noted that April had seen him there. He knew only too well that this could not get to the public.
Too much was at stake then and now. His school career would have been jeopardized. Would penetrate the matter even to his father, he was able to inherit from the idea, Palmer Industries, confidently say goodbye.

And there was April's little secret ... your former dependence of ecstasy and marijuana, they still all got ill from Marcus. The disaster would be great if her parents could get a wind of it ... and so one thing led to another. April had to do what ever he wanted her too. She was faster than she was fond of hearing.

That evening he had forced her, at the small banter, as he called it, to participate.
Shirley was the time when she was finally with her strength and her nerves at the end. That night they decided to end their suffering. Shortly after Marcus finished his humiliation at her, she left a suicide note.

This was written:


I do not know if it is possible to summarize my feelings and my anguish into words ....
I do not know whether it is possible to you, you mentally, at least to put there. It's hard to put into words some things that you never even had to learn the hard way. You may laugh at me now, but I tell you, it can make each one of you - any time! I would love to know how you would cope with it when you, almost every day is doing things that you could not even do to animals ... I would be really interested in, how long would you take part, all such a martyrdom physically and mentally. I can tell you, no one makes such a thing with a long ...

At my tormentors, I wanted to say congratulations. Congratulations for what you have done with me. You've done it actually, a soul, and thus broke a man with great success to have. Have you ever wondered what I feel like? What I'm going through right now? I doubt that you have also done this for a second. People who are capable of such a thing, have been born without a heart. You did it really make a cheerful and fun-loving people a physical and mental wreck.
You did it really to change me - for the worse. You've torn wounds never heal again.
Marcus ... that thought just depends only of you I ask you, what happened to you? What happened to you?
When I met you, I never thought in life that made you such a reckless type. What has happened to you, Marcus Palmer? I recognize you no more? Do you? Do you recognize yourself again? Every day, when I was still among you, I am so hoping it will be like old times again. There were times when we laughed together ... There were times when we did crazy things together ... You are a stupid, naive, child, Marcus Palmer! Gladly would I want to ask you, because like so, have driven with the load and the knowledge of a person, a young woman to death, so alive. Just as I know you will you cope with it .. You get along with so many other things too, so why not this time? April ... I wanted to tell you ... I forgive you for your crime ... to forgive is sometimes hard ... but I do it. You can not help ... In love ...

Your Shirley.

After she wrote this suicide note, a tin of exte Shirley Jacky Cola - her new favorite drink. Just a year ago that was unthinkable ... she detested alcohol in any form.
She took a cigarette out of her box. She started smoking even at. Her arms and hands were covered with scars. There were cuts, they had done to themselves. Even that was unthinkable just a year ago. Then she had goals. Then she had fighting spirit ... yes she sprayed formally joy of life and energy. Shirley was once a girl who loved to laugh. She was keen on sports and liked to draw.
Shirley was really good at it. With Marcus, she spent every spare minute ... like whether it's watching movies or when climbing and drawing was. Last fall changed everything. Marcus changed.
Creeping slowly, but he changed ... and Shirley with him.
The only person to whom it granted a glance her soul, gave her confidence, and much more, turned away from her and left her in the lurch.
This bitter realization made her heart is heavy as lead and weep bitter tears.

Shirley put on her black pants and top roamed which a black T - shirt on and a light hooded jacket.
Under cover of darkness, they set out on their way to the Hudson River.

That evening, 19 In July 2009 shortly after midnight she left her room. Tears she walked through the park was another big step. 45 minutes later, she stopped. It had been a very particular spot.

At this point Marcus and she spent her time. They often came here her about her feet on hot summer days in the river to cool.
It was a nice time. She sat down under a tree shortly. There scratched Marcus both her initials and including the words "best friends for ever" field.
Would still be there> The immortalisation 'she thought. Shirley groping in the dark after notches ... and in fact, they were still there.

She took another leave of Marcus ... Your Marcus. Marcus, the witty, charming and insightful young man Just as they got to know him. It poured with rain that night.
Every breath was her difficult as they approached the shore. Fully clothed, she jumped into the warm river.
She took a deep breath and then stopped last the air. Shortly thereafter, she appeared in the black liquid Nothing. Her lungs screamed for air, she felt as though indifferent. She tried to ignore the burning. Several times she had to squirm. A short time later left after this burning.
Has she managed to ignore it? Or is it finally over? She had been dead ... long before Shirley wondering could.

The worst part of the story was, however, that she had liked the schoolgirl and her very hands were tied. Back then it was their last chance to go to school, too often she was then kicked out of school and she needed a degree. It had then been the worst time of their lives. Her eyes were wet, and she swallowed hard.

April was on the verge of losing their internal control have been ... But she made up quickly. She closed her eyes again took a deep breath, took a train from their last cigarette, flicked the butt away and went back to the way of the action.

Vodka - O was now not on the rocks, but she seemed to bother much because it was emptied into a train. They then carelessly threw the plastic cup into the dark abyss of the night.

With a sudden inertia they pulled himself back to their girlfriends back.
Visibly distraught, she fought against the ruminated, people celebrating Mass when they finally Vivienne, the standing with his back to her, saw her. April Vivienne tapped on the shoulder, they noted, however, that she was standing behind her.

"Where have you hanging around again? We have been looking for you all the time, "she asked April tipsy.

"I was smoking outside a short, I thought a little rest would not hurt me, because I grew a bit of vodka to the head, but I'm already feeling better.
Come on, let's dance, "she said calmly.

Vivienne troubled Aprils kind, what they did not show it.

"I'm on it, you're coming with Celeste?" Vivienne asked her friend.

"No I can not feel my legs begin now to burn in pain. I'm really sorry. "She replied exhausted.

Marcus came from behind to Celeste and surprised her. Celeste was very excited about his presence. Marcus tried to make her know how he was here and he was bored with her still rather have before.

"Let's not even because where else do the night away? I have also brought your favorite toy. "He whispered in her ear promising.

"But not about your fiery red Honda?" Celeste speculated enthusiastically.

He nodded.

She looked surprised, after she had received this good news from him.

"And what are you waiting? Let's take a ride. "She whispered in his ear challenging.

"I'm out, have fun and do not look too much
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