» Humor » Pony Waffles by Lauren Twigg (good books to read for teens .TXT) 📕

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Lauren Twiggs story

Dear Alofagia Vito, I know you may not even get this letter, but just in case I just wanted to write all of my adventures information i have obtained throughout my time you have been gone.
It is probably daytime down here, in the krypt that I have gotten myself into, 'mother was never a krypt person' but father was, she loved her father dearly, as much as they loved their only daughter, me of coarse.
I started my adventure... IN PONYVILLE when i was sure i went to sleep, but yet i did ask one of the ponies with their hooves to pinch me...somehow, well anyway I first awoken up in their town square, one of the sweet, cute ponies approached me with a largened gobsmacked open jaw. She was a pink pony with a mark on her flank, it was three balloons. She was holding a waffle in her mouth, that was when I had the idea. I could take my place a doctor here for fillys and colts all around, a gynecologist for ponies.
well, princess celestia, the so-called creator of Equestria, the world i was in, allowed me to be a gynecologist and i got my first patient, it was a yellow pony, her name was fluttershy, of coarse i was a lesbian at the time and i started lowering my hands down the side of the flank of her, she said she had an infection from a rabbit she herself was taking care of, I place my female fingers, with my hoove shaped gloves on through her pussy, but then i had another idea, i shall name all the ponies in this village depending on their colours, and waffle at the end, such as, i will call fluttershy Yellow Waffle.
And I lived a great female pony raping/fingering life afterwards were I had a pony wife were we would have ass sex together and then we had kids and then we lived happily ever after.
from your dearest horse raping daughter...Lauren Twigg.

Alofagia Vito's story

"i'm a fat stupid turd that lies in a toilet, i let my child go out and rape female sexxy horses and have mutated horse children that had large dicks. and i secretly dragged them out at night and suck there dicks"
I'm a stupid turd that sits on the couch (the toilet valve 1) and leaks (cry) like a little turdish baby who's fat.
Well that's pretty much all...

The Gynacologist at work

Well I have to start work, today is tuesday today is the one and only very special day of the year. The time I have been here, when I get to meet the mayor of PonyVille "YAY!".
She, "yes she" asked to meet me, I don't really know why i'm that exited, she is not the most important pony of all of equestria, princess celestia is of coarse. well the mayor wanted to meet me, the one and only Gynacologist for everypony in the very small ponyville containing not even around 200 ponies. If we cut back to my first patient, yellowwaffle aka fluttershy where i shoved my fingers into her vagina because she had rabies from taking care of rabbits. well the mayor heard about that incident but I got off because well...I am a Gynacologist after all. "Soooooo" anyway I have to get going and see her, she may give me a promotion.
It's 12:00pm here and I have just come out of the mayors office, she wanted me there to do one thing, the only thing i'm good at..."A PRIVATE CHECK UP ON HER ASS HOLE" It appeared she had a annaVito stuck in her crack, an annaVito is a type of turd that is hard to get out and has been known to cause BlueWaffle disease.

Princess Molestia was created by me...seriously

This is an ackward moment is it not?, how the princess is like 1002 years old and she loves me to the flesh, I think she even tried shrinking me down to a size of a nail to shove me in her ass:/
I know i'm a lesbian and I would like that stuff, ut come to think of it if I were, wouldn't that mean I would be put up against her poopoo and wouldn't find an exit, I don't really like that happening. She has organised a date today, her monthly check up is ubrupt.
She came to me about an hour later, I put on my glove and checked the outer area of her vagina, nothing unusual, then her backside, once again...nothing unusual, but then she pulled me against her chest and kissed me, The Princess didn't hesitate to flop me one, so we went off and had sex in the back room together.
I cheated, but for the princess, a human female with a cartoon pony female, I like that...

Blue Waffled diseased flavoured Pancakes

So I woke up in bed with celestia, there was hickey marks on her neck. About four, my shirt smelled of shit, so I think Celestia did end up shrinking me down to the size of a nail and…well you know.
She was still asleep so I had to get the fuck out of here before she decides to marry me or some shit, and the smell of shit has a big reason why I’d rather not be with her till the end of time; it reminds me of you Alofagia Vito.

So anyway I packed my bag and left, I couldn’t find my daughter but I still have my sons, I think she might have been stuck in Celestia’s Anna vito crack. But it’s too late for me to go back now; I’ll write myself a condolence sheet later.
I made it as far as the fumes of that shitty turd smelling Anna vito stopped, which was outside the front door. I’d have to think that if I stop now she’ll wake up and drag me back in there “OH GOD!” the thought of it blinds me with thoughts of the depths of hell. I knew I shouldn’t have commented on her draggy white pussy when working on her.
My 2 sons who made it out, Steven, and foster, God they are as brown as a big pieces of shits, and have big massive yellow spots on their faces as if they look like big bulgy zits, oh and one of them looked like me aaw how cute, a midget Lauren twigg on the face of my turdish sons. Well anyway I made it up the road before she found me, I fucked up, I ran like fucking crazy and told Steven, and foster to run too. She was catching up pretty quick, and she was NAKED! Oh wait everypony is always naked in ponyville 0.o

Within a second I was teleported by somepony, I made it with steven but foster was missing, I think just before I was teleported Celestia grab held of Foster with her magic, who knows what might happened to my dear foster, I mean, she could shrink him down to the size of a nail and…well you know. Well I hope that he finds his sister and gets the fuck out of there.
“Steven” reminds me later to write 2 condolence letters.

Filly vagina cake poopoo head with a shitty aftertaste flavoured pancakes

The pony who teleported me was a pony named Twilight…Purple waffles. She told me she used to be Celestia’s bitch and how celestia used to try and shrink her down to the size of a nail and…well you know.

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