» Juvenile Fiction » The Unthinkable by Living·my·life Forever (electronic reader txt) 📕

Book online «The Unthinkable by Living·my·life Forever (electronic reader txt) 📕». Author Living·my·life Forever

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Chapter 1

" If you two don't get your butts down here, I will bring my switch!" Oh, please. My sister and I gathered our tiny amount of clothes and trudged down the stairs to the woman who should have been an actual witch herself.

" Calm down, Ms. Saunders." I said without granting her the opportunity to look into my vibrant hazel eyes.

" Don't you tell me to calm down! Get in the van. Now!" she sounded like a rapist telling us to 'get in the van'. Lori and I laughed at our little comment. We can both hear each other's thoughts. We don't know if it's just because we're twins or the actuality that we are witches. 

We went outside and put our grocery bags that held our clothes in the trunk, then got in the rape van- not really a rape van - and put our seat belts on. Well, tried to. As soon as we got in, this bitch decided to speed off. My sister and I held on for dear life until we got to a stop light. Someone's excited for our adoption.

" Are you crazy?! You could have killed us!" Lori yelled at her.

" You're alive aren't you?" she snickered. I told Lori to calm down before we both regretted it. She wasn't playing around about that switch. 

The scenery around us changed tremendously. It went from dried up grass and wilted trees to flowery meadows and a bright blue sky. The grass was freshly cut and the roads were freshly paved instead of the dirt roads we were used to. There were cute little shops everywhere. They ranged from thrift shops to convenient stores to little eat-in restaurants. It seemed like a whole different world to us. The only places we'd seen like this were in movies. Also, the smells were amazing! It smelled like we were in a bakery the whole drive. It certainly drowned out the smell of cat pee in the rape van.

After the hour long drive, we jumped out of the rape van. Now this is my kind of living! The house was elegant. It was a light brown brick house with a bay window in the front, just like every home on the the street. It had these cute little trees randomly placed in the front yard along with little bunches of flowers near the sidewalk. 

" Hi! Welcome! Lori and Zuri Laschester, right?!" a lady as elegant as the house came running out of her home. She had long dark brown hair with natural caramel streaks flowing through it. Her red dress was tight, showing all her curves, but still making her look very sophisticated. She ambushed us with a massive hug. Who knew someone so small could squeeze the life out of you? 

" Um, could you like, get off?" I grumbled against the huge boob that crashed into my face.

" Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just really excited!"

" Yeah. That's the obvious." my sister and I mumbled together.

" Well, um, my name is Mrs. Nicky Anderson. But you can just call me Nicky. Follow me inside." she gestured for us all to follow her, including the grunting foster care manager. She's just mad because we have an overly nice adoptive mother. Take that bee-yatch!

We walked inside with amazement in our eyes. We were welcomed by a grand staircase in front of us. The floor was a beautiful and shiny mahogany wooden floor. There was a massive chandelier above our heads that sparkled its crystals around the entrance. This place looked more like a museum instead of a regular mansion. 

" You have a lovely home." I told her breathlessly, taking it all in.

" Everyone, the girls are here! Come on down! Thanks, hun! I actually designed this house myself. It's my best work. You see, I'm an architect." she beamed, taking it all in herself.

" That's absolutely amazing!" Lori clapped her hands. She's such a girl.

" If you two mess this up, I will make the rest of your life with me a living hell." Bee-yatch whispered in our ears. Yep. I'm going to call her bee-yatch from now on.

" Honey, you're the one and only messing it up." We whispered back. Nicky looked back at us with a confused face but turned back around when her family came skipping down the steps. 

" What type of family is this? Why the hell are they skipping? This isn't the yellow brick road." ohhh, did I say that out loud? Yeah, you kinda did, dumbass, my sister told me through our minds.

Oh, sorry!

Tell that to THEM!

" I-I, I uh, hmph. I'm really sorry for my outburst." I lowered my head in shame. Well, this is awkward. Especially, in front of that hot guy who was laughing at me. He had hair just like his mother's, except cut in the way guys cut it. It made me want to run up to him and run my hands through its thickness. His muscles popped out from under his tight white shirt. His skin was tanned and when he laughed, the cutest little cresent-shaped dimple was in the middle of his left cheek. The boys eyes were an electrifying light gray with a black ring around them. Those pools made me want to stare at them for hours. But, nah, I think I'll just keep my head down.

Somebody's got a crush.

Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you!

Mad much?


Nicky gave him a look which I'm pretty sure meant that he should stop laughing. After what I said, it seemed like everyone had a little smile on their face. There was the most adorable little girl who was hiding behind her masculine father's leg. She had short blonde hair, in common with her father's, and the squishy-est cheeks! Her eyes were a dark brown with a touch of hazel surrounding the pupil. The father had blonde hair and emerald green eyes that hid behind hipster glasses. His face was very distinguished, just like the business man he probably was.

" Anyways, this is my family. The very rude teen boy over there is Zane." 

So. His name is Zane. Sexy, huh.

Lori, please shut the fuck up! she laughed at me. Of course.

" My husband is Jorge and this is my beautiful daughter Riley." she had the biggest smile on her face as she picked up her daughter. " Zane is sixteen, the same as you girls, and my baby girl is three." 

" It's nice to meet all of you." Lori took charge while I just smiled away. I felt very much like I didn't belong. These people were obviously very successful but me? I'm just me. I'm dressed in tattered clothes, my hair is a long black mop, and I even have a hole in the bottom of my shoe. Pretty much, I look like a hot mess. I'd never get a chance with a guy like Zane.

" Yes, it is very nice to meet all of you." Bee-yatch spoke with her fake ass voice. " If you don't mind, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, could we go into another room so that you can sign this paperwork? It will only take a moment. Then, I'll be on my merry way!" 

" That won't be a problem, Ms?" Mr. Anderson asked.

" Ms. Saunders." she smiled her fake ass smile. They walked down the hall, past the staircase, the first door on the right, to a room I'm guessing was the office. 

We stood for ten minutes in silence until Zane jumped in. " Well, it really is nice to meet you both. Especially you." Wait, what? Me? I pointed at myself. This Zane boy has to be joking. He chuckled a hot, throaty laugh. " Yes, you. What's your name? My mom never really said much about the both of you. I'd like to know your names...especially you. You're hilarious." Great. He thinks I'm hilarious. I'm supposed to be pretty to a guy, not...hilarious. There goes my luck. Straight out the freaking window.

" I'm Zuri and this is my sister Lori. And thanks." 

" You two are very pretty for foster kids, no offense. And are you two really wi-"

" Oh, you're leaving now? We'd love to have you stay for dinner." the grown folks came out of the room after about ten minutes. I couldn't hear what Zane had just said over their footsteps. 

" Yes, I need to get back to the facility. But thank you. I hope you have a great life with these kids. Goodbye!" Yay! Bee-yatch is gone!

" Wait! Ms.Saunders!" Lori and I screamed after the car. We left our clothes in the trunk.

" Ugh! That bitch!" I heard Zane laugh at me again making me realize that I said another thing I shouldn't have said out loud. " I'm sorry again." I rolled my eyes at Zane which made him laugh even harder. He even slapped his knee which definitely was not necessary. I knew he only did it to annoy me. My habit of rolling my eyes forced me into doing it again. At least he stopped laughing but he still had the most cheesy grin on his face. This time, all of them were laughing, even my sister, but I only noticed Zane because he started it. I know what you're thinking though so I had to say it was because he started it.

" O-okay s-so why were you screaming?!" Mrs. Anderson stuttered. She could barely speak past her ferocious laughing. 

" She drove off with our clothes. We barely even had any." I whined. 

" Oh my gosh! Well, she is a bitch! I could sense it on her. Her aura is very thick. Anyways, we'll buy you two a whole new wardrobe." We all laughed at her too. " Come on inside. You know, it's not safe to be in the street like that!" she joked as she put her arms around our shoulders.

" We know." We said as we laughed with her. I like this woman. Her aura is very pure. The color around her is aqua, which means emotional healing and protection. She's a motherly figure. 

" Speaking of aura's, what exactly did you mean? Only certain people can see them." those certain people are witches and warlocks. How would they know? They all paused in their footsteps and looked at us. I'm guessing a long discussion awaits us...

Chapter 2

" Come follow us in the living room." Jorge (pronounced as whore-hey if that makes sense) gestured us to come in his direction. We followed them all into the next room which was right beside the entrance. There wasn't a door but we should have noticed it. 

The room was very modern. There was a glass coffee table in the center of the room which had two white leather futons on either sides. A flat screen tv was at the head of the room and it probably weighed more than all of us put together. The bay window was right beside the tv and had a window seat that I was very tempted to sit in. My mouth was gaped as I

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