» Juvenile Fiction » Missing You by Samara Fitzgerald (android e book reader .txt) 📕

Book online «Missing You by Samara Fitzgerald (android e book reader .txt) 📕». Author Samara Fitzgerald

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Chapter 1

"Come on, Justin. We have to hurry home before Mom and Dad kill us."

Where is he? I have been walking through these woods behind our house for at least 5 minutes. The full moon was shining through the leaves on the trees above, giving me some light so I can see my way through. It is freezing outside, the cold wind nipping at my cheeks so I pulled my jacket closer around me. I continued to look around everywhere for Justin but I still couldn’t find him. As I walked further in the woods, I never knew where I was. I was lost and I didn’t like the feeling of it so I have to hurry and find Justin so I can hurry out of here. I keep calling Justin’s name, but all I could hear was silence. It wasn't really quiet in the woods. As I was walking I can hear the owls hooting and the crickets chirping. Now I'm starting to get scared. I shouldn't have let Justin out of my sight. I paused and a chill ran up my spine as I heard a scream.

"Ebony!" I froze. That was Justin. He's in trouble. I start running toward the direction where I'm hearing Justin's screams. Sweat is beading up at my forehead and all I can think of is what could be possibly causing Justin to scream in such a horrifying way. I can't find him anywhere and now I’m very terrified. I stop at a pair of trees and it is now silent so I slowly walked behind the tree. I gasped by the grotesque scene that was right in front of me. I found Justin, but I was too late. Justin is lying on the ground, his neck shredded open, blood pouring out both the open wound and his mouth. I automatically broke down crying. And I had to keep myself from heaving so I had to keep it down but I can still taste it. That wasn't the only thing that has scared me. There was a wolf on top of him.

"No." I said under my breath but quickly covered my mouth, keeping in my cry but it was too late. The wolf looked up at me and stared. Justin turned his head and blood was pouring out. He tried speaking.

"Ebony." He said, trying to reach out to me but I start backing away. The wolf got off of Justin and start walking towards me.

"Justin, I'll get help." After that, I start running. I was running as fast as I could as if my life depended on it. Well, my life did depend on it. The wolf could be chasing me. As I was running, I heard the howling of the wolf. That's when I woke up. My alarm clock was going off.

I sat up in the bed, trying to steady my heart beat. This nightmare has been happening for five years since I witnessed what happened to Justin. I was only12 and Justin was 7. When I left the woods, I told my mom and dad what happened. They automatically called the police and they searched for my brother's body but they couldn't find it. I knew right then that the wolf has taken it. My parents were so devastated that things had changed ever since. Justin's body was never found.

I reached over and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I put my hand up to my face and felt it was wet. I didn't even know I was crying but I’m not surprised. I really don't feel like going to school but really, I never felt like going to school. Next thing I know, there was a knock at my door.

"Ebony, it’s time to get up. You have to get ready for school." I sighed.

"I'm already awake, mom." I got out of bed and went to my closet. I pulled out a gray rib tank top and some capris. I went to my bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth. After I got dressed, I went to my mirror to check myself out. My eyes were a little puffy from crying but I didn't care. I have pale skin with long, brown hair... well I used to have brown hair until I dyed it. Now it is black. My parents were so mad at me but I liked it so I kept it. I also have emerald green colored eyes. I decided to leave my hair out, framing my head. Many people said that with my hair framing my head, it make my eyes pop out but not literally. I put on a little mascara and went downstairs. By the time I got downstairs, my mom and dad was sitting at the table. My mom had fixed some pancakes, blueberry muffins, and strips of bacon. I grabbed a muffin and sat down. Dad put down his newspaper and looked at me.

"How was your night?"

"It was fine." I took bits and pieces of my muffin and ate it. I really wasn't that hungry. I checked my watch, took another bite out of my muffin and got up. My mom got up the same time.

"Bye sweetie." She gave me a hug and backed up. I grabbed my backpack by the door and left. This was our normal routine every day. It's been this way since Justin's death. I went to my blue Volkswagen bug that I got for my 16th birthday party. I got in the car and looked back towards the house before I drove off. My mom was standing in the doorway. As I drove off, my mom's figure got smaller and smaller.

I get to the school and found a parking spot. As usual, the parking lot is filled with students just getting to the school or they already been here, just hanging out with their friends. I sighed as I got out of my car. Here is another long day at school. I get in the building and go to my locker. My best friend, Jessica, was at her locker next to mine. Jessica and I have been friends since the first grade and now we are seniors. She is like a sister to me. She supported me while I grieved over Justin’s horrible tragedy.

"Hey Ebony." I hugged Jessica before I opened up my locker.

"Hey Jessica." I pulled the locker door open and got out some textbooks. Jessica already had her locker opened. By her facial expression, I could already tell that she had something to tell me. She had a big smile on her face.

"Ebony, you can't believe what happened to me this weekend. You know Adam?"

"Yeah. He's the guy that lives next door to you that you keep talking about." We shut our lockers and start walking to our first class.

"He finally asked me out."

"Oh my gosh. Tell me what happened."

"It's a long story but all you need to know is that he finally found his feelings for me and now we are going on a date tomorrow." Jessica sound really excited. She then turned to me and smiled.

"Ebony, you need to get yourself a boyfriend." I sighed. She is always talking about this.

"You know why I don't want to date. Besides, I don't like any of these guys in this school." Many guys did ask me out but I turned them down. Either they were not my type or they were annoying or just immature.

"Come on. You only had one boyfriend and that was in the 3rd grade." Jessica was talking about Kyle. Kyle and I used to play, saying that we were married and we were really good friends but ever since middle school, he had changed. He tried fitting in with the popular people and he start getting annoying so we stopped being friends. As we were walking down the hallway, Jessica was still complaining, sharing her piece on how I need to start dating, but I wasn't paying attention because something caught my attention. This cute guy was walking down the hallway. He had black tousled hair and  he had the bluest eyes I ever seen. He had high cheekbones, straight nose, and perfect lips. He didn't have a lot of muscles, but he looked lean and strong. I ran my fingers through my hair as I watched him head to the guidance office. I felt my heart beat faster when he turned to look at me. I turned my head away fast as I felt myself blush. I feel so embarrassed. I can't believe that he caught me staring at him. He probably thought that I was weird. I turned back around and he was about to go into the guidance office. Before he went in, he turned to me and gave me a cute, crooked smile. After that, he went in.

"Hey Ebony! What is wrong with you?” I get out of my trance and look at Jessica. Jessica was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." We got to our first period class, Chemistry. Jessica and I are partners so we sit next to each other.

"Alright." Jessica may say this right now, but I know she’s still suspecting what happened. At least she would get off my back for now. As the bell rang, Ms. Brown got up from her desk. Ms. Brown looks like she is in her early 40s but she still looks young for her age.

"Okay class, today we will be doing an experiment." Before she got to say anymore, the cute boy from the hallway came in the class. Oh gosh. As soon as he entered into the classroom, he looked straight at me and smiled. I felt myself blush so I looked down. He didn't just catch my attention; he caught all the girls’ attention, even Ms. Brown. He walked over to Ms. Brown and gave her a note.

"Okay class. We have a new student. His name is Logan." Jessica elbowed my side but I ignored her.

"Isn't he cute?" I continued to ignore her and looked back up. Ms. Brown starts talking again.

"Well Logan. Now I need to figure out where you sit." Ms. Brown starts looking around. All the other girls were pointing beside them, but I just looked away. Ms. Brown looked over to me.

"Jessica, your new seat is beside Amber in the back." Jessica sighed and got her stuff.

"I'll see you after class." Jessica whispered before she left. Ms. Brown turned to Logan.

"Logan you will sit next to Ebony. Ebony will be your lab partner all through the school year. Also she will show you around and help you out. Ebony, please raise your hand." I raised my hand slowly, but I still kept my head down. Next thing I know, Logan put his notebook on the table and sat down. With him sitting really close to me, it made me tense up. I looked up to Ms. Brown as she was beginning class. Even though I was looking forward, from the corner of my eye, I saw Logan looking at me. I tried my best to calm down and get my attention to Ms. Brown again but I couldn’t help but to look over to him.

"Okay class, you will be working with your partners with this lab we are about to start. Pull out your lab books and turn to page 112." Everyone else in the class was getting their materials, starting out the experiment. I got up and went to get the materials. When I got back, I start setting up the materials but from the corner of my eye, I saw Logan was leaning against the lab table, looking at me. Some of his hair was in his face, making him look even cuter. I turned around and jumped when I saw

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