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The Origin of Species

By Charles Darwin.

Table of Contents Titlepage Imprint Epigraphs An Historical Sketch of the Progress of Opinion on the Origin of Species, Previously to the Publication of the First Edition of This Work Introduction The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection I: Variation Under Domestication Causes of Variability Effects of Habit and of the Use or Disuse of Parts; Correlated Variation; Inheritance Character of Domestic Varieties; Difficulty of Distinguishing Between Varieties and Species; Origin of Domestic Varieties from One or More Species Breeds of the Domestic Pigeon, Their Differences and Origin Principles of Selection Anciently Followed, and Their Effects Unconscious Selection Circumstances Favourable to Man’s Power of Selection II: Variation Under Nature Individual Differences Doubtful Species Wide-Ranging, Much Diffused, and Common Species Vary Most Species of the Larger Genera in Each Country Vary More Frequently Than the Species of the Smaller Genera Many of the Species Included Within the Larger Genera Resemble Varieties in Being Very Closely, but Unequally, Related to Each Other, and in Having Restricted Ranges Summary III: Struggle for Existence The Term, Struggle for Existence, Used in a Large Sense Geometrical Ratio of Increase Nature of the Checks to Increase Complex Relations of All Animals and Plants to Each Other in the Struggle for Existence Struggle for Life Most Severe Between Individuals and Varieties of the Same Species IV: Natural Selection; or the Survival of the Fittest Sexual Selection Illustrations of the Action of Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest On the Intercrossing of Individuals Circumstances Favourable for the Production of New Forms Through Natural Selection Extinction Caused by Natural Selection Divergence of Character The Probable Effects of the Action of Natural Selection Through Divergence of Character and Extinction, on the Descendants of a Common Ancestor On the Degree to Which Organisation Tends to Advance Convergence of Character Summary of Chapter V: Laws of Variation Effects of the Increased Use and Disuse of Parts, as Controlled by Natural Selection Acclimatisation Correlated Variation Compensation and Economy of Growth Multiple, Rudimentary, and Lowly-Organised Structures Are Variable A Part Developed in Any Species in an Extraordinary Degree or Manner, in Comparison with the Same Part in Allied Species, Tends to Be Highly Variable Specific Characters More Variable Than Generic Characters Secondary Sexual Characters Variable Distinct Species Present Analogous Variations, So That a Variety of One Species Often Assumes a Character Proper to an Allied Species, or Reverts to Some of the Characters of an Early Progenitor Summary VI: Difficulties of the Theory On the Absence or Rarity of Transitional Varieties On the Origin and Transition of Organic Beings with Peculiar Habits and Structure Organs of Extreme Perfection and Complication Modes of Transition Special Difficulties of the Theory of Natural Selection Organs of Little Apparent Importance, as Affected by Natural Selection Utilitarian Doctrine, How Far True: Beauty, How Acquired Summary: The Law of Unity of Type and of the Conditions of Existence Embraced by the Theory of Natural Selection VII: Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection VIII: Instinct Inherited Changes of Habit or Instinct in Domesticated Animals Special Instincts Instincts of the Cuckoo Slave-Making Instinct Cell-Making Instinct of the Hive-Bee Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection as Applied to Instincts: Neuter and Sterile Insects Summary IX: Hybridism Degrees of Sterility Laws Governing the Sterility of First Crosses and of Hybrids Origin and Causes of the Sterility of First Crosses and of Hybrids Reciprocal Dimorphism and Trimorphism Fertility of Varieties When Crossed, and of Their Mongrel Offspring, Not Universal Hybrids and Mongrels Compared, Independently of Their Fertility Summary of Chapter X: On the Imperfection of the Geological Record On the Lapse of Time, as Inferred from the Rate of Deposition and Extent of Denudation On the Poorness of Palaeontological Collections On the Absence of Numerous Intermediate Varieties in Any Single Formation On the Sudden Appearance of Whole Groups of Allied Species On the Sudden Appearance of Groups of Allied Species in the Lowest Known Fossiliferous Strata XI: On the Geological Succession of Organic Beings On Extinction On the Forms of Life Changing Almost Simultaneously Throughout the World On the Affinities of Extinct Species to Each Other, and to Living Forms On the State of Development of Ancient Compared with Living Forms On the Succession of the Same Types Within the Same Areas, During the Later Tertiary Periods Summary of the Preceding and Present Chapters XII: Geographical Distribution Single Centres of Supposed Creation Means of Dispersal Dispersal During the Glacial Period Alternate Glacial Periods in the North and South XIII: Geographical Distribution—Continued Freshwater Productions On the Inhabitants of Oceanic Islands Absence of Batrachians and Terrestrial Mammals on Oceanic Islands On the Relations of the Inhabitants of Islands to Those of the Nearest Mainland Summary of the Last and Present Chapters XIV: Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology—Embryology—Rudimentary Organs—Classification Analogical Resemblances On the Nature of the Affinities Connecting Organic Beings Morphology Development and Embryology Rudimentary, Atrophied, and Aborted Organs Summary XV: Recapitulation and Conclusion Glossary of the Principal Scientific Terms Used in the Present Volume List of Illustrations Endnotes Colophon Uncopyright Imprint

This ebook is the product of many hours of hard work by volunteers for Standard Ebooks, and builds on the hard work of other literature lovers made possible by the public domain.

This particular ebook is based on a transcription produced for Project Gutenberg and on digital scans available at the HathiTrust Digital Library.

The writing and artwork within are believed to be in the U.S. public domain, and Standard Ebooks releases this ebook edition under the terms in the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. For full license information, see the Uncopyright at the end of this ebook.

Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces ebook editions of public domain literature using modern typography,

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