» Pets » life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕

Book online «life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕». Author kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee

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hand. I walked to the trailer door.  



I grew up on the mountains of Colorado with my family. My herd was small, but every horse was sweet and kind, especially to me. I was the youngest foal in the herd, all of the other foals were either more than eight months, or a yearling. I had a great life as a foal, prancing and playing with the other foals, and having such great fun. I liked every horse in my herd, but the horse I liked most was my mother. She was the kindest and the sweetest horse in all the land. She would never pick a fight with another horse, nor will she bite or kick at another horse. She was the kindest horse I ever knew. I had stayed with my herd until I was two years old. At two years, I had grown taller, and far handsomer. My dun coat had grown silkier and shinier. I stayed with my herd only a few months after my second b-day, until my father was starting to get uneasy. I couldn't understand my father's anxiousness. I had ignored my father's uneasiness until one day he snapped and kicked at me. I knew something was wrong. He snapped at me more, this time he bit me, making me bleed. He snapped and bit me even more, bossed and chased me around, till he had chased me out of the herd. I figured out that my father didn't want me anymore, for whatever reason, so I just walked off, without picking a fight. I had gotten a few yards away from the herd when I heard a buzzing sound above my head.....


My tiny horse hooves thudded against the ground as I joyfully played with a little grulla filly. I nipped the filly's hindquarters, whinnying in delight. The filly kicked at me, giving a nice scratch on the face, but I kept playing. My playing shortly turned into harassment. I did not know I was harassing the little filly. She had enough of it, so she knocked me off my feet, and pounded on me with her little baby hooves. I finally got the hint. I stood up and looked around. I saw 2 mares, a golden dun and a black pinto. I also saw my father, a bright bay stallion. I trotted over to him, and nickered. He turned his head, and ran his soft muzzle down my back. I stood there, enjoying the warm, April sun. I left my father and walked around, my dark bay coat glistening in the sunlight. I nibbled at the sweet grass, and nosed at dandelions. I lifted my head up and looked around, my small eyes darting back and forth. I was bored. Very bored. What could I do? The little filly was nowhere to be seen, and I was the only foal in my small herd. Since I had no horse to play with, I decided to explore the meadow. I trotted over to a group of fir trees, and nibbled at their leaves. While I was pawing at the tree bark, and biting at the leaves, I heard a twig snap. I spun around, whinnying in fright. I saw nothing. Where did that noise come from? I heard a twig snap again, and I did a half-rear, and spun around again. This time, I saw something. It was a horse. It wasn't my father. It was a black horse, with a big black saddle on his back, and a black bridle on his head. He carried a person, a man. The horse raced toward me, and the man lifted his rope. I whinnied in fear and headed for the middle of the meadow, where my herd was. I was almost to my herd when a snake-like thing coiled itself around my neck, holding me fast. I whinnied and neighed for my father, who was only 100 yards away. He heard my frightened screams, and dashed after me. He reared up, and kicked with all his might at the man and the horse. He half-reared and kicked again, this time barely missing the horse's cheekbone. He snorted and kicked again, this time failing miserably. The man let me go, but the rope curled around my father's neck. My father whinnied angrily, and tried to get away, but he rope held him fast. As the black horse and the man lead my father away, I stared. Just stared. My eyes filled with tears. I knew I would never see my father again.



I watched out the window of the car as my dad drove down the highway. Kentucky was beautiful, but it wasn't home. I had a good life back home... Straight A student, lots of friends and I was even about to move up to prelim in eventing with my thoroughbred Oscar, but we had to sell him before we moved. After my mom passed away 2 years ago my dad had a hard time coping and lost his previous job in Harrisburg Illinois. He recently got one in Kentucky and would be working as an assistant trainer at a place called Lane's End and maybe, just maybe, become a full time trainer there. "Alright honey, here we are!" My dad's voice deep and strong rung through the car. He looked at me with a huge grin and I stared at the new house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was a much nicer house then what I thought we would be getting. It was two stories high, had a dark brown wood finish, a porch matching the color of the house wrapped around the whole house. "It's amazing!" I said. "You haven't even seen all of it yet! It gets better!" I could tell my dad was eager to let me explore the rest of the place. "Go on! We'll unpack later check out the rest of the house but I want to take u somewhere in about an hour ok?" I nodded eagerly and jumped out of the car a walked around the house and what I saw was better than anything I ever imagined! There was a barn! It was a six stall barn with an exterior that matched te same color of the house. I sprinted to the inside and stopped and took it all in. 6 huge stalls, a hay loft. I walked into a smaller room, a tack room! It already had saddle racks and bridle hooks put in. I walked out of the tack room and exited the back of the barn. There was 4 big pastures. Each one large enough to allow 3-4 horses enough space to run and play together. I couldn't believe it! My father was the best man ever! "I'm guessing you like it?""Like it? I love it!! It's amazing! Why'd you buy it? I don't have a horse, let alone six!" I laughed a little. "Well, part of the job I've been given is to help ex-race horses to find a new home or recover from an injury etcetera and so forth, so my employers pulled a couple strings and I got the barn and pastures with the house withouht extra charge! "Well it's the best deal that you've ever even given!" I laughed and ran to my father and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you dad." I said quietly."Ok!" He said pretending I didn't say anything,"I have somewhere to take you! It's not boring I promise! Because it involves your favorite things... Horses!"


Raindrops fell softly outside my window. I was a jockey. Racing was my life. Until my beautiful black gelding, Shooting Star, died of a cannon bone accident. I still blamed myself for his death. His end caused no more ridding for me. I believed that there was not a better horse in the world. After six months I still would not leave my house except to go to school. Homeschooling would be ideal, but I didn't have the guts to say anything about it to my Mom or Dad. In fact I didn't have the guts for anything any more. “Can I come in?” My Mom asked through the door. “Sure.” I yelled back. The door squeaked as she opened it. Mom cleared her throat. “Brooke, I know you miss Star. I also know that deep down inside you miss riding.” She pushed my long ebony hair out of my eyes. “I propose that you you take a lesson tomorrow morning.” Although her voice held complete gentleness I knew that it wasn't my choice. “Okay.” “Thank you honey.” Mom whispered. After she left I curled up on my blue bed and looked at my silvery walls. “I just don't know if I’ll be able to stand being around other horses without my Shooting Star.” Then I gazed at the poster of a jockey. I had ripped it when my beautiful boy died.*** My alarm bleeped loudly. “Arrg.” Teenagers like me had a perfect right to sleep in on Saturdays. I rolled over and rubbed my sleepily green eyes. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.*** I stepped out of the car and smelled fresh rain and horse. When my Mom drove away I crept into the barn. Then I noticed a new, Palomino, thoroughbred, horse laying in the shadows. I peered into the dark stall. I noticed her cannon bone was broken. I was sure as shootin’ that this girl wasn't going to make it.


It was a cool, crisp morning when I, Audrey Z, was about to enter a scare of my life. I just exited the halter class. When I was eating my breakfast I saw a girl named Crystal, she went into her Showmanship class with no chain or lead line. Grandma said I should do that. In return, I said really, cool, I will, what do I have to do? Well stop, pivot, back, and trot. Grandma said.I can do it, I said. I practiced after a while. There were two more classes in front of me. We started putting on the details on Just My Jazz, an AQHA horse, otherwise Jazz is her barn name. It was my turn now and I took my chain off and I entered. Me and Jazz were having a great time in the arena. We did awesome and did a perfect job. I got first place, but I've got to be honest, I was the only one in there but it was still pretty awesome. Jazz got plenty of treats and hugs.


I nudged Prancer into a canter. The sun shone through the leaves. The cold frosty air found its way through my jodphurs and t-shirt. The morning misty dew sat lightly upon the colourful flowers. I loved willow creek. A small river ran through the middle of the forest. I came here every day! When I wanted to be alone with Prancer I would bring a book and ride into the middle and sit under the huge oak tree. Today i just wanted to have a bit of free time before breakfast. Mum didn't know I was here. I thought i would go for a 15 minute ride and go home before anyone noticed. I started to

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